The Gazette 1974

INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF JURISTS OF PAX ROMANA R I tie 8th International Congress of Jurists of Pax omana, open to all lawyers, will be held in Detroit, in July 1974. The theme of the Conference will

arrive in Paris on Monday, 29 July. The price for the complete trip from Paris to Paris including insurance is 2315 French Francs (£212). Single Room Supplement —100 Francs (£9). Accommodation will be provided in the University Campus in Detroit and Washington. Hospitality to Irish participants is assured, as many American Lawyers of Irish descent are attending. Application forms can be obtained from Mr. C. Gavan- Duffv and should be sent as soon as possible to Maitre Pettit, 4 Square La Bruyere, 75009, Paris.

. , e : "D ie contribution of Christian lawyers to social Justice in International Society" it is to be covered in nine sessions. A special Air France charter flight will jeave Paris, Orly, for New York on Thursday, 18 July. le Congress will be held in various centres in Detroit r ° m Saturday, 20 July to Friday 26 July, and partici- pants will then visit Washington. The return flight will

going to hold a series of sectional meetings. Among the selected topics are : 1. The New Companies Act. 2. Estate Duty Planning. 3. Divorce—the Division of Property - . 4. Property Development and Tax. 5. Time Costing and the use of Computers. 6. Consumer Credit. Altogether apart from any official invitations which are being rent to Presidents or Secretaries of the Law Societies of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Ireland, the Council have on this occasion decided to throw the Conference open to members of each of these three Societies, just as if they were members of The Law Society in this country. In other words there will be a warm welcome to any members of your own Society who would like to attend the Conference and I shall be grateful if you will give general publicity to this in your own professional journal. Yours Sincerely, Harold Horsfall Tu r ner Secretary-General (2) Registered Owner: Victor O'Shea; Folio No.: 5627; Lands: Bannixtown; Area: 27a. 2r. 1 Op.; County: Tipperary. (3) Registered Owner: Mary Ann Geraghty; Folio No.: 2977r; Lands: Killaloonty; Area: 0a. lr. 35p.; County: Galway. (4) Registered Owner: Thomas O'Shea; Folio No.: 16600; Lands: Ardclone; Area: 14a. 3r. 13p.; County: Kilkenny. (5) Registered Owner: Colm Corless; Folio No.: 18460; Lands: Retreat; Area: 0a. Or. 21p.; County: Westmeath. (6) Registered Owner: Alice Reid; Folio No.: 16198; Lands: Dromore (parts); Area: 2a. Or. 5p.; County: Donegal. (7) Registered Owner: Patrick Jenkinson; Folio No.: 2260; Lands: Lusk (part); Area: 7a. 2r. 12p.; County: Dublin. (8) Registered Owner: William Vance; Folio No.: 2676; Lands: Ballinascorney Upper (part); Area: 76a. lr. 5p.; County : Dublin. (No. 9) Registered Owner: Cornelius P. Bourke; Folio No.: 15125; Lands: Cloghkeating; Area: 16a. 3r. 1 Op.; County: Limerick. (10; Registered Owner: Kate Ann Naughton; Folio No.: 10583; Lands: Creagh; Area: 9a. lr. Op.; County: Galway. (11) Registered Owners: (1) His Lordship, Most Rev. Doctor John D'Alton, (2) The Right Rev. Archdeacon John F. Stokes, (3) The Very Rev. Patrick J. Downey; Folio No. : 3514; Lands: Stonnanstown; Area: 6a. 2r. 21 p.; County: Louth. ' 100

Th e Law Society, 113 Chancerv Lane, London,'W.C.2. ...12 February 1974


James J. I vers, Esq., jtirector General. ear Director General,

, I tie Law Society's Annual Conference this year will * '"eld in Harrogate from the 17th to the 20th Octo- er - It will be somewhat shorter than usual, but we a r e hoping to produce a really interesting programme Jr our members. Several of the Conference sessions will ^ k e the form of a debate on a motion which is of s e neral interest to the profession. In particular, the ' uject of "Fusion" between the two branches of the ^gal profession has been selected, and it is likely that mre will be other debates on the operation of the Le .gal Advice and Assistance Act, and on current pro- posals that are being made for no-fault compensation r<) m a central fund. During the Conference there will so be an opportunity for members to discuss topics u 't are of particular intere t to them, because we are REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Issue of New Land Certificates n application has been received from the registered owner er |tioned in the schedule hereto for the issue of a land T r tificate in substitution for the original land certificate issued I ^ es Pect of the lands specified in the schedule which original nd certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently . es troyed. A new certificate will be issued unless notification received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the is P u tilication of this notice that the original certificate .1 ln existence and is in the custody of some person other than e registered owner. Any such notification should state the "unds en which the certificate is being held. u ated this 15th day of March 1974. DESMOND L. McALLISTER, Q , Registrar of Titles e, itral Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. Schedule o 61) Registered Owner: Kathleen Brady; Folio No.: (1) pT.86; Lands: (1) Cloonboyoge; Area: (1) 5a. 3r. 32p. 5°»o No.: (2) 21286; Lands: (2) Lurgan; Area: (2) f a - Or. 30p. Folio No.: (3) 21286; Lands: (3) Lurgan; Area: ^J 4 a . Or. 30p. Folio No.: (4) 21286; Lands: (4) Cherryfield > r Drishaghan; Area: (4) 0a. 3r. 20p. Folio No.: (5) 21286; £ a 'ids: (5) Cherryfield or Drishagan; °unty: Roscommon. Area (5) 0a. Or. 22p.; a

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