The Gazette 1958-61

DUBLIN SOLICITORS' BAR ASSOCIATION A meeting of the Council was held on Wednesdays 6th April, 1960. A vote of sympathy was passed on the deaths of Mr. H. H. Maxwell, Solicitor, a member of the Association, and of Mr. Thomas Bell, former District Court Clerk. The meeting noted with satisfaction the decision of the Principal Justice of the Metropolitan District Court on the revision of the Civil List in accordance with representations made by the Council, and expressed their thanks. The Sub-Committee engaged in drafting Auction Particulars and Conditions of Sale reported progress. The question of whether the months of July and August would be more suitable for the long vacation than those of August and September was considered. The meeting approved of reporting to the Law Society certain Builders' Advertisements to which objection was taken as to their tendency to prejudice purchasers' solicitors. The next meeting was fixed for Wednesday, 4th May, 1960. THE CIRCUIT COURT (NEW CIRCUITS) ORDER, 1960 The Circuit Court (New Circuits) Order, 1960— S.I. No. 70 of 1960—will come into operation on the nth day of April, 1960. The several counties and county boroughs in the State are hereby divided for the purposes of the Circuit Court into the groups specified in column (2) of the Schedule to this Order at reference numbers i to 8. Business transacted in the Circuit Court which was initiated before the commencement of this Order and was not completed before such commence ment shall be continued and completed as if this Order had been in operation when such business was initiated. SCHEDULE

Judge or Judges assigned to the Circuits (4) Patrick Noel Ryan.

Names of the Circuits (3) Northern Circuit.

The Circuits

Ref. No. (i) 3-


Cavan. Donegal. Leitrim. Monaghan. Sligo. Laois. Longford . Offaly. Roscommon . Westmeath. Kildare.

Michael John Sweeney.

Midland Circuit.


Kenneth Edwin Lee Deale.




Louth. Meath. Wexfbrd. Wicklow. Clare. Kerry.


The Hon.


Mr. Justice Barra O'Briain.

western Circuit.

Limerick County. Limerick County Borough. Carlow. Kilkenny. Tipperary (North Riding). Tipperary (South Riding). Waterford County. Waterford County Borough. Galway. Mayo.


Scan Mac Diarmaid Fawsitt.


Eastern Circuit.

8. John James Durcan. Circuit Judge not assigned to any particular Circuit :— Judge James McGivern. Explanatory Note. This order divided the State into eight rcw Circuit Court circuits to replace the existing nine circuits and assigns judges to the new circuits. DECISIONS OF PROFESSIONAL INTEREST Income Tax and Surtax Deficient return. (Income Tax Act, 1952 (15 & 16 Geo. 6 & i E//£. 2, c. 10) s. 25 (3) (a).) S. 25 (3) of the Income Tax Act, 1952, provides that a person who neglects or refuses to deliver a true and correct return for tax purposes shall —" (a) if proceeded against by action in any court, forfeit the sum of £20 and treble the tax which he ought to be charged under this act. ..." Under that subsection the taxpayer is liable to a penalty of treble the whole tax which he ought to be charged during the relevant year. Western Circuit.

Judge or Judges assigned to the Circuits (4) John Charles Conroy. Michael Binchy. Thomas Joseph Neylon.

Names of the Circuits (3)

The Circuits 0)

Ref. No. (i)


Dublin County Borough and



Dublin County.

Cork County




Borough and Cork County.

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