The Gazette 1974
'tons of this type in fact play a much more important Part than mergers, the Commission is currently exam- •ning the appropriateness of extending Community rules cover in some form or another take-over bids as well. The third companies directive has been proposed by 'he Commission to the Council in 1970. Again, the European Parliament and the Economic and Social
Committee have given on the whole favourable opin- ions. The Council's group responsible for company law started discussing a revised version of the proposal at the end of 1973. T h e Council's recently agreed time- table for company law fixed 1st July 1975 as the latest date for adoption. [to be continued]
Statutory Instruments Solicitors Act 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) ( Amendment No. 1) Regulations 1974
The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland in exercise of fee powers conferred on them by Sections 4, 5, 25 and of the Solicitors Act, 1954, hereby make the following Regulations. (1) These Regulations may be cited as the Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amend- ment) No. 1 Regulations 1974, and shall be read to- gether with the Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship *nd Education) Regulations 1955 (S.I. No. 217 of 1955) (hereinafter called "the Principal Regulations"), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1956 (S.I. No. 307 of 1956), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1960 (S.I. No. 94 of 1960), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1965 (S.I. No. 201 of 1965), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1966 (S.I. No. 230 of 1966), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1968 (S.I. No. 17 of 1968), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1969 (S.I. No. 110 of 1969), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1970 (S.I. No. 108 of 1970), 'he Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1971 (S.I. No. 218 of 1971), fee Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1972 (S.I. No. 49 of 1972), 'he Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1973 (S.I. No. 47 of 1973), he Solicitors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1973 (S.I. No. 333 of 1973), a "d shall insofar as they are inconsistent therewith a i ' e r and amend the same. The Regulations herein- before mentioned may be cited collectively as, the Soli- ctors Act, 1954 (Apprenticeship and Education) Regu- ,a 'ions 1955-1974. . (2) Paragraph 7 of the Principal Regulations is here- by amended by the addition thereto of the following : (5) The examination for the Degree of Bachelor of Laws or Bachelor of Arts in any of the Univer- sities of Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales shall be deemed to be equivalent to the Preliminary Examination of the Society pursuant to Section 41 „ of the Solicitors Act, 1954. fe) No person (other than a person to whom Paragraph 4 or Paragraph 5 of the Second Schedule to the Solicitors Act, 1954, applies) shall enter into Inden- tures of Apprenticeship unless (a) he shall have been conferred with or shall have passed the exam- ination entitling him to be conferred with the degree (not being a degree honoris causa) of Bach-
elor of Laws or Bachelor of Arts in any of the Universities of Ireland, England, Scotland or Wales or a University Degree (not being a degree honoris causa) which in the opinion of the Council is equivalent to such a degree of one of the said Universities or (b) he shall have passed the Prelim- inary Examination of the Society or (c) he shall have been exempted from the Preliminary Exam- ination of the Society under Section 41 or Section 42 of the Solicitors Act, 1954. "(7) In addition to the Certificates and evidence re- quired to be lodged with the Society under Para- graph (2) and (4) of this Regulation an intending apprentice shall where appropriate lodge with the Society evidence of his having been conferred with the University Degree relied upbn for the purposes of Clause 6 hereof or such evidence as the Society may require of his having passed the appropriate University Degree examination entitling him to be conferred with the said University Degree relied upon for the purposes of Clause 6 hereof. "(8) The provisions of Paragraphs (5), (6) and (7) of this Regulation shall come into operation on the lst day of October 1975." Dated this 16th day of May 1974. Signed on behalf of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland. PETER M. D. PRENTICE President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland Explanatory note This note is not part of the instrument and does not Paragraphs 1 and 2 are covered by the President's speech, see page 142, starting with " The present ed- ucational requirements . . ." (3) To be eligible for admission to the Roll of Solici- tors, under existing regulations the apprentice is re- quired to have passed : (i) First Law Examination : Paper 1, The Law of To r t; Paper 2, The Law of Contract; Paper 3, T he Law of Real Property. (ii) Second Law Examination : Paper 4, Equity; Paper 5, Company Law and Partnership; Paper 6, Convey- ancing and Registration of Title; Paper 7, The Practice and Procedure of the Superior Courts (including Bank- ruptcy); Paper 8, Criminal Law and the Law of Evidence. (iii) Third Law Examination Paper 9, Tax Law; Paper 10, Commercial Law; Paper 11, T he Practice and Procedure of the Circuit and District Courts; Paper purport to be a legal interpretation thereof. Legislative background to legal education
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