The Gazette 1964/67
LOCAL BAR ASSOCIATIONS At a meeting of the Waterford Law Society recently the following resolution was passed :— "The members of the Waterford Law Society being reluctant to pay increased contributions to the Compensation Fund until effective means are taken to eliminate recurring defalcations by Solicitors, it was resolved that the Incorporated Law Society be strongly urged to implement forth with the Accountants Certificate provisions of Section 31 of the Solicitors' Act." STANDARD CONDITIONS OF SALE Public Auction and Private Treaty, Parcels of 50 @ £2-10-0 per parcel plus 2/6 postage per parcel are available and may be purchase only from the Society. Orders discharged as received. COUNTY AND CITY OF LIMERICK SESSIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION At the Annual General Meeting of the above Association, the following Officers were elected : President: Niall S. Gaffney; Hon. Treasurer, T. E. O'Donnell; Hon. Secretary, Dermot O'Donovan (Jnr.). Committee—Messrs C. C. McCutcheon, W. Lee, M. C. Tynan, J. Dennison, J. Dundon. COUNTY KERRY LAW SOCIETY At the Annual General Meeting of the above Society held at the Ashe Memorial Hall, Tralee, on Saturday, 4th December, 1965 the following Officers and Committee were elected for the forth coming year : President, G. Baily; Vice-President, D. E. Browne; Chairman, C. J. Downing; Secre tary and Treasurer, D. Kelliher. Committee—G. Baily, D. E. Browne, D. J. Courtney, W. A. Crowley, H. J. Downing, C. J. Downing, J. J. Grace, M. L. O'Connell, J. J. O'Donnell, J. S. O'Reilly, M. O'Sullivan and D. Twomey. SOUTHERN LAW ASSOCIATION The following Officers have been elected for the forthcoming year for the above Association : President, J. F. Foley; Vice-President, J. B. Jermyn; Hon. Treasurer, H. P. Kelleher; Hon. Secretary, D. J. Moloney.
Agency Allowance Correspondence
received from the Solicitors' London Agents Association was considered in which it was suggested that agency commission is no longer economic and that it should be dis continued or allowed at a reduced rate. It was decided that there should be no general recom mendation in this matter. The allowance of agency or the amount of the agency commission is a matter for arrangement between individual solicitors. It is recommended that the position should be made clear in the initial correspondence between the solicitors concerned. Circuit and District Courts Dun Laoire Correspondence was received from the Depart ment of Justice asking for the views of the Council on a suggestion that permanent Circuit and Dis trict Courts should be established in Dun Laoire. It was decided to deal with the matter in the context of the organisation of business generally in South County Dublin and Bray and the matter was referred to the Dublin Solicitors' Bar Association and the Wicklow Bar Association with the request that the matter should be discussed between them and the Dun Laoire solicitors. Acceptance of Lodgment. Costs The Council considered a report from a com mittee on the costs allowed which are at present limited to the costs incurred down to time of payment into Court. It was thought reasonable that where a plaintiff accepts a -lodgment he should be entitled to the costs of the opinion of counsel and a medical report to enable the client to determine the adequacy of the lodgment having regard to his injuries. The matter was referred to the Society's representatives on the Superior Courts Rules Committee. THE MISSING LINK Members who might be interested in binding old copies of the Society's Gazette or who through oversight or accident may have lost back numbers of the GAZETTE may have same by applying to the Secretary of the Society, Solicitors' Buildings, Four Courts, Dublin, 7. Copies of Volume 59 (1965) and earlier Volumes in so far as they remain available, will be furnished on request. 6'J
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