The Gazette 1961 - 64
is entitled to the usual fee therefor. The reason for this was that there appeared to be a strict statutory obligation to have the stamp impressed on the deed in all cases. However, there are regulations which were made by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue under section 4 of the Finance (1909-10) Act, 1910 and the Finance Act, 1920 and these regulations exclude specifically from the obligation to furnish particulars and to have the stamp impressed conveyances to which the Land Purchase (Ireland) Acts apply which are to be registered under the Local Registration of Title (Ireland) Act, 1891. The Stamp Office take the view that (a) a holding in respect of which the land purchase annuity has been redeemed is not a case to which the Land Purchase Acts apply and in such a case a P.D. stamp should be impressed and (V) where there is a sub sisting annuity the Land Purchase Acts apply and the P.D. stamp need not be impressed. With regard to vested cottages under the Labourers Act, 1936, it would appear that section 19 (i) of that Act brings all vested cottages within the scope of the regulation already referred to and consequently a P.D. stamp need not be impressed in any case of a transfer of a vested cottage under this Act. The Stamp Office are in agreement with this view. The regulations above referred to will be found at page 331 in the iyth edition of Alps on Stamp Duties (1923). INDEX TO THE STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS 1948-1960 The above has been published by the Government Publications Office and is now on sale at the Sale Office, G.P.O. Arcade, Dublin i. Price zi/-, postage i/2d. extra. The work covers the statutory instruments made during the period January ist, 1948 to December 3ist, 1960 and is a continuance of the series of indexes already published. The index is in two main parts. Part I is an alphabetical list of statutes and subsidiary legislation and under each statute is grouped alphabetically the statutory instruments made thereunder. This list also contains particulars of the enabling section in the particular statute and a reference to the volume in which the particuar statutory instrument is published. Part II is an alphabetical last of statutory instru ments showing the enactment under which each is made. DONEGAL SOLICITORS' ASSOCIATION The officers of the above association for the year 1963 are as follows : President: J. A. Osborne, Milford ; Vice-President: F. Gallagher, Donegal;
Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: T. A. Morrow, Raphoe ; Council: P. O'Donnell, Dungloe ; J. G. Sweeney, Ballyshannon; P. J. O'Doherty, Carn- donagh ; P. J. McDermott, Ballybofey. EXAMINATION RESULTS At the book-keeping examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the 2jth February, the following candidates passed :— Passed with merit: i. Michael A. Lucas ; 2. Niall P. O'Neill; 3. Daniel J. Kelliher; 4. Daniel J. Hamilton and Patrick T. Listen, equal. Passed: William S. Barrett, Henry C. P. Barry, Michael A. Buckley, lan Q. Crivon, Joseph T. A. Deane, Graham M. Golding, B.A. (Mod)., Ll.B.; John V. Glynn, George B. Holland, B.A. (Mod)., Ll.B.; Michael B. Malone, B.C.L.; Giles F. Montgomery, Margaret J. O'Callaghan, B.A. ; John C. O'Donnell, Patrick F. O'Donnell, B.C.L. ; Cyril M. Osborne, Michael Purcell. 26 candidates attended; 20 passed. At the second law examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the 6th, yth and 8th days of February, the following candidates passed :— Passed with merit: i. Michael V. O'Mahony, B.C.L. ; 2. Bryan M. E. McMahon, B.C.L. Passed: Henry C. P. Barry, Michael A. Buckley, Henry Owen Comerford, Michael G. Daly, B.C.L., LL.B.; Peter B. Pagan, John F. P. Glynn, B.A., B.C.L.; Daniel J. Hamilton, Giles F. Montgomery, Brendan A. J. Murrin, B.C.L. ; Michael G. O'Connell, B.C.L.; Bryan L. O'Flaherty, Christopher T. N. O'Meara. 33 candidates attended; 14 passed. At the third law examination for apprentices to solicitors held on the 4th, 5th and 6th days of February the following candidates passed :— Passed with merit: i. Garret P. Lombard. Passed: Sean de Burca, B.A., B.C.L.; Malachy F. Concannon, B.A., B.Comm. ; Patrick J. Connellan ; Brian J. Gardiner, B.C.L. ; Graham M. Golding, B.A. (Mod.), Ll.B.; George B. Holland, B.A. (Mod.), Ll.B.; Michael P. Houlihan; Delphine A. C. Kelly, B.A.; Helen M. Kirwan, B.C.L.; Peter J. McMahon; Thomas J. M. O'Donoghue ; Sylvester W. Riordan, B.A.; Norman T. J. Spendlove, M.A., B.A.I., Dip.Geog., A.M., I.C.E.I.; James Gregory Tynan. 24 candidates attended ; 15 passed. On the combined results of the second and third law examinations the Council has awarded a Special Certificate to Garrett P. Lombard and Sylvester W. Riordan, B.A.
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