The Gazette 1974
such manner and to such degree as to render him totally and permanently unfit for employment of any kind, his dependency should continue for life. Legal Aid provisions The number of cases of desertion in the Dublin Metropolitan Area is sufficient to justify the whole-time attention of an official solicitor. It is recommended that such solicitor be attached to the Office of the General Solicitor for Minors and Wards of Court, Public Record Office, Dublin, and devote all his time to preparing and pursuing only default cases in both the District Court and the High Court. His services should be made avail- able to all litigants qualifying under a free legal aid scheme and all social welfare and social services advice centres should refer such cases to him in the first instance. In all areas outside the Dublin Metropolitan Area, a similar service should be provided by the local State solicitor.
Addendum . The present recommendations are made to meet thf ^ existing situation and are believed to be capable rapid implementation. For the long term the C o m m i t t e e is of opinion that it would he more desirable that al' ( orders for maintenance should be met in the fii" 1,1 instance by the local authority or the Department ' Social Welfare and so relieve the spouse obtaining the : order from the worries and uncertainties often a s s o O- , ated with the implementation of such orders. The local j authority could look to the defaulting spouse for recoup" merit and by the information obtainable from Social Welfare and PAYE records would be in a better position to follow a defaulting spouse who changes employment , or place of business, etc. i
Brian Walsh, Chairman G. L. Frewen, Secretary 12 February 1974
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