The Gazette 1964/67
the Practice of the Law by Persons who are not Lawyers; the Role of Lawyers in a Developing Country. Further particulars may be obtained from Gerald J. McMahon, Secretary General, I.B.A., 501, Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017, U.S.A.
THE LAW DIRECTORY 1966 will be on sale about 1st March. Order your copy now. Price 15/- plus 2/- postage.
Secretary and Treasurer, Mr. Michael P. Houli- han. Committee—Mr. T. A. Lynch, Mr. Michael J. McMahon, Mr. Daniel O. Healy, Mr. John Casey and Mr. James Monahan. INTERNATIONAL FACULTY OF COMPARATIVE LAW The Spring Session 1966 will be held in Luxem bourg between 28th March and 23rd April, and Summer Session from 25th July to 6th September. Closing dates for entry are 1st March (Spring Session) and 15th June (Summer Session). Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretariat of the International University of Comparative Sciences, 13, Rue due Rest, Lux embourg. COUNTY KILDARE SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION At the Annual General Meeting of the above Association held in Naas on 15th November, 1965, the following officers were elected: Presi dent, Robert A. Osborne; Secretary/Treasurer, Patrick J. Farrell. Committee—B. G. Donnelly, B. O'Flynn, P. V. Boland, B. Price, J. J. Kinnerk and M. C. Murphy. MAYO SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION The above Bar Association held their annual Dress Dance at Belclare House Hotel, Westport, on 26th January, 1966, the function was attended by District Justices McGahon, Loftus and Gil- varry, Mayo County Registrar Mr. Bernard Daly and upwards of 100 members and their guests. The function marked the 60th year of the Association's continued existance. INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION The Eleventh Conference of the Association will be held in Lausanne, Switzerland from llth to 15th July, 1966. Amongst the topics for dis cussion are: Restrictions on Lawyers Qualified in one county and Practising in another county;
A lecture on Bankruptcy was delivered to an Ordinary Meeting of the Society on the 25th November, 1965, by Mr. Desmond J. Collins, solicitor. As is well known, Bankruptcy is a subject in which Mr. Collins is very interested, and on which he is a recognised authority. This was clearly shown by the interesting and informative manner in which the lecture was presented. A very lively and stimulating discussion followed the lecture. A lecture on Probate Office practice was deli vered to the Society on the 6th January, 1966 by Mr. P. R. Higgins, Probate Registrar. In the course of the lecture, the effects of the Succession Act 1965 were discussed, and integrated with existing practice and legislation. The discussion which followed showed the in terest of members in the changes resultant on the Succession Act being passed and general practical difficulties consequent on the passing of this Act. Transcripts will be available shortly. A lecture was delivered to the Society on the 27th January, 1966 on Registration of Title, by Mr. Desmond McAllister, Registrar of Title. This lecture was delivered in a detailed manner tracing the development of the present law, and quoting decisions thereon, the whole being pre sented in a most interesting and informative manner. Again, a lively and far ranging dis cussion followed on this very wide subject. Transcripts of this lecture will be available shortly. Intending members should send subscriptions to the Hon. Treasurer. The subscription is £1-1-0 per year and remittances should be made in favour of the Society of Young Solicitors. Transcripts of the following lectures are now available of the following lectures :— 1. Hire Purchase by Miss Thelma King, B.A., Solicitor. 2. Office Administration by Mr. Denis Greene, Solicitor. 77
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