The Gazette 1972
CORRESPONDENCE Wexford Seminar 21 Ely Place, London E.C.I. 1st March 1972. to The Editor of the Gazette Dear Sir, I congratulate you on the full coverage of the Wex- ford Seminar on "Solicitors in Europe". I was privileged to be one of the speakers at this conference which I found most stimulating and also encouraging as to the interest being shown by your legal profession. The reports of the papers given were obviously put together as quickly as possible in the interests of news but I should like, however, respectfully to draw your attention to the fact that a number of reporting errors crept in to the report on my own paper. I am not proposing to list all of these, but do feel that the Re integration of the Munster and Leinster Bank Limited, Provincial Bank of Ireland Limited, and the Royal Bank of Ireland Limited ("the transferor com- panies") with Allied Irish Banks Limited and its effect on executor and trustee appointments. On 1st April 1972 ("the transfer date") the businesses of banking, including the executor and trustee business, carried on by the transferor companies in the Republic of Ireland and in Northern Ireland will with statutory approval be transferred to Allied Irish Banks Limited, a public company of which the transferor companies are wholly owned subsidiaries. The transfer will not call for any action by solicitors or their clients as regards existing appointments of any of the transferor companies to act as executors and/or trustees of wills or settlements. The application of Section 39 of the Central Bank Act, 1971 (Republic of Ireland) and Section 5 of the Allied Irish Banks Act (Northern Ireland), 1971, to the transfer will operate to secure that after the transfer date in such appointments the name of Allied Irish Banks Limited shall be read for that of any of the transferor companies which may have been named in the original appointment. In the case of appointments made after the transfer date (1st April 1972) the name of Allied Irish Banks Limited should be used in the place of that of any of the transferor companies. Allied Irish Banks Limited is a trust corporation under the laws of the Republic of Ireland and of Northern Ireland. In the case of wills the appointment clause should read : I appoint Allied Irish Banks Limited (hereinafter called "the Bank") to be the Executor and Trustee of this my Will upon the terms and conditions and with and subject to the powers and provisions set forth
following if not corrected might give a misleading impression. (1) The administrative powers of the Community are vested in the Commission alone and not together with the Council of Ministers. (2) It is the final appellate courts which must refer any questions affecting construction of the Treaty to the European Court—and this is not necessarily limited to the House of Lords. Any other court may so refer. (3) Harmonisation and approximation of laws is laid down by Article 200 and not 100. 4) The French profession to which I referred was that of Conseil Juridique.
(5) The Benelux Convention on avocats has been ratified by Belgium and the Netherlands and not by Luxembourg. Yours faithfully, S. A. CROSSICK. Bulletin from Allied Irish Banks Ltd.
and contained in the Bank's published regulations (as now in force) governing its appointment to act as executor and trustee to the intent that the same shall apply and have effect as if set forth herein. New booklets containing the Regulations governing the appointment of Allied Irish Banks Limited to act as executor and/or trustee of wills and settlements are now available and may be obtained on request to either of the undermentioned offices of the Executor and Trustee Department. The terms and conditions under which Allied Irish Banks Limited will take up such appoint- ments will be, by and large, similar to those which applied in the cases of the transferor companies. Note : Since Allied Irish Banks Limited may now act as executor and trustee in its own right, there is no reason why its name should not be used even before the transfer date in all such appointments, and indeed this course is strongly recommended. Drawing on the experience and expertise of the com- bined staffs of the former Executor and Trustee Depart- ments of the Transferor Companies, a new Executor and Trustee Department has been established by Allied Irish Banks Limited on an integrated basis with offices at Dublin and Cork. Enquiries and correspondence may be directed to either of these offices addressed as follows : Allied Irish Banks Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 20 College Green, Dublin 2. Telephone (01) 771294. Allied Irish Banks Limited, Executor and Trustee Department, 66 South Mall, Cork. Telephone (021) 26811. A . J . GLEESON. Chief Executor and Trustee Manager. March 1972. 94
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