The Gazette 1958-61
A PRACTICAL REVIEW FOR THOSE WISHING INFORMED ABOUT DEVELOPMENTS LAW MONITOR This new Review is in the nature of a monthly newsletter, concentrating on those current points and changes in Law and Practice which are of general interest to all practitioners. By design, it is small, and its contents brief but to the point, so that it may comfortably be read immediately on receipt. "The notes on legal topics of the month are well written"— The Law Society's Gazette. Briefing Staff. Having Monitor sent also to each responsible member is a direct, prompt, and inexpensive way of enabling them to keep up to date. Typed copies of the form below may be used. Banker's Order. A reduction of 5s. is allowed if subscriptions are paid thus. Such an order does not bind one any more than an ordinary subscription, since it can, of course, be cancelled at any time. Those who pay in this way save themselves money and the trouble of renewing each year, and save the publishers much expense and clerical labour in sending out subscription demands, etc. The form must be sent to Monitor, 161 The Strand, London, W.C.2, not to the bankers. It will be recorded and passed to them. IN ENGLISH TO BE KEPT
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