The Gazette 1964/67
whether a gift which was clearly educational was a valid charitable gift, it xvas not relevant to evaluate the contribution made, but that did not prevent the court from ascertaining, if necessary by evidence, whether a gift had any educational tendency, and that in the present case such evidence must be received ; second, that the gift, which included some objects of historical interest and of artistic interest, though slight, might be of public benefit and was, therefore, a valid charitable bequest. The next-of- kin of the testator appealed : Held, (Harman, Davies and Russell L.JJ.). (1) that on the true construction of the will and codicils the testator's intention was that the entire contents of the studio should be exhibited as a whole, the only exception being that articles not of an antique nature might be disposed of so that the selective exhibition, which was essential to the judge's conclusion, was not justified by the terms of the will. (2) That where the validity of a gift to establish a museum was concerned and the utility of the gift was brought in question, it was essential for the court to know something of the quality and artistic or aesthetic merit of the proposed exhibits in order to judge whether they would be conducive to the education of the public, and for that purpose to hear expert evidence : while the quality and artistic or aesthetic merit of the proposed collection of exhibits was a matter of taste, and tastes differed, there was an accepted canon of taste on which the court had to rely, for it had no judicial knowledge of such matters itself. (3) That the evidence was overwhelming that the collection of proposed exhibits was worthless as a means of education, and no useful purpose could be served by foisting on the public a " mass of junk " and that, therefore, the gifts did not constitute a valid charitable trust. In re Pinion, deed. Westminster Bank Ltd. v. Pinion & Anor. (1964) 2 WL.R. 919. THE INCORPORATED LAW SOCIETY OF IRELAND
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SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION Notice of election to vacant annuity
Take Notice that it is intended to hold an Election for the Solicitors' Benevolent Association Centenary Annuity of £100 per annum. Information and application forms are available from the undersigned to whom completed application forms should be returned not later than loth day of June, 1964. For eligibility attention is drawn to Rules 3 and 31 of the Rules of the Association adopted 26th January, 1962. Dated this i6th day of May, 1964. EUNAN McCARRON, Secretary, Solicitor's Benevolent Association, 18 Hume Street, Dublin. DUBLIN Solicitor with well established and thriving Practice would be interested in amalgamation or Partnership with another. Box. No. A.214. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 Issue of New Land Certificate Applications have been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated the 22nd day of June, 1964. D. L. McAmsTER, Registrar of Titles. THE REGISTRY Register A
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