The Gazette 1974
may then write to the Society indicating their views as to the suitability of certain clauses contained in the requisitions. Should sufficient response be forthcoming, the re- quisition may be amended in the light of the experience practitioners making use o fsame. Yours sincerely, Patrick Caffekry, Assistant Secretary Hear Sir, Paragraph 29 on page six of the Law Society Con- t a c t is not completely clear regarding the right to forfeit certain deposits. Apparently it is well established law thatt his right exists even where it is not specifically st ated in the contract. None the less to avoid the slightest ambiguity in future we suggest that a state- ment to this effect is included in paragraph 29 or elsewhere in the next printing of The Law Society Contract. In reference also to the deposit it might also b e stated that in addition it is also paid "in earnest t o bind the contract". Yours faithfully, M. E. Burke & Co. Peter Gallery, Esq., 9 January 1974 Murtagh E. Burke & Co., Solicitors, Single, Co. Kerry Re. : Law Society Contract for Sale— Right to forfeit deposit ° e a r Sir, Your letter of 30 October 1973 has been considered the Council of the Society. I am directed to insert mter a short article in the Gazette dealing with the question of forfeiture. The article will terminate with a request to practi- 9oners to submit their views to the Society and the question of amendment of the contract for sale will be considered in the light of the views. Yours faithfully, Patrick Cafferky, Assistant Secretary Murtagh E. Burke & Co., Dingle, Co. Kerry. 30/10/1973
A social welfare contribution is payable at whatever rate is applicable for each contribution week during the whole or any part of which an employed contributor is employed by an employer. However, no contribution is payable in respect of any week in which no services are rendered and no remuneration is paid. With regard to your enquiry concerning the position of solicitors' apprentices under the Social Welfare Pay- Related Scheme, this scheme will apply only to those whose employment is insurable at the full ordinary rate of contribution. Yours faithfully, (Miss) E. O'Toole
Association Beige des Juristes d'Entreprise, C / o Union Carbide Europe, Avenue de la Renaissance, 34 B-1040 Bruxelles/Belgium
Eric A. Plunkett, Esq.,
5 December 1973
Secretary, The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. Dear Mr. Plunkett,
I have read the correspondence which you have exchanged with out former Chairman, Jean Van Uytvanck, whom I am now replacing. Our Association in cooperation with the Bar Asso- ciation for Commerce, Finance & Industry and The Law Society—Commerce and Industry Group, is organ- izing a meeting in Brussels on March 14 and 15, 1974, about the problems of agency and distribution contracts in EEC law with particular emphasis on the application of competition law. We are already assured of the participation of EEC officials from the Law Division and from the Competition Division, including Dr. Schlieder and other distinguished speakers. We would welcome the attendance of the members of the Law Society of Ireland and also, more generally, we should be delighted if we could establish regular relations with Irish Lawyers. The leaflets for the conference are not yet available but I shall send you a few copies as soon as possible. The conference will be held in French, English and Dutch with simultaneous translation and the fee (with- out hotel or transportation) will be approximately £40. Needless to say, this short letter is only intended as a first contact and, should you wish, as I hope, to pursue the matter any further, I would be delighted to supply you with more detailed information and to answer any queries you may have. Yours sincerely, Guy J. Pevtchin, Chairman
insurability of Apprentices
Department of Social Welfare, Dublin 1
Mr- James J. Ivers,
3 December 1973
director General, *he Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. ° e ar Sir,
Corporate Bodies' Solicitors' Association, 4 Cowper Gardens, Rathgar,
I am directed by the Minister for Social Welfare to mfer to your letter of 30 November 1973 concerning me insurability under the Acts of Solicitors' Apprentices, a nd to state that, at present, the position is that em- ployment under a contract of apprenticeship is com- Pulsorily insurable under the Social Welfate Acts. How- l e r , employment as an apprentice in a Solicitor's office , 0 r less than 18 hours in the week, where the employed Person is not mainly dependent for his livelihood on me remuneration from the employment, is expected hom insurance under the Acts other than for occupa- P°nal injuries benefit. In all other cases such employ- ment under a contract of apprenticeship is insurable u nder the Acts at the full ordinary rate of contribution.
The Editor, The Gazette,
Dublin 6
28 December 1973
Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Dear Mr. Gavan Duffy,
I have been notified by the Chairman of Association Beige Des Juristes D'Entreprise that that Association in cooperation with the Bar Association for Commerce, Finance & Industry and the Commerce and Industry Group of the Law Society (of England) is organising a conference to be held in Brussels on the 14th and 15 th March next on the problems of agency and distri- bution contracts in the EEC with particular emphasis 43
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