The Gazette 1961 - 64
C. GAVAN DUFFY—Harrison-Moore, The Con stitution of the Commonwealth of Australia, 2nd Edn., 1910; Kerr, The Law of the Australian Constitution, 1925 ; Report of the Royal Commission on the Australian Constitution, 1929; Donoughmore Report on Minister's Power, 1932 ; Lee of Fareham Report of the Royal Commission on Police Powers and Procedure, 1929; Ross Report on Royal Commission of the Press, 1947-1949 ; Henderson Report on Royal Commission on Population, 1949; Morton of Henryton Report of Royal Commission on Marriage and Divorce, 1949 ; Wolfenden Report, 1957 ; Keogh (Rev. Francis)— The Development of the Law on Giftsfor Masses in England and in Ireland (Doctorate Theses in Canon Law, 1961). MISCELLANEOUS DONATIONS—Kime's Directory, 1960; Queensland Law Society, Act of 1852 and Rules thereunder ; Cambridge Law School Handbook, 1961 ; Florida Bar Directory, 1961 ; Abrahamson, Trade Disputes Act, Strict Interpretation in Ireland, 1961. Messrs. Butterworth, London—Harrison and Hillman, Book-keeping and Accountancy for Solicitors, 2nd Edn., 1962 ; Rudd— The English Legal System, 1962. MISCELLANEOUS EXCHANGES—National University of Ireland, Calendar, 1961 ; University of London, Calendar, 1961-62; Queen's University, Belfast, Calendar, 1961-62; University College, Cork, Calendar, 1961-62; Dublin University (Trinity College), Calendar, 1961-62 ; Glasgow University, Calendar, 1961-62 ; Manchester University, Calendar, 1961-62 ; University of Wales, Calendar, 1961-62 ; Scottish Law List, 1961 ; University College, Dublin, Calendar, 1961-62 ; Society of Public Teachers of Law, Directory of Members, 1962 ; Incorporated Law Society, Calendar, 1962. REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 Issue of New Land Certificate Applications have been received from the registered owners mentioned in the Schedule annexed hereto, for the issue of Certificates of Title in substitution for the original Certificates issued in respect of the lands specified in the said Schedule, which original Certificates, it is alleged, have been lost or inadvertently destroyed. A new Certificate will be issued in each case, except a case in respect of which notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the publication of this notice, that the Certificate of Title is still in existence, and in the custody of some 107
Nelson— Probate Practice, 1926 (two extra copies) ; Northern Ireland Statutes, 1960. Palmer— Company Guide, 37th Edn., 1961 ; Preston & Colinvaux— Laws of Insurance, 2nd Edn., 1961 ; Priestly Report on British Civil Service, 1955. Salmond— Law of Torts, I3th Edn., ed. Heuston, 1961 (two copies) ; Shillman— Licensing Laws, 1941 (extra copy) ; Slater— Mercantile Law, I4th Edn., 1961 ; Smith— British Justice: The Scottish Contribu tion, 1961 ; Smyth— The Houses of the Oireachtas, 1961 ; Snell— Principles of Equity, 25th Edn., ed. Megarry, 1960 (two copies) ; Strahan— Law of Property, 8th Edn., 1926 (extra copy) ; Street— Law oj Damages, ist Edn., 1962. Who's Who, 1962 ; Wilson— Law of Contracts 1957 (second copy); Writers' and Artists' Yearbook 1962. B.—DONATIONS AND EXCHANGES CANADIAN EMBASSY, DUBLIN— Canada Law Reports, 1961. AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION—Perry and Cooper, Sources of our Liberties, 1961. INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION— -jth Conference Report, Cologne, July, 1958 ; %th Conference Report, Salzburg, July, 1960. UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA, Vancouver — Digest of British Columbia Law Reports (63 vols.), in 3 volumes, vol. i (1916) ; vol. 2 (1933) ; and vol. 3(1953)- ARTHUR Cox, DUBLIN— Inaugural addresses of Solicitors' Apprentices' Debating Society —(i) Laurence O'Neill on Devolution (1904), (2) Enda Healy on Women's Suffrage (1908), (3) Thomas Arkins on Industrial Disputes, (4) Ambrose Davoren on the Rights of Minorities (1912), and (5) Arthur Cox on "The Lawyer and Literature" (1913). LAW SOCIETY, LONDON— Catalogue of Library, 1891 Supplement to catalogue of Library, 1906; Lund (Sir Thomas)— Guide to Professional Conduct and Etiquette of Solicitors, 1961; Pamphlets of Lectures on Torts, Contracts, Revenue Law, Landlord and Tenant, 1961. MESSRS. WHITNEY, MOORE & KELLER—Williams on Executors, 2 vols., 1893 ; Hallett-Fry on Income Tax, 1910; Davidson on Conveyancing, 1882; Williams on Real Property, 1892; and Norman, Digest of Death duties, vol. 2, 1912 ; Palmer, Company Precedents, nth Edn., Part 3,1912 ; Buckley, Companies Act, 8th Edn., 1902. NATIONAL BANK, DUBLIN—Ferguson, Treatise on the Practice of Queen's Bench Common Pleas and Exchequer Divisions, 2 vols., Dublin, 1942 ; The Pleader's Assistant, Dublin, 1895 ; Hayes, Digest of Criminal Statute Law of Ireland, Part 2, 2nd Edn., Dublin, 1842.
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