The Gazette 1958-61
Gilchrist Smith on Conveyancing ;
Beattie on Revenue
Parry— Law of Succession, (3rd Edn.), 1953 ; Ruoff— Concise Land Registration Practice, 1959; Sandes— Criminal Law and Practice in the Irish Republic (3rd Edn.), 1951 ; Sheridan & Delany— The Cy-Pres Doctrine, 1959; Yearbook of World Affairs, 1958. Messrs. Gibson & Weldon, London : Gibson— Elements of Conveyancing (i 8th Edn.), 1959; Gibson— Probate Law (i5th Edn.), 1958. Messrs. Jordan, London : Gore-Browne— Hand book on the Formation, Management and Winding-Up of Joint Stock Companies (4ist Edn.), 1957 ; Jones— Student's Guide to Company Law, 1955; Jones— One Thousand Questions and Answers on Company Law, 1956 ; Mason— Estate Duty on Settled Property and Annuities, 1955; Schofield— Parliamentary Elections (3rd Edn.), 1959. Messrs. Pitman, London : Keeton— Introduction to Equity (3rd Edn.), 1952, and (4th Edn.), 1956, with Irish Supplement by Sheridan ; Keeton— Law of Trusts (7th Edn.), 1957, with Irish Supplement by Sheridan; Megrah— Bills of Exchange Act, 1882 (5th Edn.), 1957; Risdon & Farrant— Modern Conveyancing Precedents, Practice and Law, 1952; Risdon & Farrant— Modern Administration, Probate Practice and Law (znd Edn.), 1949 ; Slater— Mercantile Law (i3th Edn.), 1956. Supplementary List Canberra (Australia) University College Calendar, 1960; Ireland, Census of Population (1946-1951), General Report, 1958; Law Reports and Weekly Law Reports — Consolidated Index, 1951-59; Legislation of Poland, Copyright Law, 1959 ; AW South Wales Law Almanack, 1960 ; Who's Who, 1960 OBITUARY MR. CHRISTOPHER E. CALLAN, Solicitor, died on the z6th February, 1960 at his residence, The Warren, Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Mr. Callan served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. Philip C. P. MacDermot, Boyle, was admitted in Hilary Sittings i9zo, and practised at Boyle, Co. Roscommon. Mr. Callan served as Provincial Delegate for Connaught from 1930 to 1949 and from 1950 to 1959. MR. JOHN JOSEPH POWER, Solicitor, died on the Z7th, February 1960, at Milford House, Limerick. Mr. Power served his apprenticeship with the late Mr. James O'Connor, 118 St. Stephen's Green, Dublin, was admitted in Hilary Sittings 1904 and practised at Kilmallock, Co. Limerick. MR. JAMES BURNS, Solicitor, died on the 3rd March, 1960, at his residence Market Square, Castleblayney, Co. Monaghan. 86
Dew on Divorce Law.
SPECIAL DONATION The Council wish to express their most grateful appreciation and thanks to the publishers who donated the books listed below in view of the revision of the examination course for apprentices. Messrs. Butterworths, London ; Ashburner— Principles of Equity, znd Edn., 1933 ; Beattie— London; The Elements of 'Estate Duty (znd Edn.) (1957), with Supplement (1958) ; Carter— History of the English Courts, 7th edn., 1954 ; Challis— Law of Rea/ Property ^rd Edn.), 1911 (1955 reprint); Chalmers — Law of Sale of Goods (i3th Edn.), 1959 ; Cheshire & Fifoot— Cases on the Law of Contracts (3rd Edn.), 1959 ; Cheshire & Fifoot— The Law of Contracts (jrd Edn.) 1952 and (4th Edn.) 1956 ; Chorley & Tucker— Leading Cases in Mercantile Law (3rd Edn.) 1948 with Supplement 1950 ; Cross— Law of Evidence (1958); Clay & Falkenburg— The Young Lawyer (1955); Crossley-Vaines— Law of Personal Property (znd Edn.), 1957 ; Cross & Jones— Cases on Criminal Law (znd Edn.), 1953 ; Cross & Jones— Introduction to Criminal Law (4th Edn.), 1959. Dowrick— Irish Supplement to Cheshire & Fifoot on Contracts (1954); Irish Forms and Precedents 1910; James— Principles of Law of Torts (ist Edn.) 1959 ; Mozley & Whiteley— Law Dictionary, 1950 ; Mustoe — Law of Executors and Administrators (5th Edn.), 1952 ; Northern Ireland Constitution Statutes, 1957 ; Plucknett— Concise History of the Common Law (5th Edn.), 1956 ; Radcliffe & Cross— English Legal System (3rd Edn.), 1954; Pennington— Principles of Company Law, 1959 ; Stevens— Mercantile Law, (izth Edn.), 1955 ; Sheridan— Irish Supplement to Challis on Real Property, 1956 ; Strahan, Digest of Equity (6th Edn.), 1939 ; Street— The Law of Torts (ist Edn.), 1955 and (znd Edn), 1959; Sutton & Shannon— Law of Contracts (5th Edn.), 1956; Topham— Company Law (nt\\ Edn.), 1955 ; Topham — Law of Rea/ Property (loth Edn.), 1947 ; Wright— Cases on the Law of Torts, 1958. Messrs. Sweet & Maxwell, London : Beattie— Elements of Income Tax (3rd Edn.), 1957; British Commonwealth— Development of its Laws and Con stitution—The United Kingdom, Vol. i— England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man (1955) ; Vol. z— Scotland and the Channel Islands (1955); Charlesworth— Principles of Company Law (6th Edn.), 1954; Current Legal Problems, 1958; De Smith— judicial Review of Administrative Action, 1959 ; Ker— Wills, Probate and Administration, 1959 ; Marshall— Natural Justice, 1959; Nokes— Intro duction to Evidence (2nd Edn.), 1958 ; Odgers— Principles of Pleading and Practice (i6th Edn.), 1958 ;
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