The Gazette 1967/71

—13/ 5/67 _27/ 6/67 — 5/ 6/67 —n/ 6/67 —ll/ 6/67 —12/ 6/67 —25/ 6/67 —25/ 6/67 —17/ 8/67 —18/12/67 —19/12/67 —20/12/67


Criminal Procedure Act 1967 Rates on Agricultural Land (Relief) Act 1967

12 13

S.I. NO. 249—1967. Turf Development Act (Transport Works No. 2 Order 1967 relating to the Blackwater Bog Railways in Counties Galway and Offaly. 301—1967. Road Traffic—Traffic Signs which are not in accordance with regulations may be continued in use until 31st December 1969. 306—1967. Road Traffic—Speed limits applicable in Co. Roscommon. 307—1967. Road Traffic—Speed limits applicable in Co. Westmeath. 5—1968. Redundancy (Repayment and Recovery of Payments) Regulations 1968. 9—1968. Road Traffic—Speed limits to be observed in Co. Leitrim. 12—1968. Redundancy (Inspection of Records) Regula tions 1968. 15—1968. Electricity Supply Board may provide for generation of electricity from a scheme from the waters of the Glendasan river draining into Lough Nahana- gan, Co. Wicklow and subsequently to a high level reservoir on Turlough Hill. 16—1968. Road Traffic—Speed Limits imposed in Co. Louth. 18—1968. Colision Regulations (Ships and Sea Planes on the water) Order 1968 giving up to date list of countries which have accepted the International Re gulations for preventing Colisions at Sea 1960. 23—1968. Employment Regulations. Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and midnight on shift work in the manufacture and packing of chewing gum and confectionery at the premises of Leaf Limited, Kil- cock, Co. Kildare. 25—1968. Foot and Mouth Disease (Restriction on the movement of persons) Order 1968 providing that any person ariving in the State from Britain who within 21 days prior to his arrival has been in a Meat Market, Meat Processing Premises, Creamery or Milk Process ing Premises or any building or land on which animals are present is prohibited from entering any such premises in this country. 29—1968. 7-J per cent. Exchequer Stock 1973 may be accepted in payment of Death Duties. 30—1968. Foot and Mouth Disease (Restrictions of Sports and Sales) Order 1968 providing that horse racing, horse jumping competitions, and dog racing may be carried on under licence after 14th February 1968. STATUTES OF THE OIREACHTAS 1967 PUBLIC ACTS No. Title 1946

14 Agriculture (Amendment) Act 1967

(Gaeltacht) Amendment Act

15 Housing


16 18 17 Censorship of Publications Act 1967 Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1967 Finance Act 1967 Livestock Marts Act 1967 21 Redundancy Payments Act 1967 22 Milk (Regulation of Supply and Price) (Amendment) Act 1967 23 Appropriation Act 1967 19 School Attendance (Amendment) Act 1967 20


QUALIFIED Assistant, or Experienced Clerk for busy Provincial Solicitors' Office. Replies to Box No. A255. Register B AS FROM 25th March the address of J. Leslie Harris & Co. will be Brookvale House, Brookvale Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4. Telephone 692302. registered owners mentioned in the schedule annexed hereto, for, the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution for the' original Certificates issued in respect of the lands speci fied in the said schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the regis tered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated the 24th day of February 1968. D. L. McALLISTER, Registrar of Titles Registration of Title Acts, 1964 Issue of New Land Certificate Applications have been received from the 1. Registered Owner, John Leahy. Folio number 1005. County Kerry. Lands of Shrone West in the Barony of Iraghticonnor, containing 119a 3r 25p. 2. Registered Owner, Patrick McEvoy. Folio number 4289. County Kerry. Lands of Inch West, in the Barony of Iraghticonnor containing 104a 3r. 37p. 3. Registered Owner David Connor. Folio number 1721. County Limerick. Lands of Caher (Hayes) in the Barony of Glenquin, containing 63a lr 27p. 4. Registered Owner, Andrew Morrin. Folio number 3112. Lands of Barberstown Lower, in the Barony of Salt North, containing 6a. 2r. 9p. 5. Registered Owner, Mark Grady. Folio number 116R. Lands of Clooningan in the Barony of Leyny, containing 20a. 3r. 17p. 6. Registered Owner, Patrick Rath. Folio number 1505. County Wexford. Lands of Killabeg in the Barony of Scarawalsh, containing 71a. 2r. lOp. 7. Registered Owner, John C. Doherty. Folio number 19603. County Donegal. Lands of Churchland Quarters (Carrowtemple, Moneyshandoney and Carrick) in the Barony of Inishowen, containing Oa. lr. 6p. 83 Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin. Schedule

Signed by President:

(Amendment) Act — 7/ 2/67




2 Institute for Advanced Studies (Amend ment) Act 1967 3 Landlord and Tenant (Ground Rents) Act 1967

— 8/ 2/67 —22/ 2/67 — 7/ 3/67 — 8/ 3/67

(Dublin) Act 1967— 7/ 3/67

4 Local Government

Industrial Training Act 1967 Income Tax Act 1967

5 6 7

Income Tax (Amendment) Act 1967— 8/ 3/67 8 Diplomatic Relations and —15/ 4/67 9 Auctioneers and House Agents Act 1967— 9/ 5/67 10 Rent Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1967 — 9/ 5/67 11 Air Companies (Amendment) Act 1967—16/ 5/67 Immunities Act 1967

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