The Gazette 1972

SCHEDULE OF COSTS Solicitors' Costs in Ejectment Proceedings Instituted by Civil Process Settled Costs of Costs of

Costs of dismiss

Annual Rent

before entry decree if case decree if case

not defended


•Not exceeding £27

£1.60 £2.10 £3.10 £4.60 £6.10 £7.60

£3.50 £6.5 £13.00 £16.00 £19.00 £23.00

£4.40 £7.90 £14.90 £25.00 £30.00 £35.00

£3.70 £7.20 £14.00 £22.00 £25.00

Exceeding £27 and not exceeding £53 Exceeding £53 and not exceeding £100 Exceeding £100 and not exceeding £175 Exceeding £175 and not exceeding £250 Exceeding £250 and not exceeding £315

£32.00 The above Scale of Costs shall in every instance be exclusive of and in addition to all actual and necessary outlay. The above Scale of Costs shall not apply to ejectment proceedings brought before the Court on summons pur- suant to the provisions of Section 15 of the Summary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Act, 1851, Section 10 of the Sum- mary Jurisdiction (Ireland) Amendment Act, 1871, or Sections 81, 84, 85 or 86 of the Landlord and Tenant (Ireland) Act, 1860. In such proceedings costs shall be in the discretion of the Justice and shall not exceed £3.20 in any case, unless the Justice for special reason shall otherwise order. • The above Scale of Costs shall apply to ejectment proceedings brought before the Court by civil process pursuant to the provisions of Section 82 of the Civil Bill Courts (Ireland) Act, 1851, as applied to the Dis- trict Court by Section 17 of the Courts of Justice Act, 1928. SCHEDULE OF COSTS Solicitors' Costs in Summary Proceedings brought by Summons for the Recovery of Rates Amount sued for Costs before hearing Costs after hearing Not exceeding £2 £0.40 £0.75 Exceeding £2 and not exceeding £5 £0.50 £1.40 Exceeding £10 and not exceeding £25 £0.75 £1.85 Exceeding £25 and not exceeding £50 £1.40 £3.15 Exceeding £50 and not exceeding £100 £1.60 £3.85 Exceeding £100 £1.75 £5.25 The above Scale of Costs shall in every instance be exclusive of and in addition to all actual and necessary outlay. SCHEDULE OF COSTS Solicitors' Costs in Proceedings under the Enforcement Explanatory Note (this note is not part of the instru- ment and does not purport to be a legal interpretation thereof)

of Court Orders Acts, 1926 and 1940 Costs in Relation to Instalment Orders Amount due

These Rules, which come into operation on 1st Sep- tember 1972, provide for revised scales of solicitors' costs in the District Court. The Scales of Costs set out in the Schedule to the Rules replace the Scales - of Solicitors' Costs set out in the Schedule of Costs to the District Court (Costs) Rules, 1970 (S.I. No. 315 of 1970). The new scales cover the increased jurisdiction of the District Court under the Courts Act, 1971 (No. 36 of 1971). SCHEDULE OF COSTS Miscellaneous Costs


Not exceeding £5

£1.45 £2.20 £3.70 £4.40 £5.90

Exceeding £5 and not exceeding £10 ... Exceeding £10 and not exceeding £25 ... Exceeding £25 and not exceeding £50 ... Exceeding £50 and not exceeding £100

Exceeding £100 £7.35 (or such greater sum as the Court shall think proper) The above Scale of Costs shall in every instance be exclusive of and in addition to all actual and necessary Actions Transferred from the High Court to the District Court A plaintiff in succeeding in such action shall be entitled to no greater costs than would have been allowed him under the foregoing Scales if the suit had been instituted in the District Court. A successful defen- dant will be entitled, in addition to the Scales of Costs set out in this Schedule to a minimum sum of £11.75 or such greater sum as the Justice may in the circum- stances think fit.

Drawing each additional copy of a civil procéss necessarily served after the first Drawing witness summons and copies thereof, attending at District Court Office for the purpose of issuing same and correspondence as to service Attending in Court, not otherwise pro- vided for, where allowed by the Justice, not exceeding Service of document required to be served by registered post




£0.15 The above Scale of Costs shall be chargeable in addi- tion to the charges in the other Scales in the Schedule. - 2 6 4

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