The Gazette 1958-61
solicitor may have, two or more heads are better than one and that the presence of a partner or partners to discuss a problem has great advantages, both for the solicitors themselves and for their clients. The creation of larger firms will almost certainly result in a reduction of overhead expenses by enabling the staff and office equipment to be kept fully occupied continuously. It is most encouraging to note that every area in the country, except one, has now a local bar associa tion, and I trust that the solicitors practising in County Longford will soon fall into line with all the other counties. The County Longford solicitors must have heard from the solicitors in the adjoining counties what an enormous improvement has been effected in those counties in the legal relations between the members of these bar associations. During one half of my legal life there was no local bar association in my county, and during the sub sequent half there has been an active local bar association, and it has completely revolutionised the relations between the members, where there used to be hostility and a readiness to take advantage of a brother solicitor, there is now friendship and a willingness to help each other. The local bar associa tions have made the most tremendous difference to the life of solicitors practising in the country and have introduced a feeling of security which did not previously exist. Finally to end on a personal note I would like to thank the members of the Council for electing me President. It has been a tremendous honour and privilege to occupy for the past year the chair of my own profession, and for this I am deeply grateful. I would like to thank my two most efficient and charming Vice-Presidents for their ready and con tinuous assistance to me throughout the year, and all the members of the Council and of the committees for their cooperation and their kindness and con sideration towards me, and above all Eric Plunkett without whose ever-ready aid and advice I would have been quite helpless, and all the members of his courteous and efficient staff who have always been glad to help and assist me in every way. The motion for the adoption of the report was seconded by Mr. James R. Quirke. Messrs. T. Desmond McLoughlin, Dermot P. Morris and James B. McGarry commented on various matters in the report. The President and Mr. Nash, Vice- President, replied to a number of matters raised. The motion for the adoption of the report was then put to the meeting and carried unanimously. Thursday, Z4th November, 1960 was appointed as the date of the next Autumn Annual General Meeting. -
Mr. Charles W. Hyland then requested that the President should vacate the chair which was taken by Mr. Nash, Vice-President. Mr. Hyland then proposed and Mr. Cox seconded a vote of thanks to the President for his distinguished services to the Society during his year of office. Mr. Nash associated himself with the motion which was put to the meeting and carried with acclamation. The President replied and the proceedings terminated. MEETINGS OF THE COUNCIL November z6th : the President in the Chair. Also present Messrs. George G. Overend, James R. Green, Peter E. O'Connell, John Maher, C. J. Downing, Dinnen B. Gilmore, Ralph J. Walker, James J. O'Connor, Derrick M. Martin, Thomas V. O'Connor, Brendan A. McGrath, John Kelly, T. De Vere White, William J. Comerford, James R. Quirke, Niall S. Gaffney, Desmond J. Collins, John Carrigan, Arthur Cox, John J. Nash, James W. O'Donovan, John B. Jermyn, Augustus Cullen, Robert McD. Taylor, Eunan McCarron, John J. Sheil, Dermot P. Shaw, George A. Nolan. The following was among the business transacted : Committees of the Council The Committees for the year 1959-60 were appointed and are printed in this issue at page 57. Vacancies on the Council The meeting unanimously passed a vote of appre ciation and thanks to Messrs. Cornelius J. Daly, William Dillon-Leetch, Desmond J. Mayne, Joseph P. Tyrrell and C. E. Callan who did not seek re- election for the services which they have rendered to the Council during their period of office. The President on behalf of the Council welcomed Messrs. Augustus Cullen, Brendan A. McGrath, Thomas V. O'Connor and James W. O'Donovan new ordinary members who were present. Examination dates, first, second and third law examination and book-keeping examina tions It was decided that from Autumn 1960 onwards the dates of the examinations now held in Summer and Autumn will be changed. In future the examina tions will be held in the Autumn followed by a further examination in January or February on dates to be fixed. There will be no summer examina tions. Candidates will be expected to attend the Autumn examinations in the first instance. Un successful candidates may attend the examinations in the following January or February. 55
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