The Gazette 1977
EDUCATION Exemptions in Law Examinations
The Education Committee has reviewed the criteria for granting exemptions in Law Examinations and has decided that the following rules shall operate for the Examinations to be held between 19th and 29th August, 1977, and until further notice. 1. No apprentice shall be allowed to enter for the Second Law Examination uunless he has passed the First Law Examination in full. 2. An apprentice will not be allowed to carry two subjects in Second Law and enter for the Third Law Examination at the same time. 3. Where ah apprentice has obtained four exemptions in a single sitting of the Second Law Examination he will be allowed on one occasion only to carry the remaining subject together with the Third Law Examination. 4. Where an apprentice (a) has been allowed to carry one subject of the Second Law Examination together with the Third Law Examination, (b) fails the Second Law subject being carried and (c) does not pass or gain examptions in the Third Law Examination, then the remaining Second Law subject must be repeated by itself only. Examiners' Reports Please note that an examiner's report is available in each subject of the First, Second and Third Law Examinations held in August, 1976, and March, 1977. REGISTER Vacancies for Assistants and Apprentices The Society proposes to open a comprehensive register to include the following categories, viz. Solicitors requiring assistants, Newly qualified solicitors seeking employment, Solicitors having vacancies for apprentices, Persons requiring apprenticeship. No fee will be charged for this service. The relevant form for inclusion on the Register will be available from Solicitors' Buildings, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7. The Register may be inspected during the Society's office hours, 9.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. and 2.20 p.m. - 5.30 p.m. Please address all queries regarding the scheme to the Education Offficer. SOLICITORS' BUILDINGS, FOUR COURTS Please note that the Society's Four Courts office (except for the Library) will be closed during the month of August. Members requiring consultation rooms will be facilitated in Blackhall Place.
As part of its First Programme the Law Reform Commission is making a study of the law relating to the liability for injuries or damage caused by animals, and would welcome submissions from the Society or suggestions on any aspect of the problem which should be brought to the notice of the Commission. The Commission's work will involve an examination of the present state of the law and consideration of whether there is justification for the continuation of the doctrine of scienter and whether any distinction should be made between liability for animals used for, and necessary for, the owner's or keeper's trade or business and liability for other animals. It will also involve an examination of the necessity for or the desirability of a continued distinction being made between the liability of those who keep wild animals and that of those who keep what are regarded in law as domestic animals. Members wishing to assist the Law Reform Commission in its examination of this subject are invited to submit comments to the Society's Parliamentary Committee which will correlate the material and forward it to the Law Reform Commission. Contributions should be addressed to: The Director General, The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, Solicitors' Buildings, Blackhall Place, Dublin 7, and be marked for the attention of the Parliamentary Committee. V.A.T. ON LEGAL SERVICES The Sixth Council Directive on the Harmonisation of Value Added Taxes was adopted by the Council of the European Communities on 17th May, 1977. Under Annex F of this Directive member States may continue to exempt the services supplied by lawyers during a transitional period which shall last initially for five years as from 1st January, 1978 (the date specified for the Directive to come into operation). At the end of this 5-year period the situation shall be reviewed by the E.E.C. Council and further derogations may be granted where necessary. The attention of members is drawn to the fact that at present V.A.T. charged on Solicitors' Fees in England, and in other Countries where V.A.T. on legal services has already been introduced, is not payable in Ireland.
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