The Gazette 1974
LOST WILL Re: Miss Martha Rowan, deceased, late of 10 Anne Street Waterford. Will any person knowing the whereabouts of the Last Will and Testament of the above deceased please communicate at once with the undersigned Solicitors. D. D. MacDonald & Co., Solicitors, 55 Mtrrion Square, Dublin 2. Miss Bridget Farrell, deceased, late of 6 Cast le Terrace, Phibsboro, Dublin and formerly of 22 Constitution Hill. Will any person having knowledge of a Will of the above mentioned deceased, who died on the 22 November 1973 please communicate with Messrs. Patrick F. O'Reilly & Co., Solicitors, 8 South George's Street, Dublin 2.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACT, 1964 Issue of New Land Certificate
An application has been received from the registered owner m entioned in the schedule hereto for the issue of a land certificate in substitution for the original land certificate issued ] n respect of the lands specified in the schedule which original |fnd certificate is stated to have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new certificate will be issued unless notification received in the Registry within twenty-eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original certificate in existence and is in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the certificate is being held. Dated this 31st January 1974. D. L. MCALLISTER, Registrar of Titles Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. Schedule T (1) Registered Owner: Denis O'Brien; Folio N O.: 8803; Lands: Kilriffet; Area: 6a. 3r. 28p.; County: Tipperary. (2) Registered Owner: Patrick Dillon; Folio No.: (1) Jt 1313; Lands: (1) Macetown; Area: (1) 19a. 2r. 20p.; Folio J). 0 -: (2) 11313; Lands: (2) Obertstown; Area: (2) 8a. 2r. ~ 5 P-5 Folio No.: (3) 11313; Lands: (3) Obertstown; Area: td) 22a. lr. 23p.; County: Mayo. (3) Registered Owner: Denis J. White; Folio: 45586; Lands: Coos South; Area: 3a. lr. 8p.; County: Galway. T (4) Registered Owner: Arthur Kilgallen; Folio No.: 67; Lands: Soodry; Area: 13a. 2r. 6p.; County: Sligo. T (5) Registered Owner: William Lindsay; Folio No.: 729; Lands: Tonyhull; Area: 18a. 3r. 19p.; County: Cavan. p (6) Registered Owner: Gerard Anthony Joseph Rush; h° No.: 19623L; Lands: Part of the townland of Blanch- d rdstown in the Barony of Castleknock situate to the north the Royal Canal in the Town of Blanchardstown; Area: Ua - Or. 10p.; County: Dublin. f (?) Registered Owner: James Lyons; Folio No.: 1039; Lands: (1) Cartronroe; Area: (1) 26a. Or. 16p.; Folio No.: '"39; Lands: (2) Annagh; Area: (2) la. 2r. Op.; County: •^hgo. Registered Owner: Andrew Cummins; Folio No.: ut » Lands: Danescastle; Area: 16a. 2r. 29p.; County: Wexford. (9) Registered Owner: Thomas Conway and Bridget Con- ^ a y; Folio No.: 17454; Lands: (1) Tintem; Area: (1) 3r. 15p.; Folio No.: (2) 17454; Lands: (2) Saint ^ ,e rans; Area: (2) 9a. 2r. 32p.; Folio: (3) 17454; Lands: Burkestown; Area: (3) la. Or. Op.; County: Wexford. t ( 10 ) Registered Owner: Patrick Clarke; Folio No.: 15845; ^ands: Not Stated; Area: Not Stated; County: Dublin. * (11) Registered Owner: Michael Mooney; Folio No.: 1034; a ° d s : Kilbarry; Area: 55a. 2r. l i p .; County: Waterford. . (12) Registered Owner: Patrick Daniel O'Dwyer; Folio No.: u "20; Lands: Grange; Area: 39 perches; County: Limerick. ,-(13) Registered Owner: Arnold McDonald; Folio No.: - ' 1 6: Lands: Knockahonagh; Area; 31a. Or. 6p.; County: Queelns. Registered Owner: Arnold McDonald; Folio No.: -^65; Lands: Luggacurren; Area: 46a. 3r. 18p.; County: VUeens. Soli >citor required for office in the city of Waterford. Salary ne gotiable and commensurate with qualifications and ex- perience. Box 102, Law Society. distant Solicitor required. Experience necessary. Please fur- nish full particulars to Patrick J. McCormack, Solicitor, Tipperary Town.
Mary T. Korowicz, deceased, late of 17 Greenmount Lawns, Terenure, Dublin 6. Would any Solicitor having knowledge of a Will or a Codicils made by the above-named deceased plese communicate as a matter of urgency with the under- signed. Taylor & Buchalter, Solicitors, 126 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin 2.
Lost Deeds Some original documents of title relating to the premises 360 Clontarf Road, Dublin, were mislaid in the vicinity of the Four Courts in September 1972. Would any person having any knowledge of the whereabouts of these docu- ments please communicate with Messrs. Hussey & O'Hig- gins, Solicitors, 17 Northumberland Road, Dublin 4.
Girl (17 J) having matriculated Summer 1973 and now studying for Leaving Certificate, seeks apprentictship Autumn 1974. Suitable Premium paid. Replies to Box Number 100.
Girl (17) having matriculated Summer 1973, now studying for B.C.L., seeks apprenticeship Autumn 1974. Suitable Premium paid. Replies to: Mary Kennedy, 28 Waltersland Road, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin.
Student (25) qualifying Autumn 1974 with B.A. and B.C.L. (Hons.) (U.C.C.) seeks apprenticeship as soon as possible. Also two years experience in United States. Suitable pre- mium paid. Replies to Box No. 101.
B.C.L. Student (19) seeks solicitor with view to apprentice- ship. Has experience of office work and willing to work. Replies to: Mr. Enda Moran, 3 Kensington Villas, Mt. Pleasant Ave., Rathmines, Dublin 6.
Would Solicitors for the late Margaret Crooke whose last address was at 29 Upper Buckingham Street, Dublin please contact Mrs. Marie Delaney at 8 Farnham Drive. Finglas, Dublin 11. '
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