The Gazette 1967/71

COMPANY FORMATION SERVICE The Society's company formation service has now been in operation for three months and about 120 companies have been formed or are in course of formation on the instruction of members of the Society. The work is done on the instructions and in the name of our members but the Society supplies precedents of object clauses from the Society's library which can be altered or adapted by members to meet the requirements of their clients. The professional work in settling the object clause and finally approving the draft memor andum and articles is done by the members. All other routine services are carried out by the Society by solicitors on the Society's staff. Irish Formations Ltd. have recently issued a circular to solicitors offering to reduce their charges. This company commenced operation in January 1968 and on that occasion a statement appeared in Business & Finance under the title "Cut Price" Companies in the course of which Mr. Nolan, a director of the company raised against company registration agencies was reported as saying that objections in Ireland were presumably based on Sec tion 58 of the Solicitors Act 1954. Section 58 of the Act provides that no person other than a practising solicitor or barrister and certain other exempted persons may draw up or prepare a document relating to real or personal estate or any legal proceeding for fee or reward. Section 397 of the Companies Act 1963 provides that a person qualified for appointment as auditor of a limited company may draw or prepare any docu ment for the purposes of that Act other than a memorandum or articles of association of a limi ted company thereby re-enacting the restrictions against unqualified persons as regards (he memor andum and articles of association. In the press conference reported in Business and Finance Irish Formations Ltd. are reported as having said that they had not as yet formed a company for a member of the general public but saw no logical objection to their doing so. The statement con tinued that Irish Formations wouls supply the standard wording and that the remaining portion of the documents which are variable would be drafted by their clients if necessary with the assistance of precedents supplied by Irish Forma tions of which they had a good and increasing store taken from documents of other similar com panies. Irish Formations subsequently offered to confine their services to the solicitors profession but the Council did not take them up on that 81

to the assistance of their colleagues in Czechos lovakia. In many instances the Austrian lawyers hafl provided food and clothing to the refugees. In some cases they obtained employment, for those lawyers who had fled Czechoslovakia at the time of the invasion. "It is hoped", said Mr. McBride, "to set up an emergency fund in the near future to assist those lawyers, who have had to leave Czechoslovakia and others in similar plight in the future, and a contribution com mensurate \vith out traditional charity will be expected from Ireland". Chairman, Prof. R. O'Hanlon, S.C.; Vice- Chairman, M. Russell, B.L.; Treasurer. Mr. C. Mac An Aili, Solicitor; Secretary, T. C. Smyth, B.L.. Committee, Messrs. B. A. McGrath, Solr., C. Gavan-Duffy, Solr., P. C. Moore, Solr., H. O'Flaherty, B.L., D. McCarthy, B.L., B. Dempsey, B.L., D. Barrington, S.C. The programme for 1969 is in preparation. Any person, whether a member of the Association or otherwise, who may wish any particular topic to be discussed or form the subject of a lecture or a report should notify the Secretary. The address of the Secretary is the Law Library, Four Courts, Dublin 7. COMMISSIONERS OF CHARITABLE DONATIONS & BEQUESTS BOARD MEETINGS Hilary Term—1969 Tuesday, 14th January, 1969. Tuesday, 28th January, 1969. Tuesday, llth February, 1969. Tuesday, 25th February, 1969. Tuesday, llth March,'1969. Tuesday, 25th March, 1969. SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY Year 1969 Officers: President, Eunan McCarron (Piesident— I.L.S.I.); Captain, John G. Bolger, Portlaoise; Secretary, Henry N. Robinson, 94 Merrion Square, Dublin; Treasurer, David Bell, 13 Bachelor's Walk, Dublin, 1. Competitions: Thursday, 29th May, 1969 : President's Prize at Milltown Golf Club, Dublin. Saturday, 27th September, 1969 : Captain's Prize at Carlow.

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