The Gazette 1964/67

At examinations held on the 9th July, 1965 under the Solicitors Act 1954 the following candidates passed : First examination in Irish: Mary Judith Baily, Lewis Eric Citron, Kevin P. A. Deane, Terence E. Dixon, Anthony Dunleavy, Anselm A. Enright, Ernest B. Farrell, Michael Foy, Denis G. Hipwell, Charles A. Kelly, Martin A. Kennedy, Michael Larkin, James M. Molloy, Mary Murphy, James A. McCarthy, William C. McCormick, Aldan J. McNulty, Brian P. O'Beirne, Elizabeth A. Purcell, Louise Ryan, Francis E. Sowman, Paul B. Smithwick, Finbar Twohig. 25 candidates attended : 23 passed. Second Examination in Irish : Fergus F. Armstrong, John B. Baily, Albert D. E. Burke, Niall P. Connolly, David Cox, Catherine P. V. Doyle, Thomas F. Figgis, Paul D. Guinness, James Heney, George G. Mullan, Donal T. McAuliffe, Brendan O'Mahony, Michael J. O'Shea, Gerald B. Sheedy, W. B. R. B. S.I. No. 163 of 1965 THE SOLICITORS' ACCOUNTS (AMEND MENT) REGULATIONS, 1965 The Incorporated Law Society of Ireland in exercise of the powers conferred on them by sections 4, 5, 66 and 71 of the Solicitors Act 1954 and of every other power thereunto them enabling and with the concurrence of the President of the High Court hereby make the following regulations. 1. These regulations may be cited as the Solicitors' Accounts (Amendment) Regulations 1965 and shall come into operation on the 22nd day of July 1965 and shall be read as one with the Solicitors' Accounts Regulations 1955 to 1961 and shall so far as they are inconsistent therewith alter and amend the same. In these regulations the term "the Principal Regulations" means the Solicitors' Accounts Regula tions 1955 (S.I. No. 218 of 1955). 2. The Solicitors' Accounts Regulations 1955 to 1961 and these regulations may be cited together as the Solicitors'Accounts Regulations 1955 to 1965. 3. The Interpretation Act 1937 applies to these regulations in the same manner as it applies to an Act of the Oireachtas except in so far as it may be inconsistent with the Solicitors Acts 1954 and 1960 or these regulations. 4. (i) Regulation 2 of the Principal Regulations Somerville, Brian G. McD. Taylor. 16 candidates attended : 16 passed.

personal injuries and the Council was asked to decide whether any conflict of interest arises which would prevent member from accepting instructions from the passenger. The Council on a report from a committee stated that a conflict of interest does arise and that member, having acted for the driver and owner ofthe car, cannot now accept instructions from the passenger to proceed against his former client.


The Council advised members in the Society's Ga2ette (May 1960) that contracts for sale ofproperty should be engrossed in duplicate and that a copy executed by the vendor should be exchanged for a copy executed by the purchaser, the latter being accompanied by a cheque for the deposit in favour of the vendor's solicitor, where appropriate according to the terms of the contract. A case has been brought to the notice of the Council in which it appears that a serious loss may have been incurred as the result of the failure of the vendor's solicitor to have the contract signed by his client. The contract in that case was accompanied by a cheque for a substantial deposit which was paid in the normal course by the drawer's bank. The Council again bring this matter to the attention of members as one of urgency and advise that an invariable practice should be adopted of obtaining a signed contract in exchange for the deposit just as a duly executed conveyance or transfer is required on completion in exchange for the balance of the purchase money. EXAMINATION RESULTS At the Book-keeping examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the zist June the following candidates passed with merit:— i. David Cox, Richard V. Lovegrove; 2. Felicity M. Foley, Enda P. O'Carroll, B.C.L.; 3. George G. Mullan, B.C.L., James F. O'Higgins, William B. R. E. Somerville, B.A.; 4. James Heney, Brendan O'Mahony. Passed: John B. Bailey, Marguerite Joyce Boland, Niall P. Connolly, Francis D. Daly, B.C.L., Catherine P. V. Doyle, Michael Farrell, Mary M. Harvey, B.C.L., Eugene P. Hunt, B.A., John B.D. Lacy, B.C.L., Kiernan McDermott, Patrick J. McMahon, B.C.L., Anna M. O'Shea, B.C.L., Gordon J. Ross, Gerald B. Sheedy, Brian A. F. Woodcock. 29 candidates attended ; 24 passed.

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