The Gazette 1964/67
cent in certain costs prescribed in Appendix W (as amended) to the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 72 of 1962). The costs affected are the costs ("other than " discretionary " costs) set out in Part I (General), Part IV (Costs of judgment in default of appearance), Part V (Non-contentious probate matters), Part VI (Bankruptcy) and Part VII (Appeals from the Circuit Court). The Order is operative as from ist August 1964. RULES OF THE SUPERIOR COURTS (NO. 4), 1964 1. In Order 104, rule i, the words " the Hilary Sittings shall begin on the nth January and end on the Saturday of the week preceding the Easter vacation" shall be deleted and the words " the Hilary sittings shall begin on the nth January and end on the Friday of the week preceding the Easter vacation " shall be substituted therefor. "4 (i) The several offices of the Supreme Court and of the High Court shall be open for public business on every day of the year except Saturdays, Sundays, Christ– mas Day and the seven next following days, St. Patrick's Day, Good Friday, Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week, Whit Monday, the first Monday in August, and the days duly appointed to be observed as public holidays in public offices. 2. Order 104, rule 4, shall be deleted and the following rule substituted therefor :
4. (i) In Order 79, rule 84, the word "Saturdays" shall be inserted immediately before the word "Sundays". (2) In Order 108, rules 2 and 3, the word "Saturday" shall be inserted immediately before the word "Sunday". 5. These Rules shall be construed together with the Rules of the Superior Courts and may be cited as the Rules of the Superior Courts (No. 4), 1964. EXPLANATORY NOTE (This note is not part of the instrument and does not purport to be a legal interpretation.) These Rules amend the Rules of the Superior Courts (S.I. No. 72 of 1962) prescribing the days on which the several offices attached to the Superior Courts shall be open for public business and provide, in particular, for the closing of these offices on Saturdays. They also prescribe the hours during which the offices shall be open for public business. EXAMINATION RESULTS At examinations held on the 3rd July, 1964 under the Solicitors Act, 1954, the following candidates passed : First Examination in Irish : John P. P. Aylmer, Roger P. Ballagh, Michael Carrigan, Patrick Coleman, Mary Courtney, Patrick G. Fleming, Denis A. E. Gleeson, John Glynn, Bruno G. Healy, Stephen J. MacKenzie, John T. D. O'Dwyer, Helen Mary Quinn, Avice Redmond, Aveen M. J. Smith. 14 candidates attended ; 14 passed. Second Examination in Irish : William M. Cahir, Thomas J. Colgan, B.C.L., Michael N. Dolan, Eugene P. Hunt, B.A., Francis B. Keating, Gerard Kirwan, B.C.L., Patrick J. Lavan, Aideen M. O'Keeffe, Josephine M. E. O'Meara, Eleanor A. O'Rourke, Cyril M. Osborne, Michael Reynolds,
(2) The hours during which such offices are open for public business shall be as follows : (a) during the sittings, from half past ten o'clock in the forenoon to half past four o'clock in the afternoon ; (V) during the Long vacation, from half past ten o'clock in the fore– noon to one o'clock in the after– noon ; (c) during other vacations, from half past ten o'clock in the forenoon to two o'clock in the afternoon."
John R. Sweeney, Brian Woodcock. 14 candidates attended ; 14 passed.
At the Book-keeping Examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the 22nd June, 1964, the follow– ing candidates passed :
3. In Order 107, rule 5 Saturdays " shall be deleted.
(i), the words
or on
Passed with merit: John F. M. Darley.
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