The Gazette 1972
B. Jermyn, John Maher, Patrick J. McEllin, John C. O'Carroll, Thomas E. O'Donnell, Robert McD. Taylor. 7. Court of Examiners Peter D. M. Prentice (Chairman), Joseph L. Dundon, James R. C. Green, Eunan McCarronn, David R. Pigot. 8. Disciplinary Thomas H. Bacon, John Maher, Desmond Moran, George A. Nolan, Patrick Noonan, Peter E. O'Connell, Thomas A. O'Reilly, Dermot P. Shaw, Robert McD. Taylor, Ralph J. Walker. 9. Public Relations and Services Bruce St. J. Blake (Chairman), Walter Beatty, John Carrigan, Joseph L. Dundon, James R. C. Green, Eunan McCarron, Gerald J. Moloney, Patrick Noonan, Rory O'Connor. 10. Blackball Place Peter D. M. Prentice (Chairman), Bruce St. J. Blake, Thomas Jackson, Eunan McCarron, Patrick C. Moore, Patrick Noonan, Rory O'Connor, Moya Quinlan, Ralph J. Walker. The President, Vice Presidents and immediate past President are members ex-officio of the above committees except numbers 1, 2 and 8.
COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL 1971-72 1 and 2. Registrar's and Compensation Fund W. A. Osborne (Chairman), Walter Beatty, Bruce St. J. Blake, Anthony Collins, Gerard M. Doyle, Gerald Hickey, Thomas Jackson, Thomas V. O'Connor, Patrick F. O'Donnel', Moya Quinlan. Finance, Library and Publications Walter Beatty (Chairman), James R. C. Green, Eunan McCarron, Senator John J. Nash, George A. Nolan, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, T.D. (Chairman), William B. Allen, Bruce St. J. Blake, Eunan McCarron, John Maher, Patrick J. McE'lin, Patrick C. Moore, Senator John J. Nash. 5. Privileges John Carrigan (Chairman), John K. Coakley, Thomas J- Fitzpatrick, Christopher Hogan, Michael P. Houlihan, Patrick McEntee, Patrick C. Moore, Patrick Noonan, John A. O'Meara, Peter E. O'Connell. 6- Court Offices and Costs Francis Lanigan (Chairman), William B. Allen, Laur- e nce Cul'en, Gerald Hickey, Nicholas S. Hughes, John Ralph J. Walker. 4. Parliamentary
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