The Gazette 1958-61
Membership is open to members of.the Medical and Legal Professions in Ireland and to others inter ested in Medico-Legal matters. Annual Subscription .. . . £i i o. Ordinary Meetings are held on the last Thursday of the months of October, November, January, Feb ruary and March, at The Royal Hibernian Hotel, Dublin, at 8 p.m. Meetings for Session 1958-1959 have been ar ranged as follows : 3oth October, 1958 ; 2yth November, 1958 ; 29th January, 1959 ; 26th February, 1959 ; 19* March, •1959. Matron : The Chief Justice, The Hon. Mr. Justice Conor A. Maguire. President: Dr. J. P. Brennan, Coroner for Co. Dublin. Hon. Vice-Presidents: The Hon. Mr. Justice George D. Murnaghan ; Donough O'Donovan, Esq., Chief State Solicitor ; Professor R. A. Q. O'Meara, M.D., T.C.D.; Joseph A. McCarthy, Esq., Senior Counsel; Scan Hooper, Esq., Senior Counsel; Dr. John F. Falvey, M.D. ; Liam Trant McCarthy, Esq. ; Neil MacDermot, Esq., F.R.C.S.I. ; Dermot P. Shaw, Esq.; Edward Fahy, Esq., Barrister-at-Law; Dr. D. A. McErlean, M.D., Barrister-at-Law, Dublin City Coroner ; Dr. J. FitzGerald, M.D. Hon. Secretary : M. J. Leech, 4 Chancery Place, Dublin, Telephone, 76831; Hon. Treasurer: Cap tain James A. Kelly, Ulster Bank Chambers, 3-4 Lr. O'Connell St., Dublin. Telephone, 79129. Council: Professor P. N. Meenan, M.D., Barrister- at-Law ; Dr. Maurice D. Hickey, M.D., State Pathol ogist ; Dr. Francis McLaughlin, M.D. ; Brendan A. McGrath, Esq. ; Professor E. Y. Exshaw, Barrister- at-Law ; Dr. John P. Shanley, M.D. ; Herman Good, Esq., LL.B. ; Editor of Debates : Dr. John Fleetwood, M.D. ; Hon. Auditor : M. B. Daly, Esq., Barrister-at-Law. Full particulars as to membership, etc., may be obtained from the Hon. Secretary, 4 Chancery Place, Dublin. Telephone, 76831. The Council of the Society has arranged Ordinary Meetings for Thursday, zyth January, 1959 : Paper (illustrated with slides) by Mr. L. K. Nickolls, M.Sc., Director of Police Laboratory, Scotland Yard, "De velopments in Forensic Science." Thursday, zdth Feb ruary^. 1959 : Paper by Dr. J. A. Wallace, M.B., "Poison and the Doctor." Thursday, i<)th March, 1959 : Symposium, "Aspects of Punishment." All Meetings to be held at The Royal Hibernian Hotel, Dublin. Time, 8 p.m. Members are kindly requested to note the dates, etc., of the above meetings.
A Meeting of the Council was held on Wednesday, 5th November, 1958. Permission was given to a non- member employed by a local authority to adapt the Association's form of contract for sale to his pur poses. The desirability of reverting to the use of an adhesive stamp on the Request for lodgement of funds with defence at the Bank of Ireland instead of the impressed stamp required by the Supreme Court and High Court (Fees) Order, 1956 was considered, and in view of the inconvenience caused by the use of an impressed stamp on this form, it was decided to make representations to the appropriate quarters. It was reported that there is now a two months delay for ex parte applications under the Enforce ment of Court Orders Acts in the Dublin Metro politan District, and it was decided to make represen tations to reduce this delay to what it should be, and what it formerly was, namely a matter of days. The Meeting noted that the schedule of costs under the Enforcement of Court Orders Acts used in the Metropolitan Area is likely to be introduced into the County Area, and welcomed this further step towards uniformity. The next Meeting of the Council was fixed for Wednesday, 3rd December, 1958. COUNTY MEATH SOLICITORS' ASSOCIATION At the Annual General Meeting of the above Asso ciation held on the 3ist October, 1958 the following officers and members of the committee were elected : President, Alan Donnelly ; Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs. Eileen Leahy ; Committee, Messrs. T. Noonan, P. Noonan, F. O'Reilly, L. Noonan, W. O. Arm strong, and N. Lacy. COUNTY ROSCOMMON BAR ASSOCIATION At the Annual General Meeting of the above the following officers and committee were elected : Presi dent, P. J. Neilan, Senr., Roscommon; Chairman, John Kelly, Elphin ; Vice-Chairman, F. X. Burke, Boyle ; Hon. Treasurer, J. J. Sheerin, Boyle ; Hon. Secretary, P. Desmond O'Connor, Ballaghaderreen ; Committee, Messrs. M. D. Carlos, Strokestown; O. Macklin, Roscommon ; T. J. C. O'Keeffe, Ros common ; P. J. Neilan, Jnr., Ballaghaderreen ; and A. McCormack, Strokestown. DECISIONS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST Solicitor attestor ofwill later became a trustee and was thus precludedfrom remuneration by Wills Act. Mr. Justice Wynn Parry held that a solicitor, Mr. George Tildesley, of Staines, who had attested the 69
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