The Gazette 1977
Brendan Wallace. form :r Av-ist.-vnt Commission, appointed a temporary Justice Mr- Hubert Wine, Dublin, appointed a temporary Justice 149 Dublin Solicitors Bar Association - Committee and Sub- Co mm i ttecs for 1976-77 200 "ublin Solicitors Bar Association-Account of Meetings held 89 Mr. Joseph Dundon, Senior Vice-Prcsident 208 ENGLISH CASES J" re a Solicitor (12 months suspension) 38 neywood v. Weliers (Client awarded costs paid to solicitor who «lid not pursue action) 38 111 re a Solicitor (Unqualified persons who only copy material do not draw documents) 108 European court decisions Goencn v. Sociaal Economische Raad (Freedom of Sendees) 53 Pcfrenne v. Sabena (Equal pay for women) 53 E-MJ. v. Columbia Broadcasting System, C.B.S. A/S and C.B.S Schallplatten Gmbh (Free Movement of Goods extends to Member States only) 101 Examination Dates and Fees - January to June, 1977 198 «animation Results, April 1976, First, Sccond and Thiid Law 113 Examination Results - August, 1976, First, Second and Third Law 156 Exchange between Irish and Australian Solicitors 116 Exchange Pact between English Law Societv and Paris Bar - April, 1976 * 65 Exchange pact between London and Paris Bars, December, 1975 P 65 r ree Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) - Summary of Report for F . ]976 Z. Z 112 *XAC - Appeal for Solicitors to aid Centres 197 a v a n Duffy, Mr. Justice George — An interim Assessment by Frank ConnoUy 129 a v a n Duffy, Mr. Justice George — A Supplementary ^Assessment by Thomas Conollv, S.C 177 * Jer man Academic Exchange Service — Courses in Modern German law, Advanced German law, European Community .Law and Modern English Law * 36 ^^n e ss + Mahon Prize 1976 for Tax Law and Commercial . L a w 66 "^rporated Law Society - Notice of Dinner Dance - 25th November, 1976 151 institute of Taxation - Seminar on Taxation of Settled Property and Discretionary Trusts - January, 1977 189 uwernational Association of Lawyers or Pax Romana — August Congress .74, i 19 ternational Summer Courses on Legal Aspects of European Integration - Amsterdam, August 1976 57 r! s Jj Society for the Study and practice of European Lav/127, 220 Trust Bank - Procedure for Winding-up 54 ^Supreme Couit upholds Appeal re Trust Bank Creditors ... 58 , ternational B a r Association - Progress Report for 1975 .... 32 «ter-Varsity Law Congress - Wexford, February, 1975 (Jacqueline Maloney) 42 Land Law - Symposium of Reviews on J. C. Wylie's book oy Mr. Justice Henchy, Mr. Ronan Keane. Mr. Maurice Curran, and Mr. Hugh Fitzpatrick 15 ^ S H LEGISLATION °urts of Justice of the European Communities (Perjuries) Act, 19 ?5 53 ^AND REGISTRY y ie ? in Land Certificate do not conform with Entries in Folio 198 8t of Common Omissions and Errors - Schedule L Registered «, Land 2 schedule II, Various Applications 43 eehng 0 f Society with Department of Justice Officials to «uscuss various Land Registry matters 1 aps lodged should be accurate and signed by the person who ^Prepared thorn 80 Ability of New Houses exempt from Stamp Duty to ad valorem duty under new Finance legislation 199 ' lr xry, list of recent acquisitions to 31st July, 1976 135 JJ* and Psychology, October, 1976, Workshop 128 JJ*!* Service Development 29 roico-Legal Society, Committee and programme of Session, , 1976-77 1. 156 to trc Land 149
National Prices Commission Enquiry into Solicitors' Remuneration — Council urges members consulted by Professor Lees to supply him with required information, and to send a copy to the Society's auditors 1 NOTICES Annual Retreat, May, 1976 46 Amalgamations Hugh J. Fitzpatrick, Merrion Square, Dublin, with Fitzpatricks, Stephen Court, Dublin, fiom 1 April, 1976 46 Darley & Co., Kildare Street, Dublin, with Maxwell Weldon, Lower Baggct Street, Dublin 66 Change in Accountancy Examinations 207 Dublin Solicitors Bar Association, Annual Dinner, February, 1977 217 Examiner in Equity 217 Lost Title Deeds Morris Green, Title Deeds of 26 Upper Abbey St, Dublin 1 157 Winifred Murphy, Title Deeds of 99 Swords Road, Dublin 157 Lost Wills Joseph Clancy, (Bettystown Avenue, Raheny, Dublin) 157 John Drake (Cork) 221 William Brown (DargSe Road. Blackrock, Co. Dublin) 157 Terence Lerkin (Ballybrack, Co. Dublin) 157 John Carton (Eray, Co. Wickiow) 221 Alice May McGrath (Belturbet, Cavan) 157 William Ccnr.olly (Athea, Limerick) 181 William Tatton (Ennis, Clare) 137 Samuel James Woods (Ballybofey, Donegal) 137 Anna M. Coster (Drumcondra, Dublin) 181 Madeleine Tracy (Blessington Lane, Dublin) 201 John Williamson Reid (Killester, Dublin) 221 Partnership Wolfe Collins O'Keeffe and Partners, Skibbereen, Clonakilty and Bandon, Co. Cork 23 W. G. Bradley & Sons, Lower Ormond Quay, Dublin 151 Nullity Law — Proposed Government Changes and White Paper 125
OBITUARIES Terence B. Adams, (Tullamore) William Armstrong, Kells, Co. Meath Henry Harte Barry. Kanturk, Co. Cork Edward J. C. Dillon, Dublin Francis J. Farrell, Longford Richard F. Gallagher, Dublin Thomas Gannon, Mohill, Leitrim Thomas J. Guihan, Kenmare, Co. Kerry Patrick Clement Halpenny, Dun Laoghaire District Justice John Carr
178 220 220 220 220 220 178
Martin A. Harvey, Cork
220 116
Mr. Justice Joseph Hughes, Zambia
James F. Kent, Dublin John B. Lynch, Ennis
43 64
Patrick C. Markey, Drogheda, Co. Louth
178 178 220 220 220 220 178
Hugh B. Naughtcn, Galway
Joseph F. Kenny, Dungarvan, Co. Watcrford Stephen Maher, Edenderry, Co. Offaly
James Marshall, Dublin Francis P. McDonnell. Dublin Eamonn O'Carroll, Kilkenny Dr. John O'Shea, Dublin James O'Hanrahan, Kilkenny Mr. Justice Teevan, Dublin Edward Walshe, Birr, Co. Offaly William T. White, Portlaoise
43 64 43 43
ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING Tralee, Co. Kerry, 8tn May, 1976 Welcome to Kerry by Mr. Bailv Scrutineers of Ballot of Council appointed
71 71 71
President's Address Committecs of the Council 71 National Prices Commission Inquiry into Solicitors' Remuneration .7J, 74 Changes in Taxation System 71 Objections to S.167 of Corporation Profits Tax Act, 1975, which prevents Solicitors Profession from taking up Corporate Status 71
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