The Gazette 1958-61
Special committee on professional policy and development The following motion was passed on the proposal of Mr. Shaw, seconded by Mr. Lanigan :— That a special committee of the Council be set up to examine the question of a public relations programme for the solicitors' pro fession and to consider a long-term policy programme for the Society, and to make re commendations to the Council on any activities which ought to be undertaken by the Society in the interests of the profession and in order to maintain and if possible increase the influence and standing of the profession in the community. SON OR NEAR RELATIVE, PRACTISING BEFORE DISTRICT JUSTICE THE Council on a report from a committee stated that it is undesirable in a country district that a son or an immediate relative of a District Justice should practise in the Court of that Justice. WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACTS- COSTS OF APPLICATIONS FOR RE DEMPTION A COMMITTEE of the Council reported drawing attention to the inadequate scale of costs applicable to the redemption of a weekly payment under the Workmen's Compensation Acts. The scale in question is scale 8, in the 1942 rules as increased by 50 per cent, under the 1954 rules, which is also applicable to a summons to review or redeem. It was stated that it is now quite common to have redemptions in the neighbourhood of £2,000, and that it is obvious that the scale of costs mentioned was never intended to apply to such cases and that a new scale should be provided. This view is sup ported by remarks under scale 8, as apparently the scale envisages a summons to redeem by the em ployer whereas under the 1955 Act such a summons is brought by the workman. The matter was raised by representatives of the Council on the Circuit Court Rules Committee. The Council wish to draw the attention of members to the fact that the matter can be dealt with by the Court under the discretionary power to award an additional fee not exceeding £25, under order 40, rule 6 of the Circuit Court Rules, 1950, as amended by the Circuit Court Rules, 1954 (S.I. No. 212 of 1954). Members are advised in proper cases to make an application to the Court for additional remunera tion under this rule. 49
mortgages of land,*but is applicable inter alia to mortgages and other security deeds affecting Government Stock and railway shares or stock. The Committee stated that, in their opinion, members would be entitled to charge the commission scale fee calculated on the value of the freehold or lease hold property of the company, apportioned if necessary, if the following conditions are satisfied : (i) The title to the property comprised in the sale must be deduced and investigated pursuant to the contract for sale and purchase, (ii) There must be a price on which the commission scale fee can be calculated, (iii) There must be an assurance of the property the subject of the contract perused and completed by the vendor and completed and registered by the purchaser. OCTOBER i6ra : The President in the chair. Also present: Messrs. Desmond J. Mayne, James J. O'Connor, G. G. Overend, Desmond J. Collins, R. McD. Taylor, Ralph J. Walker, Eunan McCarron, J. R. Quirke, Terence De Vere White, John Maher. The following was among the business trans acted :— Examination Results THE Council considered a report from the Court of Examiners. The -esults of the examinations are printed on page \ of this issue. Application Under Section 32 AN application by a solicitor for permission to take a second apprentice was, in special circumstances disclosed, granted. OCTOBER ZJTH : The President in the chair. Also present: Desmond J. Mayne, John Maher, John J. Nash, Peter E. O'ConneU, R. McD. Taylor, Francis J. Lanigan, James J. O'Connor, Ralph J. Walker, Thomas A. O'Reilly, Edward Treacy, William Dillon-Leetch, George A. Nolan, John R. Halpin, J. P. Tyrrell, Arthur Cox, Eunan McCarron, W. J. Comerford, J. R. Quirke, Cornelius J. Daly, C. J. Downing, Patrick Noonan, Desmond J. Collins, John J. Sheil, Niall S. Gaffney, G. G. Overend, Dermot P. Shaw. The following was among the business trans acted :— Professional Negligence Indemnity It was decided that the Secretary would make .nquiries as to the insurance companies which are prepared to undertake professional negligence in demnity insurance for members of the profession.
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