The Gazette 1958-61
for credit is Michaelmas—14 ; Hilary—14 ; Easter—10. Lectures each Tuesday and Friday at 2.15 o'clock save where otherwise notified. COURSE C.—The Procedure and Practice of the Courts, 50 lectures delivered as follows :— Michaelmas Sittings—18 ; Hilary Sittings- 18 ; Easter Sittings—14. Minimum attendance for credit is Michaelmas—14 ; Hilary—14 ; Easter—10. Lectures each Tuesday and Saturday at 9 a.m. save where otherwise notified. COURSE D.—Taxation including death duties, 50 lectures delivered as follows :— Michaelmas Sittings—18 ; Hilary Sittings— 18; Easter Sittings—14. Minimum attendance for credit is Michaelmas—14; Hilary—14; Easter —10. Lectures each Monday at 9 a.m. and Satur day at 10 a.m. save where otherwise notified. COURSE E.—Book-keeping, 50 lectures delivered as follows :— Michaelmas Sittings—18 ; Hilary Sittings— 18 ; Easter Sittings—14. Minimum attendance for credit is Michaelmas—14 ; Hilary—14 ; Easter—10. Lectures each Monday and Thursday at 5 o'clock, save where otherwise notified. COURSE F.—The rights, duties and responsibilities of solicitors, 2 lectures. An apprentice to obtain credit must attend both lectures. The dates on which the lectures will be held will be announced at a later date. For a selection of recommended reading see the published syllabus for the First Law and Final Examinations. The lecturer will not necessarily undertake to cover the entire field in each subject, or lecture out of any particular text book. He will advise the class as to its reading and will assume that each student will have read on the lines advised, in advance of each lecture, on the subject matter of the lecture. The aim of lectures will be to guide students in their work and to illustrate, explain and supplement their reading. A written examination will be held at the end of each term's lectures. Fee—8 guineas for each course except course E for which the fee is £6 6s. and Course F for which there is no fee. Apprentices are advised to take the first law examination before attending any of the above lecture courses. The lecture courses for each term have been arranged to coincide as closely as possible with the Universities' terms.
Examination ist Irish 2nd Irish ist Law Final Prelim Book-keeping ist Irish 2nd Irish ist Law Final Preliminary Book-keeping ist Irish and Irish Date 3oth January 3oth and 3151 January 19th and 2oth May 19th, 20th and 2ist May 2oth and 2ist May 22nd May 26th June 26th and 2yth June ist and 2nd September ist, 2nd and 3rd Sept. 2nd and 3rd Sept. 4th September 18th September 18th and i9th Sept. nth Aug. nth Aug. 12th Aug. 14th Aug. 28th Aug. 28th Aug. SOLICITORS' GOLFING SOCIETY RESULT Interprovincial Competition for Enterprise Trophy at Newcastle Co. Down. Winners, Ulster (aggregate best six cards) 4 down. Leinsterrunners- up. AUTUMN MEETING AT ROYAL DUBLIN GOLF CLUB, DOLLYMOUNT On Thursday, 2nd day of October, 1958. RESULT SHEET L.L.S.I. Challenge Cup (with Prize presented by the President) : W. J. Ryan (14) 41 pts. Prize for Runner-up presented by Golfing Society : D. P. Shaw (10) 40 pts. The Ryan Challenge Cup (with Prize presented by the Golfing Society) : M. Hanihoe (18) 3 6 pts. ' " ~ T. A. O'Reilly (16) 35 pts. Prize for Runner-up : Best Score— D. Collins (10) 20 pts. E. Dillon (n) 22 pts. Best Score by Competitor resident more than 30 miles away : Wm. Tormey (9) 37 pts. Best Score of Three Cards drawn by Lot: F. McKeever (12) 37 pts. Secret Score: A. O'Donnell (12) 33 pts. Special Prize : G. M. Doyle (17) 33 pts. OFFICERS 1958/59. L. K. BRANIGAN, Captain. JOHN J. O'DWYER, Hon. Treasurer. G. M. DOYLE, Hon. Secretary. DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION A MEETING of the Council was held on Thursday, 4th September, 1958, at which it was reported thar 59 of Entry 9th January 9th January 27th April 27th April 28th April ist May 5th June 5th June Best ist Nine Holes : Best 2nd Nine Holes
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