The Gazette 1964/67
Newcastle Hospital Board (Co. Wicklow) (Establishment) Order 1964—65/1964. Newcastle Hospital Board transferred to Wicklow Co. Council after I April 1964—75/1964. Wexford Co. Dispensary Districts—Old Ross District abolished and incorporated in New Ross District after 18 May 1964 —107/1964. Veterinary Surgeons Annual Fee in respect of Registration fixed at 4 Guineas after I April 1964—64/1964. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Business Names Regulations 1964—47/1964. Childrens Act 1941—Weekly Payments of Local Authorities limited to 2p/- per week for each child in reformatories and industrial schools—162/1964. Circuit Court (Alteration of Circuits) Order 1964—by which Co. Laois is transferred from the Midland Circuit to the South-Eastern Circuit, and Co. Sligo is transferred from the North-East Circuit to the Midland Circuit after 15 September 1964—206/1964. Companies (Recognition of countries) Order 1964—42/1964. Companies (Fees) Order 1964—44/1964. Companies (Stock Exchange) Order 1964—43/1964. Companies (Forms) Order 1964—45/1964. Companies Act 1963 in force from i April 1964—41/1964. Copyright (Register of Dramatic Works) Rules, 1964— 178/1964. Copyright (Royalties on Records) Regulations, 1964—179/ 1964. Copyright (Publication of Certain Works) Regulations, 1964 —180/1964. Copyright Act, 1963, in force from i October, 1964—177/1964. Gdrda Siochana Pay Order 1964—54/1964. Industrial Property (Amendment) Rules, 1964—176/1964. Jury Districts—All Co. Laois to be One Jury District after i August 1964—102/1964. Land Purchase Act Rules, 1964—230/1964. Land Registry and Registry of Deeds (Hours of Business) Order 1964 in force from 6 July 1964—164/1964 Public Record Office (Times of Opening) Rules 1964 in force from 6 July 1964—165/1964. Registration of Business Names Act 1963 in force from i April 1964—46/1964. Register of Trade Marks Agents Rules, 1964—35/1964. Rules of Superior Courts (No. 4) 1964—prescribing closure of public Court Offices on Saturdays and times on other days when such offices are open for public business— 168/1964. Rules of Superior Courts (No. 2) 1964 prescribing applications under Companies Act 1963—96/1964. Rules of Superior Courts (No. i) 1964—38/1964. Solicitors' Remuneration General Order 1964—128/1964. Trade Marks Rules 1963 (Amendment) Rules 1964—76/1964. Trade Marks Act 1963 in force from I April 1964—34/1964. MISCELLANEOUS. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Conservators of Fisheries—Elections to be conducted by Postal Nominations and Postal Ballot—190/1964. Dungarvan U.D.C. (Co. Waterford)—Sanitary Authority may grant licence for camping—173/1964. Grain Board—Additional Functions in relation to sale and purchase assigned—108/1964, 196/1964.
Game Preservation Act 1930—Close Seasons prescribed for specified Game Birds in 1964—65—171/1964. Hares—Killing prohibited in Co. Cork until Agust 1966 save by coursing or beagling under permit—209/1964. International Convention for the Safety of Life at sea 1948 accepted by Algeria and Cyprus—161/1964. International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the sea by oil 1954 accepted by Algeria, Panama, Philip pines, Spain and Venezuela—119/1964. Merchant Shipping—Recognition of New Zealand Certificates of Competency as Ship's Officers granted—169/1964. Navan U.D.C. (Co. Meath)—Sanitary Authority may grant licence for camping—49/1964. River Erne—Special Local Licence Duty for Draft Net to be £15 after 6 July 1964—163/1964. Standard Mark to be used generally specified—81/1964. Totalisators—Greyhound Race Track (Totalisator) (Quinella Treble Forecast Pool) Regulations 1964—40/1964. Vocational Education Committees (Allowances to Members (Amendment) Rules, 1964—226/1964. Vocational Education (Grants for Annual Schemes of Com mittees) Regulations, 1964—228/1964. Foreign Parcel Post Amendment (No. 5) Warrant 1964 authorising increases for postage rates for foreign parcel post after i June 1964—124/1964. Foreign Post Amendment (No. 5) Warrant 1964 authorising increases for postage rates abroad for letters and com mercial packets after i June 1964—123/1964. Inland Post Amendment (No. 13) Warrant 1964 authorising increases in letter, newspaper and parcel post rates after i June 1964—122/1964. Money Order Amendment (No. 17) Regulations 1964— revising charges for Money Order after I June 1964— 125/1964. Newspapers (Special Service for Conveyance by Post Office Mail Vans) Amendment (No. i) Warrant 1964—127/1964. Postal Order (Inland) Amendment (No. 8) Regulations 1964 amending poundage on postal orders after I June 1964— 126/1964. Savings Certificates—Extension of Third Issue (1933-1946) subject to conditions—142/1964. Savings Certificates—Extension of Fifth Issue subject to Conditions—143/1964. Savings Certificates—Limit held by any one individual extended from £1250 to £2500—99/1964. Telephone (Amendment) Regulations 1964 increasing tele phone charges after i July 1964—153/1964. Telegraph (Inland Written Telegram) (Amendment) No. 9 Warrant ^64—115/1964. SOCIAL SERVICES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Social Welfare (Claims and Payments to Old Age (Contributory) Pensioner) Amendment Regulation 1964—118/1964. Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) Consequential Amend ments to Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1964 re Widows (Non-Contributory) Pensions—183/1964. Social Welfare (Modification of Insurance) (Shorefishing) (Amendment) Regulations 1964—202/1964. Social Welfare (Northern Ireland Reciprocal Arrangements) pursuant to Agreement of 22 July 1964—213/1964. 37 POST OFFICE. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS.
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