The Gazette 1974
10. The subjects at the preliminary examination shall be as follows : (a) English and Mathematics. (b) One of the following subjects, that is to say, Latin, French or German. (c) Any two of the following subjects : q History, Geography, Greek, Latin, French or German (if not taken as a compulsory subject under (b) above), a modern language (other than Irish) approved by the Court of Examiners, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Commerce (which is composed of four Sections namely Economics, Business Organisation, Accountancy and Econo- mic History of which the candidate will take one Section only). Signed on behalf of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland this 13th day of December 1973. PETER D. M. PRENT I CE, President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. EXPLANATORY NOTE This note is not part of the regulations and does not purport to be a legal interpretation thereof. The effect of the regulations is to provide that a candidate taking the preliminary examination should Pass in five subjects of which only English and Mathe- matics remain as compulsory subjects. Latin which was
formerly compulsory is now optional insofar as a can- didate may now elect to take French or German in- stead. DUN LAOGHAIRE DISTRICT COURT From the 1st day of January, 1974, sittings of the District Court in Dun Laoghaire have been extended following the making of an Order by the President of the District Court dated 7th November, 1973, in accor- dance with the provisions of the Courts (Supplemental Provisions) Act, 1961, which Order is published in the Iris Oifigiul of the 15th January, 1974. The District Court sits in Dun Laoghaire on two days a week for the transaction of the following business originating in the area comprising the Borough o fDun Laoghaire within the Dublin Metropolitan District: Courthouse at Dún Laoghaire each Tuesday and Thursday 10.30 a.m.-
1.00 p.m. 2.00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m. Civil Business (Appendix 1) Juvenile Business (Appendix 2) Custody Business (Appendix 3) Summary Business (Appendix 4) There is also a District Court Office in the Court- house in Dun Laoghaire which operates fulltime. STATUTES OF OIREACHTAS ACTS 1973
Broadcasting Authority (Amend- ment) Act, 1973 Social Welfare (Pay-Related bene- fit) Act, 1973 4 April Electoral (Amendment) Act 1973 11 April Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act, 1973 10 May European Communities (Confirma- tion of Regulations) Act, 1973 ... 13 June Sugar Manufacture (Amendment) Act, 1973 29 June Local Elections Act, 1973 29 June Local Government (Rates) Act, 1973 29 June Fóir Teoranta (Amendment) Act, 1973 29 June Social Welfare Act, 1973 29 June Redundancy Payments Act, 1973 2 July 3 April
17. Civil Service
Married Women) Act, 1973
2 August
18. Presidential Establishment (Amendment) Act, 1973 19. Finance Act, 1973
2 August 9 August
20. European Communities (Amend- ment) Act, 1973 21. Dairy Produce (Miscellaneous Pro- visions) Act, 1973 22. Oireachtas (Allowances to Mem- bers) and Ministerial and Parlia- mentary Officers (Amendment) Act, 1973 23. Auctioneers and House Agents Act, 1973 24. Place-Names (Irish Forms) Act, 1973 25. Holidays (Employees) Act, 1973 26. Courts Act, 1973 27. Army Pensions Act, 1973 29. Air Navigation and Transport Act, 1973 28. Genocide Act, 1973
9 August
9 August
9 August
14 November
10 u . 12
23 November
Regulation of Banks (Remunera- tion and Conditions of Employ- ment) (Temporary Provisions) Act, 1973 Ministers and Secretaries (Amend- ment) Act, 1973 Road Traffic (Amendment) Act, 1973 Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 1973 Charities Act, 1973
26 November 27 November 19 December
17 July 17 July
13 14, 15,
19 December
30. International Development Asso- ciation (Amendment) Act, 1973 ... 19 December 31. Agricultural Credit Act, 1973 19 December 32. Telephone Capital Act, 1973 24 December 33. Arts Act, 1973 24 December 34. Appropriation Act, 1973 24 December ACTS—NONE
18 July
30 July
2 August
This Order, which comes into operation on 31st Jan- Ua ry 1974, exempts proceedings in the Circuit Court, t a e High Court or the Supreme Court, under the
Guardianship of Infants Ac] Court fees.
964, from the payment of 1 r/« J
1 -
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