The Gazette 1958-61

Three members of the Committee (including Mr. Justice Donovan and Professor Wade) are opposed in principle to the present law, because damages should, so far as any monetary reward can do so, restore the plaintiff to the position in which he would have stood but for the defendant's wrong doing. Tax is not a charge on income before it is received and there is no more reason for taking it into account than rates, mortgage interest and any other liabilities which the plaintiff may have to meet. Three other members of the Committee (Mr. Foster, Mr. Gerald Gardiner and Sir David Parry) held that the law should be the same as it was before the decision in this case, except that the damages should be taxable in plaintiff's hands. (British Transport Commission v. Gourley— (1956), A.C. 185.) COMPARATIVE ASPECTS OF IRISH LAW—A REVIEW Some Comparative Aspects of Irish Law by Alfred Gaston Donaldson. Dux 8vo, pp. xii, 293. Duke U.P., Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. (i957)- 45-f- The learned author, who is a Parliamentary Drafts man in Stormont, has given us the benefit of his personal views on many intricate problems of Irish Constitutional Law and legal history. Dr. Donaldson delivered some lectures at Duke University in 1955, which have now been reprinted and brought up to date. In this work which deals with such topics as "Constitutional History," "Ireland and the Common wealth" — " Constitutional Developments since 1920," '' Administrative Law," and " Land Law." Dr. Donaldson has not only demonstrated his wide grasp of facts and learned scholarship, but appears to have assimilated every case from North and South bearing on his subject which he can summarise succinctly in a few lines. This book is indispensable for the student of constitutional law, particularly as the author has succeeded admirably in giving the different view-points dispassionately and without prejudice. Even the practitioner will discover in this book many cases which will greatly assist him in deal ing with problems of administrative law, now so widespread. Apart from the learning and industry displayed by the author, he has also the advantage of an easy-flowing style which makes the book a pleasure to read. Anyone who reads it will learn a lot of law without undue effort. C.G.D.



Agriculture (An Foras Taluntais)

Institute Act, 1958


operation from ist June 1958—123/1958.

Agriculture Produce

(Cereals) Act 1958

in force from

August 1958—169/1958. Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Act 1930 (Horse Flesh) (Commencement)—83/1958. Agricultural Produce (Fresh Meat) Act 1930—Export of Horse Flesh Regulations 1958—84/1958. Agricultural Products (Restriction of Export) Order 1956 Amendment—8o/1958. Bacon—Amount of subsidy to Bacon Curers on Exports from August 1957 to January 1958 determined—64/1958. Bacon—(External Sales)—44/1958,69/1958, 96/1958, 105/1958 111/1958, 122/1958. Boars—Minister may declare Boars of particular breeds or types unsuitable—93/1958. Boars—Regulations as to unsuitable types—94/1958. Bovine Tuberculosis to be eradicated from Counties Clare, Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Mayo and Roscommon, and Compulsory Tuberculin Testing of Cattle in Area after ist April 1958—78/1958. Bovine Tuberculosis (Movement Control) (No. i)—170/1958. Bovine Tuberculosis—Regulations as to testing, Sale and export of Cattle—Testing to be made within 14 days before Export—161/1958. Butter—Control in Scheduled Area of Dublin and Bray pro hibiting Sale and Supply for Sale of imported creamery butter revoked after ist July 1958—146/1958. Carcases ofFactory-purchased Pigs purchased by Bacon Curers after ist July 1958—Minimum prices fixed—142/1958. Cathaleen Falls, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal—E.S.B. may no longer operate fishing weir without a free gap—, 121/1958. Committees of Agriculture—Increases in salaries prescribed for Officers other than Chief Agricultural Officers— 140/1958. Common Barberry Plant a Noxious Weed—Penalties for not eradicating same—120/1958. Creamery butter (Levy) Regulations 1958—73/1958. Dublin District Milk Board Election fixed for 3 ist July 1958 —126/1958. Fishing Nets (Regulations of Mesh in Sea-water)—88/1958. Foras Taluntais (Institute of Agriculture)—Method of Nomination of Members of the Council by Agricultural and Rural Organisations—102/1958. Form of Sale Certificates which must be furnished by Bacon Curers in relation to factory-purchased pigs purchased after ist July 1958, and classes and grades of pigs pre scribed—144/19 5 8. Freight Allowance which a Bacon Curer may deduct from fixed minimum Price for a carcase of a factory-purchased pig, where the pig is carried to the Bacon Curers' premises in a Vehicle owned by him fixed at id. per pig—141/1958. Homc-Grown Wheat—Storage and Drying Plant Regulations for Cereal Year 1958-59—130/1958. Levy to be paid by Bacon Curers in respect of Carcases used for production of bacon fixed at i6s. jd. per carcase after ist July 1958—143/1958. Live Stock Breeding Act 1925 (Application to Boars)— 93/1958. Wheat Levy—171/1958.

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