The Gazette 1977
France continues to protect her producers by closing her market to imports when the price of lamb drops and only allows imports when prices rise above the threshold level. But even then, Irish lamb carries a heavy levy entering the market. Britain, on the other hand, because of her geographical location, can often beat Ireland into France when the market opens and therefore supplies nearly half of France's 53,000 tons of import requirements compared with Ireland's 3,000 to 4,000 tons. The balance comes from Eastern European countries, Bulgaria in particular. France imports 28% of her 190,000-ton lamb consumption each year, so access for Ireland on an all- year-round basis would mean exports of 6,000 tons or more, worth in the region of £12 million, a major fillip to sheep producers especially in the poorer regions of the country, and would constitute a mere tenth of France's total imports. Mr. Clinton had hoped that the Community spirit might have persuaded the French to allow some concessions in the case of Irish lamb exports on the grounds that, according to the Treaty of Rome, preference should be shown by the EEC countries for the produce of other Member States, and also the fact that the French might reasonably be expected to show a preference for Irish produce against that of Eastern European countries. The 27th Congress of the Union Internationale des Avocats will be held in Zagreb, 4 - 9 September, 1977. Programmes and application forms may be obtained from the Kongresna Kancelarija, xxvii Kongres U.I.A., Zrinjevac 15, 41000 Zagreb, Yugoslavia. Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats The Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats will be holding its 15th Annual Congress in Christ Church and Merton College, Oxford, 12 - 16 September, 1977. Working topics include Employment Protection — an International Survey, Harmonisation of Laws in the E.E.C. — what progress after 21 years? The Rights of the accused from the time of arrest. Further information is available from the National Vice-President of the A.I.J.A., John Maycock, Messrs. Crossman, Block & Keith, Solicitors, 199 Strand, London WC2R 1DR. International Bar Association Section on Business Law The third Conference of the I.B.A. Business Law Section will be held 2 - 5, November, 1977, at the Hyatt Regency Hotek, Atlanta. The Working Programme will include lectures and discussions on MaritimeTransport and Aeronautical Law, Company Law, Insolvency and Liquidations, Patents, Trademarks and Copyrights, Sale of Goods, Labour Law and Consumer Affairs, Advertising, Unfair Competition and Product Liability. Membership, Registration Forms and details of travel arrangements may be obtained from the Director- General, The International Bar Association, Byron House, 7 - 9 St. James's Street, London SWIA I EE. 84 FORTHCOMING CONFERENCES Union Internationale des Avocats
1 1 - 1 6 SEPTEMBER, 1978
In order to present a comprehensive travel programme for the 1978 I.B.A. Conference in Sydney, the Society is seeking an estimate of the number of people who will be travelling from Ireland. Members who are considering attending the Sydney Conference are requested to complete the short questionnaire which is inserted looseleaf in this issue of the GAZETTE.
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