The Gazette 1961 - 64
Limerick Harbour Rates for Cement Clinker increased— 191/1961. Oil Pollution of the Sea Act, 1956—Zone in which Ships are prohibited from discharging Oil on the Sea extended to include an Area within 100 miles from Canadian Coast— 104/1961. HEALTH SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS County Cork—Boundaries of Registrar's Districts of Cobh, No. i and Cobh, No. 2 varied after 2gth April, 1961— 89/1961. County Cork—Cobh Dispensary District divided into Two Districts after loth April, 1961—63/1961. County Wicklow—Specified Townlands transferred from Delgany Dispensary District to Bray No. i Dispensary District after ist September, 1961—172/1961. Limerick City Dispensary District formed on 5th June, 1961— 108/1961. County Wexford—Townland of Effernoge transferred from Enniscorthy North Dispensary District to Ferns Dispensary District—150/1961. County Kerry—Castlemaine Dispensary District abolished and Townlands transferred to Milltown Dispensary District after ist August, 1961—152/1961. County Meath Health District—Land may be used for Camping if Licence obtained—90/1961. County Sligo Health District—Land may be used for Camping if Licence obtained—93/1961. Poisons Act, 1961—Sections i to 20 and Section 22 in operation from 26th June, 1961—121/1961. Local Government (Sanitary Services Act, 1948) (Section 34) (County Health District of Meath) Order, 1961—90/1961. „ „ „ Sligo) Order, 1961—93/1961. Mental Treatment Act, 1961—Some Sections in force from ist April, 1961—70/1961. Medical Practitioners Act, 1927—Reciprocity granted to South Australia and West Australia—99/1961. JUSTICE, EXTERNAL AFFAIRS AND DEFENCE SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Circuit Court Rules, 1961 re Modes of Address—148/1961. Court Fines for Pilotage Offences to be paid to Harbour Authorities instead of Exchequer—188/1961. Emergency Powers (Compensation for Personal Injuries in Local Defence Force Scheme, 1942)—Third Amendment Scheme, 1961—178/1961. High Court—Rules under Solicitors' Act, 1954—92/1961. Rules of High Court and Supreme Court—Mode of Address Rules, 1961—130/1961. MISCELLANEOUS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Bacon Sales Levy (Home Consumption) Suspending Orders— 83/1961, 101/1961, 120/1961. Dublin District Milk Board—3oth November, 1961 appointed as Election Day—133/1961. Game Birds Protection Order, 1961—113/1961. Holidays (Employees) Act, 1961 in force from loth August, 1961—168/1961. Korea and U i uguay have accepted the International Convention for the safety of Life at Sea—167/1961. Merchant Shipping (Safety Convention) (Countries of Applic ation)—167/1961. Oil Pollution—International Convention for Prevention of Oil Pollution, 1954 accepted by Finland and Poland— 154/1961.
EMPLOYMENT REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Agricultural Workers (Holidays) Amendment Act, 1961 in force from ist September, 1961—181/1961. Brush, Brooms and Mops Joint Labour Committee—Revised Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment— 180/1961. Crown Cork Industry—Women may henceforth be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—190/1961. Frozen Sugar Confectionery Industry—Women may be em ployed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—82/1961. Making-Up of Fully Fashioned Woollen and Cotton Garments —Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m.— 176/1961. Manufacture of Jute Goods in Works of Messrs. J. and L. F. Goodbody Ltd. in Clara, Co. Offaly—Young persons may henceforth be employed between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m.— 175/1961. Provender Milling Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment fixed after 3rd June, 1961—111/1961. Rope Industry—Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and ii p.m.—119/1961. Terrylcne Yarn Industry—Women may henceforth be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—184/1961. Shirtmaking Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment fixed after 3131. July, 1961—149/1961. Tailoring Joint Labour Committee—Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment after 3rd June, 1961— 112/1961. Women's Clothing and Millinery Joint Labour Committee— Minimum Rates of Pay and Conditions of Employment fixed after 8th July, 1961—137/1961. Woollen and Cotton Garments Industry—Women may hence forth be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—176/1961. FINANCE AND CENTRAL GOVERNMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Central Bank of Ireland (Revised Form of Statement of Accounts) Regulations, 1961—187/1961. Electoral Act, 1923—Registration Expenses increased— 96/1961. Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1961—Specified Returning Officers appointed to Specified Constituencies—144/1961. Hydrocarbon Oil (Rebated Oil) Regulations, 1961—122/1961. Land Bonds—Interest fixed at 6% in respect of Land acquired between ist July, 1961 and 3131 December, 1961— 131/1961. Legal Tender Note Fund Form of Asset entitled " Balance in General Fund " added to list—186/1961. Statistics—Returns to be made to enable a statutory Census of Industrial Production to be made for 1960—87/1961. HARBOURS AND HYDRO-ELECTRIC WORKS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Arklow Harbour Rates increased after igth April, 1960— 71/1960. Drogheda Harbour Works—Improvements sanctioned— 102/1961. Dublin Port—Persons presenting Livestock for shipping need not be holders of a Shipping Agent's Licence after 25th June, 1961—123/1961. Limerick Harbour Works—Period of Completion of Works extended to 2ist June, 1964—115/1961.
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