The Gazette 1974
Appendix B—Outline of Society's Course of Study
Welfare Acts, the Labour Court, etc.).
(i) Criminal Law and Evidence, (j) E.E.C. Law and Practice, (k) Bankruptcy and Liquidation. Note —Under
First Year (a) Revenue Law—including instruction in handling taxation matters. (b) (i) Law of and practical instruction in Convey- ancing e.g. Investigation of Titles, Purchase of Lands, Landlord and Te n a n t, Mortgages and buil- ding of houses. (ii) Wills and Administration of Estates—the draw- ing of Wills and Codicils, the winding-up of Estates and the administration of Trusts. (c) Business Law. (i) Instruction on Company Formation and Part- nership Agreements and respective advantages of each. (ii) Outlines of Bankruptcy and Liquidation. (iii) Financial aspects of Company Law. Instruc- tion in the interpretation of balance sheets, accounts generally and financing of companies, including the operations of the Stock Exchange. General commercial knowledge. (d) Family Law—Practice and Procedure. T h e practical aspects of family work, e.g. property rights, infants, matrimonial problems, legal aid arrangements (as and when they operate). (e) Administrative Law—Practice and Procedure. T h e practical aspects of Local Government Law, including Town Planning, Administrative Tribu- nals under the Social Welfare Acts, the La nd Com- mission and Land Acts. (f) Criminal and Civil Litigation. (i) Practice and procedure of Criminal Courts, (ii) Practical instruction in the preparation of a pro- secution case and the case for the defence, including instruction in the drawing of briefs and writing of opinions. (iii) Practice and procedure in the Superior and Inferior Civil Courts. (iv) Practical instruction in the drawing of plead- ings, preparation of cases for advice and opinions. (v) An advocacy course in both civil and criminal proceedings. (g) Ethics and Professional Conduct—probably based on the revised edition (now in preparation) of Sir Thomas Lund's book A Guide to Professional Conduct and Etiquette adapted for Irish condi- tions. Final three to four months after eighteen months in master's office (a) Office administration—including staff assessment, management and training, filing procedure, office systems, etc. (b) Cost drawing (including time costing, computer application to office practice). MINIMUM OF ANY TWO OF THE FOLLOWING (c) Conveyancing, Land Law, the Law of Landlord and Te n a n t. (d) Comp a ny Law. (e) T a x Planning and Estate Du ty Planning. (f) Financial Planning including Banking, Investment and T ax advice. (g) Consumer Law. (h) Labour Law (including the Factories Acts, Social
the new arrangements an apprentice will not be allowed to spend more than three months > n the town agent's office. The remainder of the twenty one month period in an office must be spent in master's office. Published by the Stationery Office, Dublin. Price 5p- REGISTRY OF DEEDS (FEES) ORDER, 1974 (S.I. No. 160 of 1974) I, Patrick Cooney, Minister for Justice, in exercise the powers conferred on me by section 35 of the Regi st jY of Deeds (Ireland) Act, 1832, as adapted by Registry of Deeds (Ireland) Act, 1832 (Adaptation Order, 1956 (S.I. No. 281 of 1956), and section 9 o' the Land Transfer (Ireland) Act, 1848, as adapted by the Land Transfer (Ireland) Act, 1848 (Adaptation) Order, 1956 (S.I. No. 280 of 1956), hereby order follows : 1. This Or der may be cited as the Registry of Deeo (Fes) Order, 1974. 2. The Interpretation Act, 1937 (No. 38 of 1937)' applies to this Order. 3. This Or der shall come into operation on the 1st daY of September 1974. 4. In lieu of the fees specified in the Schedule to tn 0.59
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