The Gazette 1974
Solicitors should be careful not to ask useless Re- quisitions Solicitor should not acecpt case in which he will be a witness Subjects for Preliminary Examination changed Undertakings to Banks—Difficulties Promotion of Officials in Superior Courts Society of Young Solicitors Wexford Seminar on Land Law, Oct., 1973 The Sale of Flats (Mrs. O'Brolchain) Property Redevelopment (J. McD. Broadhead) ... Practice of Conveyancing (John Buckley, Charles Meredith and Maurice Curran) Present and Future Trends in Land Law in Ireland (Thomas Fitzpatrick) Galway Spring Seminar on Criminal Law, April 1974 Criteria of Criminal Responsibility (Niall Osbor- ough) Modern Views on Penal Institutions (Ian Hart) The Application of the Criminal Code to children (Dermot Gleeson) Criminal Procedure and Evidence (J. C. Conroy) Law Reporting in the Irish Context (Geoffrey Bing) Solicitors' Apprentices Debating Society Inaugural— Michael Staines on Reform of the Prison System ... Solicitors' Apprentices Liaison Committee—1974 Solicitors' Golfing Society, Dun Laoghaire, June, 1974 Solicitors' Golfing Society, Tullamore, October 1974 ... Solicitors may take additional apprentices Solicitors' names on Professional Stationery Solicitors want Suitor's Fund to prevent Injustice Statutory Instruments Finance Act (Section 85) (Commencement) Order 1974 S.I. No. 312 of 1974 Land Purchase Act Rules 1974—S.I. No. 216 of 1974 Land Registration Fees Order 1974—S.I. No. 315 of 1974 Statutes of Oireachtas, 1973 Order, 1974—S.I. No. 272 of 1974 Rules of the Superior Courts (No. 1) 1974—S.I. No. 256 of 1974 Rules of the Superior Courts (No. 2) 1974—S.I. No. 261 of 1974 Registry of Deeds (Fees) Order 1974—S.I. No. 160 of 1974 Solicitors Act 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment No. 1) Regulations 1974—S.I. No. 138 of 1974 Solicitors Act 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1973—S.I. No. 333 of 1973 Solicitors Act 1954 (Fees) Regulations 1973—S.Í. No. 315 of 1973 Unit Trusts Act 1972 Order 1974—S.I. No. 294 of 1974 Statutory Notice to Creditors—Very Rev. Hugh Canon O'Byrne Trinity College Dublin—Apprentice elected as Legai Scholar Uncollected Searches in Registry of Deeds U.C.D. Faculty of Law Staff Changes Wexford Seminar on EEC Company Law, March 1974 Schwartz—Creating a Common Market for Companies Part I Taxation Seminar, September 1974 Schwartz—Law Making Procedure of the Community Timmermans—The First Directive and the proposed Fourth Directive Prosecution of Offences Act (Commencement) Part II
Presentation of Certificates, 6 December 1973 Presentation of Parchments, 6 June 1974 The President and Vice President Proceedings of the Council Annual Dinner of the Council, April 1974 Banks will not provide guaranteed cheques any longer Committee on Court Practice and Procedure—Con- sideration of the 12th Interim Committee Report—9, 50 17th Interim Report on Court Fees 110 18th Report on the Execution of Judgments 110 Costs of Sub-Sale—either Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 is to be applied according to circumstances 262 Council refuse to recommend standard fee to charge in approving a release of mortgage as it was regulated by Schedule 2 17 Counsel not to appear in Court without solicitor ... 17 Death of sole practitioner—solution of difficulties ... 110 Delay after unsuccessful appeal in Circuit Court— Drogheda solicitors complain 263 Deletion of Reference to Auctioneers Fees in Society's Conditions of Sale Discrepancies in Mode of service of High Court documents 263 District Justice hearing criminal motoring prosecu- tion should not act in civil motoring claim arising out of same incident Duty of solicitor to Court where client on bail leaves jurisdiction—no notification to police necessary ... 262 10 190 112 263 Delays in Valuation Office 9, 22 Disciplinary Committee Vacancies 171 Election of Council for 1973-74 Election of President and Vice Presidents In a family conflict of interest, solicitor cannot act for either family or son, if they do not carry out their respective bargains Gazumping—Meeting with Construction Industry ... Indemnity of Insurance Policy matter for solicitor concerned International Union of Latin Notaries Land Commission Sub-Division Map not suitable as replacement for Land Registry Map Local Authority officials will be prosecuted if they draw up documents Mortgagee's solicitor's Costs in case of Equitable Deposit Mortgagor can claim costs for abortive sale by agreement Mr. George Nolan resigns from Disciplinary Com- mittee Parliamentary Committee submits Report on Capital Taxation and the Wealth Tax Public Relations Leaflets to be issued If registered and unregistered land is transferred by the same deed, the value of the registered and un- registered holding^should be apportioned for costs, and treated as two separate sales 171 50 263 171 78 171 171 78 171 Solicitors acting in small Dwelling Acquisition Loans —Reference to Provincial Solicitors Solicitor cannot practise in a licensed premises Solicitors cannot practise in unlimited companies ... Solicitors failing to pay staff minimum statutory remuneration—Council cannot take action as offenders unknown Solicitor's Liability for Counsel's Fees Solicitor may devote himself temporarily to whole- time Legal Aid project Solicitor need not appear in criminal appeal in Cir- cuit Court if fees not paid Solicitor not liable for brief fee to Counsel, if brief not delivered 262 263 171 I ll 9 9 8 8 8 263 Review of Conveyancing Procedures—Committee appointed 50 50 50 263
9, 42
110 219
91 92
214 214 215 216
127 46 167 287 69 286 68
195 288 220 46 249 176 178 J99 176
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