The Gazette 1958-61
Scarawalsh and County of Wexford being the lands comprised in said folio. iilE REGISTRY ir« : • •• i- •- "•&. - ' St» ' Register A FOR SALE Solicitor's practise in progressive Western Town. Box. A.I83. Register C FOR SALE. Law Reports. Vol. Ill (M-Y) ; 19 vols. Revised Statutes and Index; Boundaries and Fences (Hunt); Judicature Acts (Wylie) ; Commentaries of Laws of England (3 vols.) ; Digest of Cases 1891-1895 ; Wills (Sanger) ; Nisi Prius Evidence (Roscoe) Vol. I and II; Law of Trusts and Trustees (Lewis); Short Form of Wills ; Contract (Anson); Ancient Law (Maine) ; Irish Law Times Reports 1904-1916 (except 1912 and 1913); Law of Copyright (Coppinger) ; Smith Mercantile Law (Vols I and II) ; Law of Vendors and Purchasers of Estates (Sugden). Also—Halsbury's Laws of England ; The Liquor Licensing Laws of Ireland (Sargent) ; Law of Parliamentary Election in Ireland (McGrath) ; O'Connor's Justice of the Peace; Irish Forms & Precedents (Butterworth) ; The Empire Law List 1935 to 1938; Pleadings, Evidence & Practice (Archbold) ; The Irish Digest (1919-1928) ; Laws of Excise (Sweet & Maxwell) ; Elections (Rogers) ; Butterworth's Supplemental Forms & Notes (Vols. i to 7 inclusive). Box No. C. 160. SOLICITOR in Bristol, England prepared to offer commodious house to another Solicitor for two weeks holiday period in August, 1960, in exchange for similar home in Eire. Details to Cox, 48 Ravenswood Road, Bristol 6.
the Council of this Society from 1940 to 1946, and was Vice-President for the year 1945-46.
REGISTRATION OF TITLE ACTS, 1891 AND 1942 NOTICE FOLIO 1963, COUNTY WEXFORD. Registered Owner : PATRICK McCREA. The Registered Owner has applied for a Duplicate of the Certificate of Title specified in the Schedule hereto which is stated to have been lost or in advertently destroyed. The Duplicate will be issued unless notification is received in this Registry within 28 days from the date of this Notice that the said Certificate of Title is in the custody of a person not the Registered Owner. Such notification should state the grounds on which the Certificate is retained. Dated this 28th day of December, 1959. D. L. McALLISTER, Registrar of Titles. SCHEDULE. Land Certificate of Patrick McCrea to 6ia. ir. op. of the lands of Kiltilly situate in the Barony of
THE SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION The Association, which operates throughout the whole of Ireland, cares for Solicitors, their wives widows and families, who have fallen on hard times. Last year over £2,000 was distributed in relief. Additional subscriptions, donations and bequests are urgently needed to continue and extend the Association's work. The active co-operation of the profession in the Association's good work is asked for, and all who are not members are urged to join without delay. Membership subscription, £1 Is. Od. (or 10s. 6d. if admitted less than 3 years) a year. £10 10s. Od. life membership. Address: SECRETARY, SOLICITORS' BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, 18, HUME STREET, DUBLIN. Printed by Cahill & Co. Ltd., Parkgate Printing Works, Dublin.
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