The Gazette 1961 - 64
COUNTY AND TOWN MANAGEMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Committees of Agriculture—Revised scale of pay of officers after ist April, 1962—185/1962. Loan Charges for Housing—Contributions by Minister raised in respect of houses built since April, 1961—179/1962. Local Government (Sanitary Services) Act, 1962—Some sections in force from ist November, 1962—180/1962. Local Officers (Irish Language) Regulations, 1963, extends date on which local officers in Gaeltacht must possess competent knowledge of Irish to 3ist January, 1964— 15/1963. Local Offices (Gaeltacht) (Amendment) Order, 1963—16/1963. Vocational Education Committees—Additional, supplemental and special grants sanctioned after ist April, 1962—' 170/1962. CUSTOMS AND EXCISE- EMERGENCY AND OTHER DUTIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Agreement with United Kingdom—Existing proportions of value necessary to qualify goods for admission at the special preferential rates of Customs Duty continued after ist January, 1963—209/1962. Bars, Rods, Sections, Sheets and Plates of Iron and Steel— Customs Duty extended after 5th February, 1963— 12/1963. Bars and Rods, etc., of Iron and Steel—Duties removed from General Customs Tariff in S.I. 163/1962—19/1963. Customs—Form of Customs tariff prescribed for classifying goods after ist January, 1963—163/1962. Customs Duties revoked, and re-imposed in accordance with nomenclature classification—163/1962. Customs (Land Frontier) Regulations, 1962 listing approved Customs Stations and Frontier Posts—226/1962. Customs Duties in general reduced by 10% after ist January, 1963—214/1962. Imposition ofDuties (No. 127) (Miscellaneous Customs Duties) Order, 1962—184/1962. Imposition of Duties (No. 128) (Customs Duties and Form of Customs Tariff) Order, 1962—163/1962. Isinglass and Edible Gelatine—Customs Duty suspended— 177/1962. Knitted Fabric (Fibre)—Duty of 1/9 (full) per square yard imposed after 6th November, 1962—183/1962. Matches—Customs Duty reduced by c/d. per gross after 6th February, 1963—20/1963. Suspension of various Customs Duties continued after ist January, 1963—228/1962. EMPLOYMENT REGULATIONS AND CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Accelerated Freeze Drying and Air-Drying Industry— Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m. —196/1962. Aerated Waters and Wholesale Bottling Joint Labour Com mittee—New minimum rates and conditions of employ ment fixed after ist October, 1962—159/1962. Celluloid Spectacle Frames—Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—234/1962. Food Processing Industry—Women may be employed between 7 a.m. and n p.m.—181/1962. Paper Box Joint Labour Committee—New minimum rates and conditions of employment fixed after 24th December, 1962—208/1962. Provender Milling Joint Labour Committee—New minimum rates and conditions of employment fixed after i8th February, 1963—22/1963. 77
INDEX OF STATUTORY INSTRUMENTS published since August, 1962 AGRICULTURE, LANDS AND FISHERIES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Bovine Tuberculosis—Co. Kildare and Baltinglass District appointed attested areas after 5th December, 1962— 201/1962. Bovine Tuberculosis—Co. Louth and Co. Meath appointed attested areas after zist November, 1962—192/1962. Bovine Tuberculosis—Movement of cattle regulated in Dublin City and County after 22nd November, 1962—193/1962. Bovine Tuberculosis—Co. OfTaly and Co. Westmeath declared attested areas after I3th October, 1962—196/1962. Bovine Tuberculosis—Co. Carlow and Co. Wicklow declared attested areas after igth February, 1963—23/1963. Bovine Tuberculosis—Movement of cattle regulated in Co. Laoighis and in Co. Wexford after I2th November, 1962 —191/1962. Fisheries (Amendment) Act, 1962—to come into force in January and in March, 1963—216/1962. Pigs and Bacon Commission—Keeping and audit of accounts in force from ist March, 1963—26/1963. Pigs and Bacon Commission—Form of sale certificate to be furnished by bacon curers in relation to pigs graded L— I/I963- Pigs and Bacon Commission—Minimum prices fixed in respect of carcases of pigs graded L—2/1963. COMMODITIES, GOODS AND SERVICES SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Ballina, Co. Mayo—Hours of trading on weekdays in drapery and boot shops regulated—26th November, 1962. Factories Act—Hoists of Calendering machines exempted from strict regulation—211/1962. Fair Trading Rules No. 2oA relating to entry into and trade in the sale and repair of motor vehicles. v Grain Board may reimburse exporters of home-grown barley of the 1962 crop from losses arising from such exports— 230/1962. Grain Board may pay a bonus to growers who sold unmillable wheat during 1962 harvest—194/1962. Grain Board may purchase and re-sell home-grown feed wheat harvested in 1962—176/1962. Grain Board may repay levy paid on wheat of 1962 crop— 168/1962. Hand Knitting Yarns—Resale price maintenance prohibited —197/1962. Milk and Dairies—Fees for bacteriological examinations increased after ist January, 1963—233/1962. Sugar—Import prohibited after ist January, 1963, save under licence from Department of Agriculture—215/1962. Sugar, Molasses and Glucose—Powers under Agricultural and Fishery Products (Regulation of Export) Act, 1947 revested in Minister for Agriculture—21/1963. Wheat—Levy suspended on purchases of wheat of 1962 crop after 8th October, 1962—167/1962. CONTROL OF IMPORTS AND EXPORTS SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS Control of Exports Order, 1963—28/1963. Electric Filament Lamps—Quota fixed at 100,000 until 3Oth November, 1962—190/1962. Motor Vehicle Chassis—Quota fixed at 50 in 1963—221/1962. Sparking Plugs—Quota fixed at 7,500 to October, 1963— 162/1962. Substantially Assembled Mechanically Propelled Vehicles— Quota fixed at 26 in 1963—225/1962. •Woven Cotton Piece Goods—Quota fixed to 3Oth November, 1963—189/1962.
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