The Gazette 1972

really be implemented. Or will the forces of conser- vatism and tradition in the legal profession be more powerful than the forces of progress and evolution, thus ensuring the preservation of the status quo ? It will be a tragedy for legal education in England if this happens. The major difficulty which is likely to emerge con- cerns the fourth or vocational year over which there has been a good deal of confusion since the Report was published. It is furthermore the only recommendation in the Report which produced a minority view—a view incidentally seemingly shared by the Council of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland which appears to favour providing vocational training in a professional school. The Council also is understood to be insisting on the retention of the apprenticeship system in Ireland, and this attitude is certainly in conflict both with the unanimous recommendation of Ormrod and with de- velopments elsewhere. However, the progressive views expressed by the Irish Minister for Justice and others, as they have appeared in the pages of this Gazette in recent issues, and the welcome generally given to the Ormrod Report lead one hopefully to believe that legal education in Ireland stands on the edge of major re- forms.


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