The Gazette 1977
(21) Registered Owner: Laurence Bergin; Folio No. 7290; Lands: Gorteen; Area: 6a. Or. 22p.; County: Queens. (22) Registered Owner: John Patrick Rutherford; Folio No.: 6754; Lands: Drumroghill; Area: 12a. 3r. 13p.; County: Cavan. (23) Registered Owner: John Lynch; Folio No.: 1911; Lands: Kilfountain; Area: 34a. Or. 15p.; County: Kerry. (24) Registered Owners: James C. Shea and Deborah Shea; Folio No.: 2000; Lands: Boolasallagh; Area: 32a. 2r. 21p.; County: Kerry. (25) Registered Owner: Laurence L. Harnett; Folio No.: 15947; Lands: Abbeyfeale West; Area: 0a. Or. 20p.; County: Limerick. (26) Registered Owner: Bernard Bradley; Folio No.: 8200; Lands: Castlelost; Area: 0a. 2r. 23p. County: Westmeath. (27) Registered Owner: Thomas Gleeson; Folio No.: 8331; Lands: Rath; Area: 5a. lr. 30p.; County: Dublin. (28) Registered Owners: Louis Francis Carroll and Victoria Carroll; Folio No.: 1895L; Lands: The leasehold interest in the property situate in the townland of Marshes Lower, Barony of Dundalk Upper situate to the north of the Long Avenue in the urban district of Dundalk, containing 0a. Or. 12p.; County: Louth. James Joseph Gallagher, deceased, late of 2 St. Margaret's Avenue, Kilbarrack Road, Raheny, Dublin 5. Would any Solicitor or other person having knowledge of a Will executed by the above named deceased who died on the 17th day of April, 1977, please communicate with Messrs. Eamonn Greene and Company, Solicitors, 7 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4. Bayan Ivan GiltsofT, deceased. Would anyone aware of a will made within the last 2 years approximately, by Bayan Ivan GiltsofT, late of Goose Cuckoo Farm, Ashford, Co. Wicklow, who died on 22nd April, 1977, please contact Mrs. P. J. Bridges, Ash Cottage, Cliff Road, North Petherton, Somerset, England. Bridget Madeline Lynch, late of Notre Dame Nursing Home, 12 Gracefield Road, Artane, County Dublin, and formerly of 2 Elgin Road, Ballsbridge, in the City and County of Dublin. Would any Solicitor or other person having knowledge of a Will made by the above-named deceased during the past few years, please communicate with John V. Kelly, Solicitor, Church Street, Cavan, in the County of Cavan. Typist available from 1 st July to work at home. 6 years experience in legal and Court procedure. Phone 941696. Typist with legal experience available. Evenings only. Box No. 158 NOTICES LOST WILLS
Issue of New Land Certificate An application has been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original Certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the certificate is being held. Dated 31st day of July, 1977. N. M. GRIFFITH Registrar of Titles Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. Schedule (1) Registered Owner: Oliver Reilly; Folio No.: 15646; Lands; Curryhills; Area: Oa. 2r. 21 p.; County: Kildare. (2) Registered Owners: Michael Kelliher and Nora Kelliher; Folio No.: 2454; Lands: (1) Coolmagort, (2) Coolmagort (an undivided moiety), (3) Dunloe Upper; Area: (1) 36a. lr. 10p., (2) 29a. 3r. 17p., (3) Oa. 3r. 39p.; County: Kerry. (3) Registered Owner: James Fitzsimons; Folio No.: 20671; Lands: Corgrig; Area: Oa. Or. 27p.; County: Limerick. (4) Registered Owner: Reverend Thomas Lahert; Folio No.: 3056F; Lands: Foilacamin; Area; Oa. lr. 8p.; County: Tipperary. (5) Registered Owner: James Alexander Roulston; Folio No.: 3553; Lands: Trentamucklagh; Area: 112a. 2r. 22p.; County: Donegal. (6) Registered Owner: James Tighe; Folio No.: 5154; Lands: Garrow; Area: 69a. 3r. 10p.; County: Roscommon. (7) Registered Owner: Bartholomew O'Callaghan; Folio No.: 2756; Lands: Mossgrove; Area: 110a. 3r. 8p.; County: Cork. (8) Registered Owner: Patrick O'Neill; Folio No.: 4868F; Lands: Part of the Townland of Tuogh situate in the Barony of Kerry; County: Limerick. (9) Registered Owner: Mary White; Folio No.: 3326; Lands: Ballalease North; County: Dublin. (10) Registered Owner: John Shanahan; Folio No.: 35153; Lands: Dromin Upper; Area: Oa. 2r. 10p.; County: Kerry. (11) Registered Owner: Owen Kinsella; Folio No.: 2379; Lands: (1) Tiknock, (2) Tiknock (an undivided moiety of other part); Area: (1) 99a. lr. 10p., (2)0a. 2r. 34p. County: Wexford. (12) Registered Owners: Francis Conor Ffrench Davis, Ingrid Pery- Knox-Gore; Folio No.: 7025; Lands: (1) Aurora, (2) Aurora (an undivided moiety); Area: (1) 7a. 2r. 20p., (2) 16a. lr. Op.; County: Wicklow. (13) Registered Owners: Alan G. Doyle and Helen Doyle; Folio No.: 49F; Lands: Malahide (situate to the South of the road leading from Malahide to Portmarnock in the non municipal town of Malahide); County: Dublin. (14) Registered Owner: Cornelius Canty; Folio Nos.: 11779 and 11780; Lands: (1) Kilpatrick, (2) Kilpatrick; Area: (1) 68a. 2r. 29p., (2)32a. Or. 33p. (These folios are now closed and the property therein forms the lands Nos. 1 and 2 on folio 42497, County Cork); County: Cork. (15) Registered Owners: James McDonnell and Bridget McDonnell; Folio No.: 10447L; Lands: The leasehold interest in the property situate in part of the Townland of Oldbawn containing 0a. Or. 7p., in the Barony of Upper Cross; County: Dublin. (16) Registered Owner: Lucy Conroy; Folio No.: 568; Lands: Sroove; Area: 15a. Or. 30p; County: Sligo. (17) Registered Owner: Lilian M. E. Quirke; Folio No.: 3614; Lands: Monart East; Area: 48a. 3r. 21p.; County: Wexford. (18) Registered Owner: Mary O'Sullivan; Folio No.: 22389; Lands: Famahoe; Area: 4a. Or. 13p.; County: Cork. (19) Registered Owner: Carol Daly; Folio No.: 3138; Lands: Coolkirky; Area: 70a. 2r. 26p. County: Cork. (20) Registered Owner: Niall P. Hickey; Folio No.: 2404L; Lands: The leasehold interest in the property situate in the property in part of the Townland of Railpark and Barony of North Salt, situate to East of Maynooth to Celbridge Road and Town of Maynooth containing 0a. Or. 21 p. County: Kildare. 96
The Stable Galleries, Charlestown, Ardee, Co. Louth. Tel. 0 4 1 - 4 2 59 SPECIALISTS IN THE SALE OF ANTIQUES Probate Valuations a speciality
126 Broadford Rise, Ballinteer, Dublin 16.
'Phone 9 8 9 9 64
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