The Gazette 1974

practice of marking, certifying and guaranteeing cheques "Good for Payment" will be discontinued. After that date back drafts only will be available to customers seeking a means of effecting guaranteed payments. While notices to this effect will be in all bank offices,

the member Banks wish, as a matter of courtesy, to bring this decision to your attention directly. Yours faithfully, R. F. Brennan, Secretary


(15) Registered Owner: Raymond Kane. Folio No.: 11976L. Lands: The leasehold interest in the property situate in the part of the Townland of Burrow (E. D. Malahide). Area : 0a. Or. 12p. County Dublin. (16) Registered Owners: Michael Broaders and Mary B. Broaders. Folio No.: 15722. Lands: Rathaspick. Area: 0a. lr. lOp. County Wexford. (17) Registered Owner: Barbara Mary Hanna. Folio No.: 24568. Lands: Magheranure. Area: lr. 7p. 15 square yards. County Cavan. (18) Registered Owner: Dalcash Labels Limited. Folio No.: 27016. Land's: Leagard North. Area: 8a. lr. 3p. County Clare. NOTICE Dalton, Mary (otherwise Mollie), deceased, late of Main St., Bonis, in the County of Carlow, Spinster. Any practitioner having knowledge of or custody of any Will of the above- named is requested to communicate with John M. Foley, Solicitor, Bagenalstown, County Carlow. The Will may have been drawn at Sir Patrick Dun's Hospital, Grand Canal Street, Dublin, in or about the month of May, 1973. OBITUARIES Mr. William Conway died on 1st December 1974 in St. Vin- cent's Hospital, Elm Park, Dublin. Mr. Conway was admit- ted in Hilary Term, 1938, and practised as an Assistant State Solicitor in the Chief State Solicitor's Office, Dublin Castle. Mr. Dominic Spellman died on 18th December 1974 in Dublin Mr. Spellman was admitted in Trinity Term, 1954, and practised in Castleblaney, Co. Monaghan, until 1970, when he was appointed a District Justice. Mr. Peter J. McDwyer died on 15th December 1974 in Cavan. Mr. McDwyer was admitted in Trinity Term, 1934, and practised in Belturbet, Co. Cavan, until 1958, when he became County Registrar for Cavan until his retirement. Mr. John D. Ross died on 28th December 1974 in Mullingar. Mr. Ross was admitted in Hilary Term, 1923, and practised in Mullingar until 1937, when he became County Registrar for Westmeath until his retirement.

An application has been received from the registered owner mentioned in the Schedule hereto for the issue of a Land Certificate in substitution for the original Land Certificate issued in respect of the lands specified in the Schedule which original Land Certificate is stated to have been lost or in- advertently destroyed. A new certificate will be issued unless notification is received in the Registry within twenty eight days from the date of publication of this notice that the original certificate is in existence and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which the certificate is being held. Dated this 31st day of December, 1974. D. L. McALLISTER (Registrar of Titles). Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin 7. (1) Registered Owner: Francis L. Scott. Folio No.: 45729. Lands: Kilcoolishal. Area: 5a. 3r. 21p. County Cork. (2) Registered Owner: Stephen Daly. Folio No.: 3219. Lands: Derryvahalla. Area: 81a. Or. Op. County Cork. (3) Registered Owner: Thomas Sheridan. Folio No.: 9621. Lands: (1) Rusheen S. West, (2) Tavraun. Area: (1) 14a. Or. 5p., (2) la. Or. Op. County Mayo. (4) Registered Owner: Michael James Monagle. Folio No.: 3570. Lands: Carthage. Area: 23a. 3r. 5p. County Donegal. (5) Registered Owner: John O'Brien. Folio No.: 19221. Lands: (1) Red Cow, (2) Red Cow. Area: (1) 0a. 2r. 31p., (2) 0a. Or. 20p. County Dublin. (6) Registered Owner: Denis Charles Cully. Folio No.: 9716. Lands: (1) Cloghleagh, (2) Cloghleagh. Area: (1) 8a. 3r. 34p., (2) 25a. 3r. 33p. County Wicklow. (7) Registered Owner: Margaret Nugent. Folio No.: 5443. Lands: (1) Timullen, (2) Cordoogan, (3) Cordoogan. Area: (1) la. 2r. 20p., (2) 12a. 2r. 30p., (3) 11a. Or. 16p. County Louth. (8) Registered Owner: Mary Geraldine Cooney. Folio No. : 14973. Lands: (1) Glooria (E. D. Tumna South), (2) Cloongreaghan. Area: (1) 33a. Or. 6p., (2) 0a. 3r. 35p. County Roscommon. (9) Registered Owner: Nora Condron. Folio No.: 9120. Lands: Urraghry. Area: 70a. 3r. 36p. County Galway. (10) Registered Owner: Julia Burke. Folio No.: 163L. Lands: Crumlin (part) (being a plot of ground situate on the north side of Crumlin Road). Area: 0a. 3p. 25sq. yds. County Dublin. (11) Registered Owner: Cormac Quinn. Folio No.: 13855. Lands: Gortnamucklagh (part). Area: la. lr. 15£p. County Donegal. (12) Registered Owner: Mary Anne Molloy. Folio No.: 6495. Lands: Ballycosney (parts). Area: 28a. 2r. Op. County: King's. (13) Registered Owner: Peter Mullan. Folio No.: 3957. Lands : Drumartigan. Area : 5a. Or. 23p. County Monaghan. (14) Registered Owner: Thomas Nyhan and Margaret Nyhan. Folio No.: 8618 Lands: Crohane (Bandon). Area: 43a. lr. 30p. County Cork.


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