The Gazette 1974


July 28 to August 2, 1974, Vancouver, Canada

Seminar No. 2 "The Rights of Women under Family Law" (or some similar title) will be prepared and presented by the National Association of Women Lawyers in the U.S.A. This Seminar has been included in view of the fact that 1975 is to be United Nations Women's Year. OTHER MEETINGS A general meeting of Member Organisations and a Conference of Presidents and Bátonniers of Member Organisations will both be held. Among the other meetings to be held are those of the Standing I.B.A. Committees. The Committee on Pro- fessional Ethics will hold an open meeting on "An In- ternational Code of Professional Ethics". The Com- mittee on the Practice of the Law by Non-Lawyers will also hold an open meeting, and there will be meetings of three newly formed committees—The United Nations Affairs Committee, the European Affairs Committee, and the Committee on Ombudsmen. The International Legal Aid Association will present for general debate in Open Meeting a subject of special significance to the developing countries, possibly in connection with fund raising. All 20 Committees of the Section on Business Law will hold meetings during the Conference week open to all Conferees. The General Meeting of Section members will be held at the conclusion of the Section luncheon. The new Section on General Practice will hold its inaugural meeting. SOCIAL PROGRAMME The Canadian Bar Association has appointed a Special Committee to advise on the arrangements to be made for the social programme and a Ladies' Pro- gramme. Full details of these will be included in the May 1974 issue of the Journal, and will include a day tour to Victoria, Vancouver Island, and a reception by the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. REGISTRATION Registration forms and travel and accommodation details can be obtained from the officially appointed agent in your area. These are : for Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia : Thomas Cook & Son Ltd., Berkeley Street, London W1A 1ES, England. Registration fees are as follows :

THE WORKING PROGRAMME The Council of the I.B.A. have provisionally decided u Pon the following working programme to follow upon the Opening Plenary Session of welcome to those a ttending the Conference. MAIN OPEN SESSIONS lopic No. 1—"The Right to Practise and of Esta- blishment Abroad" This subject was discussed in 1972 in Estoril at a Meeting convened by the I.B.A. and the Union Inter- nationale des Avocats and the recommendations made a t that meeting have been circulated for consideration to all the member Bar Associations and Law Societies of the I.B.A. In Vancouver the subject will be submitted tor discussion by a special I.B.A. Committee under the Jhairmanship of Dr. Werner Deuchler of Germany. The Commission Consultative in Europe which has been studying the subject for several years has been invited t° co-operate in this session. It is hoped that firm ^commendations will be reached as to the basis upon, he extent to and the conditions under which a lawyer Properly qualified to practise law in one country should e permitted to practise a n d / or establish a law office in a nother and that these may prove acceptable to the •B.A.'s 66 member Bar Associations and Law Societies, h's is, therefore, a Topic of exceptional importance o all practising lawyers with interests abroad. Topic No. 2—"Delays in Trial Procedures" This Topic will be prepared and presented by The g o n. Robert H. Hall as chairman and Mr. Richard A. r ® en a s Rapporteur, both of whom have been nomin- ted by the American Bar Association. T °p ic No. 3—"The Extraterritorial application of the Law" This Topic will be prepared and presented by the Section on Business Law of the I.B.A. with Dr. Arved Wringer in the chair. T °pic No. 4—"The relative merits of the Adversary and Inquisitorial Systems of Trial" .1 nis Topic will be prepared and presented under tie chairmanship of George S. Cumming, Esq., Q.C., tion k C e n n o m i n a t e d ky the Canadian Bar Associa- °P 1C No. 5—"International Legal Problems in Con- nection with the Drafting and Proving of Wills" g Lhis Topic will have David Pyott as Chairman and arry Lock as Rapporteur-General, both of whom have e e n nominated by The Law Society, England. T • *°pic No. 6—"Freedom of the Mass Media versus the Right to Privacy" this will be a full day's programme in which it is ped invited guests representing facets of the mass edia—the press, radio and television, will take part. Se, SEMINARS nunar No. 1 A discussion on some topical aspect of Legal Educa- to be organised by Professor James M. Maclntyre the University of British Columbia.

Accredited member of a Bar Association or Law Society (not being an I.B.A. Patron or Sub- scriber) Each Guest of above I.B.A. Officers, Councillors, Patrons and Subscribers


$105 £ 70 $ 90 $ 55


$75 $40

Each Guest of above

Normal Fees. Note —Registration fees must be paid before 1 May 1974, after which date a "late fee" is payable. 39

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