The Gazette 1974

Lipstein: Law of the European Economic Community 1974. By K. Lipstein, Ph.D., Barrister, Professor of Com- parative Law and Fellow of Clare College, Cambridge. Assuming a basic knowledge of the Constitution and organisation of the three European Communities, Lip- stein presents a narrative statement of the substantive law of the EEC as embodied in the Treaty of Rome. The work demonstrates how in many instances the articles of the Treaty provide only a general legislative frame- work supplemented by subsequent regulations, direc- tives, decisions and other measures of the Community organs, and how the entire body of rules has been shaped and interpreted by the Community Court. £8.60 net (£9.05) 0 406 27200 X Pugh's Matrimonial Proceedings Before Magistrates 3rd Edition. 1974. By Leslie M. Pugh, Solicitor, Stipen- diary Magistrate for Liverpool, and J. Basil Horsman, Solicitor, Clerk to the Wigan Justices. In this new edition more than 150 recent cases are covered, as well as 16 new statutes, amongst which are the Administration of Justice Act 1970, the Attachment of Earnings Act 1971, and the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1973. The more up-to- date enactments such as the Guardianship Act 1973 have not been overlooked, although their provisions have not yet been brought into effect. £9.00 net (£9.48 0 406 34601 1 Munkman's Damages for Personal Injuries and Death 5th Edition. 1973. By John Munkman, LL.B., Barrister. This new edition of Munkman reflects the continuing growth of this important subject. The author has revised and rearranged numerous portions of the text, and new material has been added which takes into account recent relevant changes in the law. There are numerous prac- tical illustrations on the quantum of damages. £4.00 net (£4.25) 0 406 31111 0 Nelson-Jones and Smith's Practical Tax Saving 2nd Edition. 1973. By J. A. Nelson-Jones, B.A. (Oxon.), Solicitor (Hons.), and Bertram Smith, F.C.A., F.T.I-I- The new edition of the highly-acclaimed work continues to demonstrate how affairs may be rearranged to pro- duce tax savings, with correct alternatives shown and pitfalls clearly indicated. The sweeping changes in the tax laws culminating in the new personal and corpor- ation tax systems have been taken into account through- out the work. In addition, four completely new chapters have been added, covering compensation for loss of office, tax and estate duty planning for partners, interest paid by companies to overseas lenders and periods of working abroad. £3.80 net (£4.12) 0 406 53631 7 Sumption on Taxation of Overseas Income and Gains By Anthony Sumption, Barrister, formerly a Solicitor. This work deals with the foreign element in United Kingdom taxation as a separate subject within Revenue Law. It has been written in response to the great increase in the volume of overseas business and the consequent growth of tax havens, offshore funds and other inter- national devices. The author explains various methods of minimising taxation appropriate to individuals, partner- ships and companies, steering his readers away from the many pitfalls which litter the path of the tax planner in 0 406 53870 0 Bracketed prices, inclusive of despatch, apply to single copies ordered from the Publishers by post. Multiple copies are sent at the net published price. Butterworth, 88 Kingsway, London WC2B 6AB Showroom: 11-12 Bell Yard, Temple Bar, WC2 this particular field. £3.80 net (£4.05)

COUNCIL DINNER Th e Annual Dinner of the Council of the Society was held in the Library, Solicitors Buildings, on Thurs- day, 4th April 1974. T h e President, Mr. Peter Prentice, received the guests. T h e guests included the President of the High Court, Mr. Justice Walsh, Mr. Justice Henchy, Mr. Justice Griffin, Mr. Justice Mu r n a g h a n, Mr. Justice Pringle, Mr. Justice Butler, Mr. Justice Finlay, Mr. Justice O'Higgins, Mr. Justice Gannon, the Minister for Justice (Mr. Cooney), the Minister for Lands (Mr. Fitzpatrick), the Attorney-General (Mr. Declan Cos- tello), Judge Durcan, Judge Ryan, J udge Wellwood, Judge Barrett, Judge Roe and Judge O'Malley, the President of the District Court (justice O'Flynn), Mr. Leslie Morris (President of the Incorporated Law Society of Northern Ireland) and Mr. Sydney Lomas (Secretary of the Northern Ireland Law Society). Thirty members of the Council were present, and there were ninety guests. Mr. Bruce St. John Blake, Vice-President, proposed the toast to " Ou r Guests" which was responded to by Right Rev. Edwin Owen, Bishop of Killaloe. T h e Attorney-General, Mr. Declan Costello, who had just returned from Australia, proposed the toast to " T he Society" to which the President responded. FREE LEGAL AID PANEL SET UP T h e Minister for Justice, Mr. Cooney, has announced the names of the people who will advise him on the intro- duction of a free legal aid system in civil matters. As expected, the chairman of the advisory committee is a Judge, Mr. Justice Denis Pringle, of the High Court. T h e Minister announced his intention of setting up the committee last J anua r y. He had been under considerable pressure to do so, particularly from F.L.A.C., the Free Legal Advice Centres, which threatened to close unless the Govern- ment promised to support free legal aid in civil matters. Th e re is already a limited form of legal aid in criminal matters. For 1973-74, £45,000 was allocated for this. T h e members of the committee are : Ch a i rma n, Mr. Justice Denis Pringle, Judge of the High Cou r t; Mr. Thomas G. Crotty, county registrar, Kilkenny; Mr. Brian M. Gallagher, solicitor (representing F.L.A.C.); Mr. Liam Hamilton, S.G.; Mr. James J. Ivers, director- general of the Incorporated Law Society; Mr. Eu n an E. H. McCa r r on, solicitor; Mr. To ny Brown, social and economic adviser to the Minister for Social Welfare; Mr. C. K. McGr a t h, Depa r tment of Finance; Mr. J. C. McMa h o n, Depa r tment of Public Service; and Mr. Pierce Rayel, Depa r tment of Justice.


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