The Gazette 1972
Fruits et Legumes VIII R. 901, 933.
e .g., Aff. 9/70 Grad. In Aff. 33/70 the Court uses the second phrase in relation to the effects of Article 13(2) and the first in relation to the effects of the combination of the Directive in question and Articles 9 and 13(2). 33. Aff. 28/67 XV R. 211. 34. In France the starting'point would be the Fabricants de Semoules (fn. 27 supra), in Italy Aff. 6/64, Costa c. E.N.E.L. X R. 1141. 35. Mitchell, Constitutional Law (2nd ed. 1968), chapter IV. 36. Consider especially Ibralebbe v. The Queen [1964] A.C. 900 at 924 and Mitchell, "L'adhcsion du Royaume-Uni aux Communautés" (1970) Cahiers de Droit Europcen 251- 37. See. e.g., Aff. 17/67 Neumann XIII R. 571, 589. 38. The "model" involves a conflation of the ideas of Aff. 14/68 Walt Wilhelm c. Bundeskartellamt XV R. 1, to- gether with those of Brasserie de Haecht (fn. 31, supra). This does not seem to be an outrageous case of imagin- ation. Other models can be created. 39. Aff. 11/70. 40. The two passages run— "qu'en effet, le droit né du traité, issu d'une source autonome, ne pourrait, en raison de sa nature, se voir judiciaircment opposer des régles de droit national quelles qu'elles soient, sans pcrdre son caractére communautairc et sans que soit mise en cause le base juridique de la Communauté elle-méme; "que, dés lors, l'invocation d'atteintcs portécs, soit aux droits fondamentaux tels qu'ils sont formulés par la con- stitution d'un Etat membre, soit aux principes d'une structure constitutionnelle nationale, ne saurait alfecter la validité d'un acte de la Communauté ou son effet sur lc territoire de cet Etat;" "qu'en effet, le respect des droits fondamentaux fait partic intégrante des principes généraux du droit dont la Cour de Justice assure le respect; que la sauvegarde de ces droits, tout en s'inspirant des traditions constitutionnelles communes aux Etats membres, doit ctre assuréc dans le cadre dc la structure et des objectifs de la Communauté." 41. Soc. Acciaierie San Michele v. H.A. T C.M.L.R. 450 -457 and vol. 4 at 81-84. 42. Corveleyn 7 Oct. 1968. Aff. 13/46 (1968) Recueil des Arrets et Civis 710. 43. Affaires Jointes 5, 7 and 13/66 Kampffmeyer etc. c. Com- mission de la C.E.E. XIII R. 317. 44. Some of this is indicated in Mitchell "The Causes and Consequences of the Absence of a System of Public Law." •LL.B., Ph.D.,, LL.D., Solicitor (England), Salvesen Professor of European Institutions in the University of Edinburgh. bases of institutions capable of guiding their future common destiny." We are seeking to be a partner in this Community. The architects of the Community, as now established, realised the importance of economic unity in their quest for a United Europe and the Rome Treaty undoubtedly had this as its primary objective. However, the Treaty is not an end in itself, but only a beginning of a union resolved to safeguard peace and liberty by binding its members together so closely that aggression and injus- tice perpetrated against a minority, whether or not that minority belongs to the same geographical entity will in itself so affect the majority perpetrating it, that violence will as a means to an end become like civil war an exercise in self-destruction. It was the suffering and destruction of World War H that brought home to the post-war leaders of Europe the dangerous limitations of national sovereignty and the dire need for a supranational institution capable of controlling the forces that lead nations into a situation 110
21. Aff. 26/62 IX R. 1, 25. 22. Aff. 16/65 XI R. 1081. Sec too the Avocat-Géncral in VIII R. at 933-934. 23. Perhaps the closest similarity exists either with the pro- cedure by which a Lord Ordinary can refer a matter to the Inner House or with the British Law Ascertainment Act 1859. 24. Three quotations from Aff. 26/62 IX R. 1 at 23 and 24 make the point in relation to Article 12. In addition to that already given in footnote 4 one may add—"que, partant, le droit communautaire, independant de la législation des Etats membres, de méme qu'il créé des charges dans le chef des particuliers, est aussi destiné á engendrer des droits qui entrent dans leur patrimoine juridique"; "que cette pro- hibition se prcte parfaitement, par sa nature mcme, á produire des effets directs dans les relations juridiqucs entre les Etats membres et lcurs justiciables." The dis- tinctiveness of the Community legal order is emphasised in Aff. 13/61 VIII R. 89, 101. 25. See Constantinides-Megret, Le droit de la C.E.E. et I'ordre juridique des états membres. Cf.,thc conclusions in Aff. 26/62 IX R. at p. 46. Equally, the differences between Community law and international law made this autono- mous concept inevitable, see e.g., Pescatore, "International Law and Community Law " (1970) 7 C.M.L.Rev. 167. 26. [1966] 3 All E.R. 871, 874. 27. C.E. 1 March 1968 Syndicat general de fabricants de semoules de France (1968) D. (J.) 285, a note by M. Lagrange. 28. In particular Aff. 26/62 IX R. 1 and Aff. 57/65 XII R. 293, and see generally Bebr, "Directly Applicable Provisions of Community Law: the development of a Community con- cept" (1970) 19 I.C.L.Q. 257. 29. The decisions are Aff. 9/70 Grad c. Finanzamt Traunstein and Aff. 33/70 S.p.a.S.A.C.E. de Bergame c. Ministére des Finances de la Republique ltalienne. Neither makes all decisions or directives self-executing and in the second case (concerned especially with directives) three elements were present. Articles 9 and 13 of the Treaty, a directive, and a decision of the Court declaring Italy to be in breach of obligations. 30. See Aff. 75/63 Unger c. Bestuur des Bedrijfsvereniging voor Detailhandel en Ambachten a Utrecht X R. 347 at 362 insisting on "une portée Communautaire" for the word. 31. Aff. 23/67 S.A. Brasserie de Haecht c. Janssen XIII R. 525. 32. See, e.g., Aff. 13/68 Salgoil XV R. 661, 677. The German wording is perhaps even stronger and in the latter case, see
Irish Unity through European Unity The inaugural address was delivered to the Law Students Debating Society of Ireland by Mr. Seán Kelleher on 23rd February 1972 at the King's Inns, Dublin, on the subject of "Irish Unity Through Euro- pean Unity". Mr. Kelleher said inter alia :
The Rome Treaty limits itself to unifying the economics of its members and the tendency to regard it merely as a treaty to establish a free trade area has dominated all discussion on Ireland's application for entry, and ignored the long term and far more important prin- ciples which were the bases for the foundation of the Community generally referred to as the Common Market. The Preamble to the Treaty of Paris in' 1951 says of the signatories that they "resolve to substitute for his- toric rivalries a fusion of their essential interests, to establish, bv creating an economic community the foun- dations of a broader and deeper Community among peoples, long divided by bloody conflict and to lay the
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