The Gazette 1972
national Authority. Provided that nationals of the Contracting Parties engaged in the lawful pursuit of their profession in the territory of any Party may be called into the territory of any other Party by one of their colleagues for the purpose of lending assistance n a particular case. (b) Replies BELOIUM (a) LEGAL PROFESSION The occasional professional activity by foreign law- yers is authorised under constant practice. There is as a rule no restriction on the giving of legal advice provided that the title of avocat at a Belgian Bar is not used and that the advice is given in a proper manner. With regard to representation in Court, custom has established the following rules : (1) A foreign lawyer must be introduced by his pro- fessional authorities and present himself to the Presi- dent of the Bar at the Court which is to hear the case for which he is counsel; (2) Accompanied by the President or his deputy, he is presented to the presiding judge of the chamber before which he wishes to appear; (3) Only lawyers from countries in which the right to plead is granted on conditions similar to those governing Belgian lawyers enjoy the same right, on a reciprocal basis, in Belgium; (b) MEDICAL PROFESSION Belgian administrative practice allows foreign doctors to exercise their profession temporarily, without prior authorisation, provided that they have been called in for consultation by a Belgian doctor. Danish law does not prevent a foreign lawyer from assisting a Danish lawyer in a particular case, at the latter's request, in both civil and criminal proceedings. Only Danish lawyers may appear in Court as counsel for the parties (Section 260 (1) of the Administration of Justice Act); a foreign lawyer may, however, assist a Danish counsel in a civil case. FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY (a) LEOAL PROFESSION Under German law, foreign lawyers may practise their profession to a limited extent. Foreign lawyers may give legal advice, in the cases provided for under paragraph 2, Article 15, of the European Convention on Establishment. In civil cases, where the party must be represented by a lawyer admitted to the Court dealing with the case (requirement to take counsel as prescribed in para- graph 78 of the Code of Civil Procedure), a foreign lawyer is allowed to speak in the presence of a German lawyer during the oral proceedings. In criminal cases, a foreign lawyer may assist a Ger- man lawyer or a professor of law with the Court's per- mission (paragraph 138 (2) of the Code of Criminal Procedure). IRELAND (a) LEGAL PROFESSION There is nothing to prevent a national of a Contract- ing Party who is a member of the legal profession from giving assistance in a particular case to an Irish colleague. DENMARK (a) LEOAL PROFESSION
The Convention is not interpreted as requiring that a lawyer from another Contracting Party should be free to represent a client before the Irish Courts, or to take instructions for the drawing up of, or to draw up, documents relating to legal or personal estate, to the taking of proceedings, or to apply for or oppose a grant of probate or letters of administration. These functions are exclusively reserved to barristers and solicitors who have been admitted to the respective branches of their A member of the medical profession who is a national of a Contracting Party may practise medicine in Ire- land, but if he is not fully registered in the Register of the Medical Registration Council of Ireland he may practise only subject to certain limitations. He may, therefore, lend assistance to a colleague in Ireland in a particular case, and the limitations arising from non- registration are not such as to impose a substantial disadvantage where the colleague is fully registered. Nationals of the Contracting Parties, engaged in the lawful pursuit of their profession in the territory of any Party, may he invited to Italy by Italian lawyers to act as consultants. (b) MF.DICAL PROFESSION The same rule applies to members of the medical profession. The assistance which aliens who are members of the above professions may give to their Italian colleagues should he limited to the latter. Foreign lawyers may, by way of an exception, be authorised by the President of the Court to plead before a Luxembourg Court where the client's interests or other cogent reasons are considered to warrant such a step. Foreign lawyers must apply for and obtain the authorisation of the Bar Association Council and be assisted by a Luxembourg barrister. (b) MEDICAL PROFESSION In practice, foreign professors of medicine may give assistance in Luxembourg under the responsibility of a Luxembourg doctor. professions in Ireland. (b) MEDICAL PROFESSION ITALY (a) LEOAL PROFESSION LUXEMBOURG (a) LEOAL PROFESSION There are no statutory provisions governing the cir- cumstances in which foreign lawyers may assist a Dutch lawyer in the Netherlands; the question is therefore left to the discretion of the Courts. (b) MEDICAL PROFESSION It is admitted that a foreign doctor may be invited for consultation by a Dutch colleague, under the respon- sibility of the latter. Norwegian law does not place any restrictions on the right of Norwegian lawyers to seek the assistance of a foreign lawyer in particular cases. With the Court's permission, a foreign lawyer may himself plead in Court, alongside a Norwegian lawver, in both civil and criminal cases. (b) MEDICAL PROFESSION There are no regulations preventing foreign doctors 194 NETHERLANDS (a) LEGAL PROFESSION NORWAY (a) LEGAL PROFESSION
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