The Gazette 1961 - 64
Fisheries—Ministerial Functions related thereto transferred from Minister to Parliamentary Secretary of Lands— 258/1961. Foyle Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1961 in force from i March, 1962-24/1962. Land Bonds issued in 1961 carry Interest at 6%—307/1961. COMMODITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Canadian Citizens and Corporations entitled to own Irish Ships —299/1961. Film Censor's Certificate may be exhibited once at beginning of programme of short films—55/1961. Gas Fund contribution fixed at 2/3 per million Cubic Feet in 1961—90/1961. Industrial Research and Standards Act 1961 in force from 4 October 1961—210/1961. Mercantile Marine Act 1955 (Reciprocating State) (Canada)— 299/1961. Milk Retail Price in Dublin Sale District from November, 1961—233/1961. Restrictive Trade Practices relating to Motor Spirit and Motor Vehicle Lubricating OilOrder 1961—294/1961. Undeveloped Areas Act 1952—Extension of Area of Applica tion to Macroom U.D.C., Co. Cork—209/1961. Undeveloped Areas Act 1952—Extension of Area of Applica tion to parts of West Cork including Dunmanway— 235/1962. Undeveloped Areas Act 1952—Extension of Area of Applica tion to Monaghan and Cavan—237/1962. CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Assembled Road Vehicle Bodies—Imports limited to 50 in 1962—289/1961. Assembled Mechanically Propel led Vehicles—Imports limited to 26 in 1962—284/1961. Assembled Motor Vehicle Chassis—Imports limited—286/ 1961, 288/1961. Boots and Shoes—Imports limited—291/1961. Coniferous Timber in the Round—Import prohibited save under Licence from Belgium, Denmark, Germany and Holland after i February 1962—5/1962. Control of listed Miscellaneous Exports save under Licence— 59/1961., zT/ic/62. Electric Filament Lamps—Imports limited to 100,000 in 1962 242/1961. Foam-Backed Materials brought within Control of Imports Orders—10/1962. Hats, Caps, Hoods and Shapes—Imports limited—290/1961. Motor Car Body Parts—Imports limited to 10 in 1962— 285/1961. Pneumatic Bicycle Tyres—Imports limited—305/1961. Pneumatic Motor Tyres—Imports limited—303/1961. Rubber Proofed Clothing—Imports limited—287/1961. Rubber Boots and Shoes—Imports limited—304/1962. Sparking Plugs—Imports limited—220/1961. Sugar—Import prohibited during 1962 save by Sugar Co.— 296/1961. Silk or Artificial Silk Hose—Imports limited—22/1962. Woven Wool Fabrics—Import limited—23/1962. Woven Piece Goods—Imports limited—243/1961.
Local Officers in Gaeltacht—Requisite competent knowledge of Irish extended to 31 January 1963—15/1962, 16/1962. Public Libraries—Minister may make grants to Library Council to provide financial assistance to Local Authorities for their Library Service—265/1961. Registration of Electors and Preparation of Juror's Lists transferred from Rate Collectors to Assistance Officers of Kerry Co. Council—204/1961. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE—EMERGENCY AND OTHER DUTIES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Aluminium Strip (Coated)—Customs Duty suspended to 30 September 1963—208/1961. Cider and Perry—Specified Alterations in Duty—60/1961. Flexible Expanded Foam or Sponge Material—Full Customs Duty of 5 o % imposed after 21 November 1961—2 52/1961. Chrome—Tanned Leather—Duty reduced to 40% full after i November, 1961—236/1961. Gas Pressure Cylinders—Customs Duty suspended to 30 November 1962—260/1961. Isinglass and Edible Gelatine—Duty suspended to 3ist October, 1962—234/1961. Miscellaneous Articles—New Customs Duty imposed after 20 April 1961 as substitute for Special Import Levy— 77/1961. Milk Cans (Tin or Tin Plate) exempted from duty after 19 September 1961, if not exceeding I4gallons—707/1961. Motor Vehicles—(including Parts and Accessories)—New Customs Duty imposed after 20 April 1961 to replace previous revoked Customs Duties and Special Import Levies—78/1961. Power Driven Pumps (Specified)—Full Customs Duty of 50% imposed after 13 April 1961—72/1961. Special Import Levies revoked after 20 April 1961—77/1961. Umbrellas (Specified) subject to 50% Full Duty after 5 December 1961—267/1961. Yarns (Specified) of Man-made Fibre exempted from duty in 1962—298/1961. Wheaten Products (Specified)—Full Customs Duty of 75% imposed after 13 October 1961—225/1961. EMPLOYMENT REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Motor Mechanics declared a Desegnated Trade—28/1962. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Electrician declared a Designated Trade—29/1962. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Furniture declared a Designated Trade—30/1962. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Appointment of Statutory Ap prenticeship Committee for Motor Mechanics—31/1962. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Appointment of Statutory Ap prenticeship Committee for Electricians—32/1962. Apprenticeship Act, 1959—Appointment of Statutory Ap prenticeship Committee for Furniture Trade—33/1962. Button-Making Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment fixed after 25 November 1961—854/1961. Creameries Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment from 2 December 1961— 262/1961. Chewing-Gum Industry—Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—69/1961.
Local Government (Sanitary Services Act 1934) (Section 34 re Camping) (Part of County of Donegal) Order 1961— 295/1961 :—Buncrana U.D.C.—26/1962.
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