The Gazette 1977
Criminal Legal Aid Scheme A motion was adopted by a majority vote at a meeting of the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland on 21st July, 1977, recommending that all solicitors on the Criminal Legal Aid Panel withdraw from that panel. The Council felt strongly that the remuneration received by solicitors on the panel for defence work in all Courts, but particularly for trials in the Circuit Criminal Court, the Central Criminal Court and the Special Criminal Court, are totally inadequate and uneconomic. The Council took the view that the recent offer made by the former Minister for Justice of an increase of 40% on the existing scale of remuneration was altogether inadequate in the context that as of now no arrangement exists for the payment of a solicitor's necessary outlay. It is the view of the Council of the Law Society that until such time as acceptable arrangements are made whereby solicitors participating in the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme are reimbursed in respect of outlay and can, within reason, retain the necessary expert witnesses, the Scheme will just not operate. The Council hopes that the early report of the Tormey Commission on the Criminal Legal Aid Scheme and immediate action on its recommendations, will help to solve the present impasse. The President's Diary of Engagements 6th, 7th, 8th May: Incorporated Law Society's Half Yearly Meeting at White's Hotel, Wexford. 13th, 14th, 15th May: Was guest of the Council of the Law Society of Scotland at their Annual Conference at Aviemore, Inverness-shire. Was guest of the President and Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland at their Annual Conference at Cally Hotel, Gatehouse- of-Fleet, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland. Presided at Presentation of Parchments to newly qualified solicitors. As President of the Solicitors' Golfing Society attended the Spring Meeting of the Society at Milltown Golf Club and presented the President's Prize. 9th June: 30th June: 19th May: Was guest of the Automobile Association at Dinner at the Shelbourne Hotel, Dublin. 27th, 28th, 29th May:
Clóracha Radio agus Telefise Dlíodóirí le Gaeilge ag teastáil ón gCumann Chaidrimh Poibli a bhéadh sásta páirt a ghlacadh, anois is arís, i gcláracha Gaeilge radio agus telefise. Cláracha cainte agus cómhrá a bhéadh i gceist. Má tá suim ag baill in a leithéid, is féidir leo sin a chur in iúl don Stuirtheoir Ginearálta, chómh luath agus is féidir. Cuirfear ar fáil sa bhFómhar cúrsa praiticiúil, a mhairfeas ceithre oiche, i scileanna telefise agus radio. TV and Radio ''Appearances" Solicitors who participate in TV or radio programmes, whether discussing matters concerning the profession or not, are asked to make the Public Relations Committee aware of the "appearance" through the Director General's office. This request is made in order that a list may be compiled of contributions by members of the Profession to the media. Solicitors'Accounts (Amendment) Regulations 1977 S.I. No. 242 of 1977 The effect of these regulations is to withdraw the authority given to solicitors under the Solicitors' Accounts (Amendment) Regulations 1976 (S.I. No. 125 of 1976) to open designated client accounts for clients' monies with the named London or Scottish clearing banks or any branch in the United Kingdom or in Northern Ireland of an Irish Associated Bank and also, to designate Allied Irish Banks Ltd. as successor to certain of the Banks deleted from the First Schedule. It is confirmed that the making of Solicitors' Accounts Regulations does not constitute a warranty or representation by the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland as to the suitability of any or all of the Banks named in any Schedule to such Regulations and the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland does not accept any liability whatever for any loss incurred through any act, neglect or default of any such Bank. OBITUARY Mr. Louis Goldberg, B.A., LL.B. (T.C.D.) died on 17th June, 1977, in Dublin. Mr. Godlberg was admitted in Easer Term, 1946, and practised first with Messrs. Hubert Wine & Co. in Grafton Street, Dublin and subsequently became a partner with Messrs. Hugh J. O'Hagan Ward & Co., at 94 Lower Baggot Street, Dublin 2. Mr. Thomas G. Lanigan died in Kilkenny on 7 July, 1977. Mr. Lanigan was admitted in Trinity Term, 1931, and was the senior partner of the firm of Messrs. Lanigan & Nolan at 81, High Street, Kilkenny. Mr. Lanigan was a brother of Mr. Francis Lanigan, State Solicitor for Carlow, and a former President of the Society. 113
19th July:
Attended reception at British Embassy.
28th July:
Attended a dinner in honour of the departing French Ambassador and his wife at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Iveagh House.
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