The Gazette 1964/67
FINANCE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT 6% Exchequer Loan (1985-1990)—Conditions under which this stock may be accepted in payment of death duties— 62/1965. Electoral Act, 1963—Part 6 in force from loth June, 1965— 124/1965. Exchange Control Regulations 1965—First National City Bank and Authorised dealer—150/1965. Gaeltacht Ministerial Agency Order, 1965—158/1965. Oireachtas (Allowances to Members) (Amendment) Regu lations, 1965—180/1965. Returning Officers' (Borough and County Constituencies) Charges Order, 1965—60/1965. Seanad Electoral (Charges of Returning Officers in University Constituencies) Order, 1965—145/1965. Statistics (Census of Production) Order, 1965—107/1965. Stock Transfer (Recognition of Stock Exchanges) Regulations 1965—191/1965. HARBOURS AND HYDRO-ELECTRIC WORKS Docks (Safety, Health and Welfare) (Forms) Regulations, 1965 —63/1965. Harbour Rates (Sligo Harbour) Order, 1965—136/1965. „ „ (New Ross Harbour) Order, 1965—192/1965. HEALTH County Mayo (Dispensary Districts) Order, 1965—51/1965. County Mayo (Registrars' Districts) Order, 1965—57/1965. Disabled Persons (Maintenance Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965—176/1965. Dublin Health Authority Area (Registrars' Districts) (Number 3.) Order, 1965—77/1965. Fluoridation of Water Supplies Regulations :
District Court Areas (Amendment) Order, 1965—106/1965. District Court Areas (Variation ofDays) Order, 1965—85/1965. District Court Areas (Variation of Hours) Order, 1965— 103/1965. Extradition Act, 1965 (Commencement) Order, 1965— 161/1965. Garda Siochana Pensions Order, 1965—149/1965. Hague Protocol to the Warsaw Convention (High Con tracting Parties) Order, 1965—184/1965. Land Purchase Acts Rules, 1965—Prescribing the form of notices and the manner of service required by certain provisions of the Land Act, 1965—147/1965. Solicitors' Accounts (Amendment) Regulations, 1965— 163/1965. MISCELLANEOUS Apprenticeship Act (Designated Trade)—(Trade of Building and Construction) Order, 1965—117/1965. Apprenticeship Act (Trade of Building and Construction)— (Apprenticeship District and Apprenticeship Committee) Order, 1965—118/1965. Dental and Aural Appliances Regulations, 1965—190/1965. Game Birds Protection Order, 1965—153/1965. Greyhound Race Track (Racing) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965—133/1965. Hiring Order, 1965—156/1965. Hire-Purchase and Credit Sale Order, 1965—155/1965. Milk (Retail Price) (Dublin Sale District) Order, 1965— 82/1965. Oil Pollution of the Sea (Convention Countries) (Italy and Malagasy Republic) Order, 1965—Declaration that the International Convention has been accepted by Italy and Malagasy Republic —126/1965. SOCIAL SERVICES Social Welfare (Absence from the State) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965—64/1965. Social Welfare (Crediting of Contributions) Regulations, 1965 —193/1965. Social Welfare (Disability, Unemployment and Marriage Benefit) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1965—52/1965. Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1965 (Ap pointed Day) Order, 1965—172/1965. Social Welfare (Old Age (Contributory) Pension) (Amendment) Regulations, 1965—173/1965. Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) (Amendment) Regu lations, 1965—61/1965. Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations, 1965—178/1965. Unemployment Assistance (Second Employment Period) Order, 1965—114/1965. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC Appointed Stands (Street Service Vehicles) Bye-Laws, 1965 —Cork—179/1965. —Dundalk—171/1965. —Ennis—162/1965. —Galway—109/1965. Carriage of Commodities Order, 1965—132/1965. Carriage of Commodities Order 1965 (Revocation) Order, 1965—135/1965. Carriage of Wheat Order, 1965—164/1965. Collision Regulations (Ships and Seaplanes on the Water) Order, 1965—185/1965. Coras lompair Eireann Amending Superannuation Scheme for Regular Wages Staff (Confirmation) Order, 1965— 48/1965.
—Carlow—88/1965. —Cavan—89/1965. —Clare—90/1965. —Donegal—69 /i 965 . —Galway—91/1965. —Kerry—92/1965. —Kilkenny—93/1965. —Leitrim—94/1965. —Limerick—95 ^965 . —Longford—96/1965. —Mayo—70/1965. —Meath—71/1965.
—Monaghan—97/1965. —Roscommon—98/1965. —Sligo—72/1965. —Tipperary North Riding—99/1965.
—Waterford—100/1965. —Wexford—101/1965. —Wicklow—102/1965.
Infectious Diseases
(Maintenance) Regulations,
. Institutional Assistance Regulations, 1965—177/1965. The Blood Transfusion Service Board (Establishment) Order, 1965—78/1965. The Hospital Sterile Supplies Board (Establishment) Order, 1965—(Amendment) Order, 1965—157/1965. The Medico-Social Research Board (Establishment) Order, 1965—80/1965. Waterford Health Authority Area and Kilkenny County (Registrars' Districts) Order, 1965—73/1965. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE Criminal Justice (Legal Aid) Regulations, 1965—12/1965. District Court Areas (Alteration of Place) Order, 1965— 134/1965.
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