The Gazette 1961 - 64
judicial system before 1800; he next examines the various Courts in Ireland from 1800 to 1921 and the constitutional changes that arose between 1921 and 1 924 ; this short, lucid and comprehensive historical introduction takes up 40 pages. The practitioner will probably know the contents of the second part of this booklet, which deals with such matters as—" the Courts since 1922 "—" the Criminal Jurisdiction of the courts "—" the Civil Jurisdiction "—" the personnel "—" the legal pro fession " and " the finances of the law ". But the matter has rarely been presented in such an attractive and readable form and our learned author can express his views concisely with clarity and precision. There are most useful diagrams regarding criminal jurisdic tion on page 54 and civil jurisdiction on page 64. Our author has some interesting comments to make on legal education, and he points out that the efforts of the Law Society to introduce a compulsory university degree for potential solicitors was frustrated by an unexplained veto of the Govern ment. Dr. Delany has produced a, most readable pamphlet, in which the principles of the administra tion of justice are clearly and concisely explained. C.G.D. THE REGISTRY Register A WANTED a qualified assistant with some experience for office in Leinster town. Knowledge ofcosts an advantage. Particulars to Box No. A.I97- Solicitor required for well established busy Practice in Leinster, within radius of 60 miles from Dublin. Good salary with prospects of succession. Present owner will continue. Reply to Box No. Register C R« GEORGE W. O'MAHONY, deceased. Will any solicitor who drew or has possession of the Will of George W. O'Mahony, deceased, late of Gurranes North, Drimoleague, County Cork, Farmer, who died at St. Anne's Hospital, Skibbereen, in the month of October, 1961, please communicate with Daniel G. MacCarthy, Solicitor, Skibbereen, County Cork.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 ISSUE OF NEW LAND CERTIFICATE Applications have been received from the regis tered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some person other than the registered owner. Any such notification should state the grounds on which such Certificate is being held. Dated thesistday of December, 1962. SCHEDULE. 1. Registered Owner, Margaret Frend. Folio number, 874. County Kings. Lands of Rath in the Barony of Clonlisk containing 253. 2r. yp. 2. Registered Owner, Patrick Gerald Dillon. Folio number, 8315. County Mayo. Lands of Abbeyquarter in the Barony of Costello containing loa. 2r. 4p. 3. Registered Owner, John Agar. Folio number 8471. County Kilkenny. Lands of Coolcullen in the Barony of Fassadinin containing 36a. or. 2Op. and I9a. ir. 29p. (an undivided moiety). 4. Registered Owner, William J. Bourke. Folio number 2420 (Revised). County Clare. Lands of Aughboy containing 42a. or. 27p. and lands of Coollisteige containing xoa. ir. 2ip. both situate in the Barony of Tulla Lower. 5. Registered Owner, Francis Clyne. Folio number 3833. County Leitrim. Lands of Sragarn in the Barony of Mohill containing 133. 3r. I7p. 6. Registered Owner John Deane. Folio number 3333. County Cork. Lands of Ballyvinirer Upper in the Barony of Fermoy containing 953. or. 5p. 7. Registered Limited Owner, Maria Waldron. Folio number 3379. County Mayo. Lands of Bracklagh in the Barony of Costello containing Central Office, Land Registry, Chancery Street, Dublin. D. L. McALLISTER, Registrar of Titles.
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