The Gazette 1961 - 64
Solicitors Act 1954 (Apprentices' Fees) Regulations 1962 in operation from I August 1962—131/1962. Saint Stephen's Green (Dublin) Act 1877 Adaptation Order 1962 designates the Minister for Finance as the approving Authority for Bye-Laws for St. Stephen's Green— 153/1962. Street and House to House Collections (Prescribed Forms) Regulations 1962—134/1962. POST OFFICE. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Inland Post Amendment (No. n) Warrant 1962 increasing Minimum Letter Postage to 4d. after 30 April 1962— 66/1962. Savings Certificates (Fourth Issue Extension) Rules 1962— 89/1962. Savings Certificates (Sixth Issue Extension) Rules 1962— 90/1962. SOCIAL SERVICES. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Old Age Contributory Pensions increased by 5/- per week after 4 January 1963—136/1962. Social Welfare (Disability, Unemployment and Marriage Benefit) (Amendment) Regulations 1962—increases the Rate of Remuneration derived from a Subsidiary Occupa tion without affecting Unemployment Benefit from 5/- to 6/8 per day—135/1962. Social Welfare (Overlapping Benefits) (Amendment) Regula tions 1962 in force from 3 August 1962—138/1962. Unemployment Assistance (Employment Period) Order 1962— 38/1962. Unemployment Assistance (Qualification Certificate) (Amend ment) Order 1962—137/1962. Unemployment Assistance (Second Employment Period) Order restricting Receipt of Unemployment Assistance in Summer—83/1962. TRANSPORT AND TRAFFIC. SUBJECT MATTER AND REFERENCE NUMBERS. Cork Airport Parking Fees Bye-Laws in force from I August 1962—123/1962. Cork Airport—Trespass by unaccompan ed Animals Airport Grounds prohibited—59/1962.
Great Northern Railway Company (Ireland) Pension Fund (Amendment) Scheme for Wages Staff Confirmation Order 1962 in operation from 28 March 1962—53/1962. Limerick Traffic Bye-Laws 1962—110/1962. Omnibus (Stopping Places and Stands) General Bye-Laws 1962—122/1962. Passenger Accommodation ofMechanically Propelled Vehicles for the Purposes of the Road Traffic Act 1961 fixed at a width of Sixteen Inches per Person—143/1962. Road Traffic Act 1961—Contravening Bye-Laws under Sections 84, 86 and 90 of the Act declared to be Offences under Sect. 103 and io/- fixed as Fine to be paid without Prosecution within 21 days—91/1962. Road Traffic (Bye-Laws and Temporary Rules under Sections 86 and 88) (General Application) (Amendment) Regula tions 1962—60/1962. Wheat—Agents of Licensed Millers may, during August 1963, carry wheat in their own Vehicles—140/1962. LECTURES ON THE PRACTICE OF THE HIGH COURT AND SUPREME COURT In view of the fact that the new rules come into operation on the ist January 1963 paper no. 7 in the second law examination (Practice of the High Court and Supreme Court) will be based on the new rules. Accordingly, the lectures on this subject (Course C, commencing October 8th, 1962 at 9 a.m.) will deal with the changes brought in by the rules. In order to facilitate apprentices who have already taken this course of lectures and who intend to sit for the second law examination in February 1963 the course of lectures will commence with the High Court and Supreme Court practice and this topic will have been dealt with by the lecturer by the time the examination comes on. Subject to there being sufficient accommodation apprentices are at liberty to re-attend this part of the course in order to acquaint themselves with the provisions of the new rules. Masters are specially requested to draw the attention of their apprentices to the foregoing.
THE SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Association, which operates throughout the whole of Ireland, cares for Solicitors, their wives, widows and families, who have fallen on hard times. Last year over £2,000 was distributed in relief. Additional subscriptions, donations and bequests are urgently needed to continue and extend the Association's work. The active co-operation of the profession in the Association's good work is asked for, and all who are not members are urged to join without delay. Membership subscription, £i is. od. (or IDS. 6d. if admitted less than 3 years) a year. £10 IDS. od. life membership. Address: SECRETARY, SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, 18, HUME STREET, DUBLIN.
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