The Gazette 1972
In the opinion of the Council the practice indicated by member is in contravention of these regulations and instances accompanied by evidence if available should be brought to the attention of the Society for appro- priate action under the Solicitors Acts 1954 and 1960. 8th MARCH .1972 The President in the chair, also present Messrs S. B. Allen, Walter Beatty, Bruce St. J. Blake, Laurence Cullen, Gerard M. Doyle, Joseph L. Dundon, Thomas J. Fitzpatrick, James R. G. Green, Gerald Hickey, Thomás Jackson, John B. Jermyn, Francis J. Lanigan, Eunan McCarron, Brendan A. McGrath, Gerald J- Moloney, Patrick G. Moore, Senator John J. Nash, John C. O'Carroll, Peter E. O'Connell, Rory O'Connor, Thomas V. O'Connor, William A. Osborne, David R- Pigot, Peter D. M. Prentice, Mrs. Moya Quinlan, Robert McD. Taylor and Ralph J. Walker. A special meeting of the Council was held to consider the provisions of the Prices Bill 1971 and the Solicitors Remuneration General Order 1971 (Disallowance) Order 1972. After a general discussion it was decided that a special meeting of representatives of Bar Associ- ations should be convened for Wednesday, March 15th, for the submission of a report and to obtain the views of the Associations.
be drawn to the provisions of paragraph five of the Solicitors (Professional Practice Conduct and Discipline) (Amendment) Regulations 1971 which are as follows : A solicitor shall not obtain or attempt to obtain professional business by directly or indirectly without reasonable justification inviting instructions for such business or doing or permitting to be done without reasonable justification anything which by its manner, frequency, or otherwise advertises his practice as a solicitor or doing or permitting to be done anything which may reasonably be regarded as touting and it shall be the duty of the solicitor to make raasonable enquiry before accepting instructions for the purpose of ascertaining whether the acceptance of such instructions would involve a breach of the under- taking. Paragraph six of the Principal Regulations is as follows: A solicitor shall not hold himself out or allow him- self to be held out directly or indirectly by name or otherwise as being prepared to do professional busi- ness in contentious matters in less than the scale fees fixed by rules of Court and in non-contentious mat- ters at less than the scale fees fixed by general orders under the Solicitors' Remuneration Act 1881 or rules made under the Registration of Title Act 1891 as amended in force for the time being or such lower scales as may be authorised by the Council for any particular class or classes of work.
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