The Gazette 1964/67
G A Z THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND President ROBERT McD. TAYLOR Vice-Presidents Secretary ERIC A. PLUNKETT February 25th: The President in the chair, also The Pros and Cons of Fusion—I 86 present Messrs George A. Nolan, R. A. French, ., .. , , „ . . T , , nn Peter D. M. Prentice. Gerald Y. Goldberg, Tames Medico Legal Society m Ireland ... 88 w Q'Donovan, Francis J. Lanigan, Gerard M. County Laois Solicitors' Bar Asso- Doyle, Desmond Moran, Ralph J. Walker, elation .............................. 89 Desmond Collins, Joseph P. Black, John C. Society of Young Solicitors ......... 89 O'Carroll Richard Knight J. F^ Folev, W A. Oshorne, John B. Jermyn, Rory O Connor, Peter Land Act, 1965 ........................ 89 E O'Connell, Eunan McCarron, F. Armstrong, Land Charges ........................ 89 James R. C. Green, John Carrigan, Patrick r . ._ , _ . mcc nn Noonan, John T. Nash, Patrick O'Donnell. Land Bond Order, 1966 ............ 90 The foJlbwilJlg was among the business trans. Program in American Law ......... 90 acted: Compulsory Purchase Area ......... 90 . Compensation fund Criminal Justice Compensation r . f ft i 90 Claims amounting to £1,175 were passed for payment. Housing ................................. 91 Contract and Frustrations ......... 91 Accountants' Certificates Correspondence 91 Tne President, Vice-Presidents, and the Secre tary were appointed as a committee to meet reprc- PATRICK O'DONNELL JAMES R. C. GREEN CONTENTS MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL Meetings of the Council ............ 85
Slatutcs of the Oireachtas, 1965 ... 92 Index to Statutory Instruments ... 92 1 he Registry ........................... ao .
sen tatives of the Institute of Chartered Accoun- tants to discuss the practical effect of the intro- QC duction of the Accountants' Certificate Provisions
the Soiicitors'
Jn secdon 3] of
Registration of Title Acts ............ 96 Act, 1960. 85
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