The Gazette 1976




Parliamentary D. Binchy, Chairman; W. B. Allen, J. J. Nash, R. Monahan, W. A. Osborne, P. F. O'Donnell, A. E. Collins, A. Smyth, Brian Russell, A. Bourke. Company Law B- O'Connor, Chairman, P. Kilroy, W. Beatty, M- G. Dickson, F- Daly, L- Shields, H. Fry, A. Collins, Miss M. Finlay, J- O'Dwyer, M. Irvine. Disciplinary T. A. O'Reilly, F. Lanigan, R. McD. Taylor, J. Maher, P. Noonan, T- Bacon, T. Jackson, R. O'Connor, P. G. Moore-

Law Clerks Joint Labour Committee are passed, the overheads will be practically wiped out, due to office expenses. Consequently Mr. Crivon felt it would be necessary to consider charging apprenticeship premiums. Mr. Buckley said that they were unhappy that the standards had not been raised earlier. After seeking much advice, the current thinking seemed to be that education should pay for itself. Mr. W. B. Allen then proposed a vote of thanks to the President for the services he had rendered the Society during the past year. This vote was passed unanimously- The President, replying, expressed thanks to all who had helped him. The meeting then terminated at 4.15 p.m. APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES FOR 1976/77 Registrars & Compensation Fund D. Pigot, Chairman; D. Binchy, A- Smyth, Miss C Killeen, T- D. Shaw, P. F. O'Donnell, W. B. Allen, M. V. O'Mahony, W. D- McEvoy, A. E. Collins, Robert Flynn. Finance G. Hickey, Chairman; D. Binchy, P. Murphy, P. D. M- Prentice, W- A. Osborne, T. D. Shaw, P. C. Moore. Privileges W- B. Allen, Chairman; G. Doyle, J. Carrigan, T. Jackson, J. B. Jermyn, Miss G- Killeen, J. Maher, A. Smyth, T. Shaw, P. C. Moore, Mrs- M- Quinlan, Robert Flynn. Premises Mrs M- Quinlan, Chairman; T. Jackson, G. Hickey, P. C- Moore, P. D. M. Prentice, R. F. O'Donnell, G. J- Moloney, W. A. Osborne. Education M. Curran, Chairman; J- Buckley, R. O'Donnell, A. Bourke, M. V. O'Mahony, Frank Daly. Court Officers & Costs M. P. Houlihan, Chairman; P. Murphy, F. Daly, C. Hogan, G. J. Moloney, P. McEllin, W. D. McEvoy, R. McD. Taylor, F. Lanigan, R. Monahan, L. Cullen, P. Noonan, J. J. Nash, D- Pigot, R. O'Donnell, John Maher. Publin Relations W D. McEvoy, Chairman; A. Smyth, D. Binchy, M. V. O'Mahony, M. P. Houlihan, P. Murphy, John Buckley, Mrs. M. Quinlan, R. T. Monahan, W- A Osborne, F. Daly. Policy B- St. J. Blake, P. C. Moore, J. Carrigan, P. D. M. Prentice, F. Lanigan, J. Maher, J. J. Nash, P. Noonan R. McD Taylor, J. Dundon, W. Beatty, G- Hickey, W. A. Osborne, and Chairman of Committees. EEC & International Affairs A. Bourke, Chairman; J. B. Jermyn, G. J. Moloney, A. E- Collins, R. T- Monahan, M. V. O'Mahony, P. C. Moore.


Please note that the date of the Accountancy Exam- ination as published in the November, 1976, Gazette, has been changed. The Accountancy Examination will be held on 8th June, 1977, and the closing date for receipt of entries is the 20th May, 1977.

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